On tonight’s episode of So You Think You Can Dance, our Top Six will turn into the Final Four leading into next week’s finale performance show. We open with a group number that screams Sonya before it even begins. I would compare this routine to Swan Lake if Swan Lake went to a club and broke it down. I enjoy it though, and surprisingly…Cyrus is a standout for me in this performance even though he is placed in the back for most of the dance.
As we say hello to our “jidges,” we also welcome back Kelly Bundy Christina Applegate. She will assist in commenting on each contestant as they are paired with an All Star, as well as performances with another contestant. Let’s go!
Contestant: Tiffany and Benji
Style: Jive, choreographed by Jean-Marc Genereux
Season 2 winner Benji is back (wonder what he’s been up to…seems we hear a ton about runner up, Travis Wall) to perform a pretty intense, pretty freaking awesome jive with Tiffany tonight. Tiffany brings her A game to this routine. She’s spectacular – I can’t believe she is not a seasoned ballroom dancer, and she has just the bar for the evening very high.
Judges Say: Standing ovation! Nigel says the energy that was just generated lifted the entire audience. He then tells Benji that he is the best swing dancer that has been on the SYTYCD stage. I’m now trying to remember who the other ones were…. Mary predictably uses the term “jive-talkin” because she has probably been itching all week to say it, and she says Tiffany absolutely kept up with Benji. Christina flirts with Benji a little and then remembers Tiffany is the contestant this season. She compliments Tiffany on her technique and congratulates her on hanging with such a powerhouse dancer.
Contestant: Cole and Melanie
Style: Contemporary, choreographed by Sonya Tayeh
Sonya wants to show a softer, more uplifting side to Cole hoping that he will soar and feel free. His character, however, is a dude who wants to be free of his relationship with Melanie, so I’m not sure where the gentler Cole will come in here. I’m instantly impressed by how strong (physically) Melanie is as she tosses him around the stage. They dance the routine very well, but just because Cole is not playing the evil, sadistic role tonight doesn’t mean he’s showing a soft side – he’s just normal Cole for me, and I didn’t really get the emotion.
Judges Say: Mary says the performance was amazing and really different because Melanie was lifting Cole as much as Cole was lifting Melanie. She feels that Cole commanded the stage, so she saw something I did not. Christina tells Cole he is powerful and masterful…and then she loses me by talking about androgyny and oneness. Nigel loves that Sonya breaks the gender norm of dancing, and he appreciates that Cole was vulnerable. So yeah, I must have missed something.
Contestant: Eliana and Twitch
Style: Hip Hop, choreographed by Christopher Scott
Eliana and Twitch essentially play themselves in this dance as she is a ballet dancer who is pining for the ripped hip hop dancer. The routine is set to a remix of “Please Mr. Postman,” and I find the whole thing very clever and entertaining. Hip hop is definitely not Eliana’s strong suit, and there are a couple of awkward moments during the ridiculously fast movements, but overall, I think she does a pretty good job.
Judges Say: Christina says Eliana isn’t strong enough to dance next to Jay-Z in a music video (because I’m sure that’s at the top of Eliana’s list of dream jobs), but says she could dance the phone book? Realizing this makes no sense, Christina then tells Eliana “you could do the YMCA in front of me for hours, and I’d be happy.” Heh. I love it when Christina is here. Nigel thinks the routine relied more on the comedy and the character and wish she had seen her dance more. Mary was entertained for sure and calls Eliana a chameleon.
Contestant: Chehon and Kathryn
Style: Contemporary, choreographed by Tyce DiOrio
The rehearsal package begins with Tyce essentially telling us this is another one of his serious, emotional, needs to make the audience and judges cry come hell or high water dances, and I groan. The thing is – I love Chehon and Kathryn...so I am going to watch this with an open heart. They deliver on all levels. I even gasp when Chehon leans over and Kathryn just climbs up on his back and stands there reaching up. Nicely done.

Judges Say: Standing ovation, and of course…everyone is crying. Nigel says the two dancers captured the emotion and message of the dance. He then thanks Fox for allowing a show that delivers such emotional performances. Nice try, Nigel. You’re still not getting that Thursday night elimination show back next season. Mary says Tyce outdid himself (I’ll take that in my own way) and says the routine was one of the best she’s seen all season. Christina loves when Tyce does Broadway numbers…. Okay, so I may have to break up with Christina now. She then calls him a “master.” Again, I’ll do what I want with that.
Contestant: Witney and Marko
Style: Lyrical Jazz, choreographed by Ray Leeper
I’m thrilled for Marko’s return and so excited to see what these dancers do with their cold feet/wedding themed dance. So, is lyrical jazz like contemporary? Perhaps it’s just my dance ignorance, but this style doesn’t seem very jazzy to me. I don’t care though – I love it. Marko’s emotions are more evident than Witney’s (probably because she’s 18 and has prom cold feet at the moment), but they are adorable as a couple here and both dancing their hearts out.
Judges Say: Mary says Witney is still a star and had a lot of attack and control in her dancing tonight. Christina thinks the performance was beautiful and tells Witney that we all know she is not just a ballroom dancer – she’s a dancer. I get what she’s saying here, and I appreciate it. Nigel notes that the judges have saved her every week because she is a star and committed to every step.
Contestant: Cyrus and Comfort (woo!)
Style: Dub step? I hope I got that right… choreographed by Christopher Scott
I have absolutely no idea what to expect here. Comfort has borrowed one of Janet Jackson’s outfits circa the “janet. world tour" in the early 90s which is slightly distracting. Really though, this routine is unreal. If Lil C was here, he would come up with the perfect adjectives and metaphors for the...um buckness(?) we’ve just witnessed.
Judges Say: Standing ovation. Christina says the routine was carved out for Cyrus (in a good way). She follows that up by saying she wants to play a game where she throws pens through his earrings. I may have to take her back now. Nigel loved the performance and reminds all of us that Cyrus has never been in the bottom 2 because America loves him. Foreshadowing? Mary loves Cyrus too….he’s special and unique and such.
Contestants: Witney and Chehon
Style: Cha Cha, choreographed by Jean-Marc Genereux
One would imagine Witney destroying this dance. She does her damndest, but there is unfortunately no chemistry between her and Chehon. Zero. And then there’s the whole Chehon is incredibly uneasy doing the Cha Cha thing… I can’t imagine this performance will get rave reviews. I give Witney a lot of credit though – she looked great, and she is an extremely gifted ballroom dancer.
Judges Say: Mary says this was an improvement for Chehon, but the Latin dancing is still not working for him. She then calls Witney “Lindsey,” and it’s just awkward. Christina says the opening of the dance was sexy, and she doesn’t recall anything else. Grin. Nigel says the lift fell apart and tells Witney he wished he had seen more from her. I start to boo him, but then he says the choreographer also didn’t utilize her talents because he was hiding Chehon by doing the lifts.
Contestants: Cole and Eliana
Style: Contemporary, choreographed by Mia Michaels
Mia’s routine is about hatred inspired by rams. Really. I couldn’t make this up if I tried. Cole and Eliana are essentially in combat for most of the performance, which is pretty silly on Eliana’s part – does she not know about his martial arts background? The strength these two show is unbelievable, but I need Cole to tone it down. I love a good character as much as the next person, but he’s chewing up the scenery here.
Judges Say: Nigel says the performance was brilliant and they are both incredible dancers. Mary thinks the routine was absolutely mesmerizing. Christina says there is light coming out of Eliana’s feet because she finishes every moment beautifully. oh, and Cole’s okay too.
Contestants: Cyrus and Tiffany
Style: Broadway, choreographed by Spencer Liff
Spencer ignites every parent’s nightmare when a daughter is left home alone to do “schoolwork” with her boyfriend. The clothes come off, the touching ensues, and I hope that none of the teenage girls I coach are watching this show tonight. Both dancers seem to really enjoy the naughtiness of the routine, and I suppose it’s nice for them to, um, let loose (zing!) every once in a while.
Judges Say: Christina thinks it was a fun routine and she congratulates both dancers on how far they’ve come. Nigel says it was a terrific routine and tells both dancers how much hope they give him. Mary yells “IT WAS THE CUTEST NUMBER EVER! HOLY SMOKES!” That about sums it up.
Results! The judges have no save tonight (finally), so the bottom 2 are the eliminated 2. We start with the ladies, and Tiffany is the first dancer in the Final Four. Oh my. Obviously between Witney and Eliana, I’m pulling for Eliana…. and indeed, Witney is sent home. Moving onto the guys, Chehon is through to the finale. I’m going to go out on a very short limb now and guess that Cyrus is in the finale too - after all, America loves him. Sure enough, Cole is eliminated.
At this point, I am absolutely rooting for Eliana and Chehon. I’m excited to see what the finale has in store, as Cat has now promised us guest dancers in a performance show not to be missed. Until then!