We've finally crowned the first winner of The Voice 2015! After many months of blind auditions, battles, knock outs, steals, saves, and a whole bunch of other stuff, Sawyer Fredericks took home the title. That strange, wonderful, little guy with the face of an angel received the most votes and has the opportunity to be a winner with some longevity. Given the way he lit up iTunes each week, I'm guessing he won't have a problem with sales when his album comes out. But Sawyer's victory isn't the only thing that happened during the two hour spectacle. Here are some of the highlights:

Sheryl Crow joined Joshua Davis for "Give It To Me," which is a song I do not know, but it was still enjoyable.
Kelly Clarkson, Kelly Clarkson, and Kelly Clarkson. Kelly sang "I'd Rather Go Blind" with Koryn and the duo totally blew my mind. I'm surprised the arena didn't explode from the power of the vocals in their performance. Kelly also sang her new song "Invincible" with Meghan and good God...it was beautiful. I already loved the song but this duet put it on my repeat list on the iPod. This was my absolute favorite of the night. Raise your hand it you're surprised.
Bring Backs
Joshua brought back Brian, Deanna, Corey and Kimberly to sing "She Talks To Angels." The performance reminded me how bitter I still am about Kimberly not standing underneath that confetti tonight. From the look on Xtina's face during the song, she was right there with me.
Meghan brought back Sarah...and only Sarah for a duet of "Piece of My Heart" which was juuuuuuust done by Steven Tyler and Jax on American Idol. I mean, for real. While I love these ladies and their voices are beyond amazing, could they have chosen something else? Do the producers and contestants of The Voice just assume we don't watch any other reality show but this one?

Sawyer was the final contestant to do his "bring back" performance and brought back Mia Z, Brooke, and Lowell to sing "Lie To Me." We haven't seen Lowell and Brooke in quite a while so this was a neat little reunion for all of these young voices.
Special Guests
Meghan Trainor was in the house with "Dear Future Husband," and Luke Bryan performed "Kick the Dust Up." I love both of them for so many different reasons. Ed Sheeran made an appearance as well and Maroon 5 treated us their new single "This Summer's Gonna Hurt."
All four coaches closed out the performances with a tribute to the recently departed B.B. King. Their rendition of "The Thrill Is Gone" was fantastic (Xtina in particular was unreal) and I'm really glad the show took a moment to remember him.

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