Welcome to the first 2017 season of The Voice! Miley is taking a break (sad face) and Gwen has jumped back in to join Adam, Blake, and Alicia for this next round of maybe making someone mildly successful in the music world. We've been through all of the preliminary rounds at this point and it's time to watch our Top 12 duke it out before the 8 person semi-finals rears its ugly head again this season. Shania Twain also joins the panel tonight to help determine whose team might have the upper hand right out of the gate. Who will be a standout? Let's get to the performances and find out.
Artist: Jesse Larson
Team: Adam
Song: "Make You Feel My Love" by Adele
Jesse is taking the guitar off for this tune and is hoping to show America his vulnerable side. Shania had given him some good advice in terms of selling the song and not just hitting the notes and I think it paid off. Jesse sounds great but is also giving us the desperation behind the lyrics. Awesome start to the show.
Coaches Say: Shania tells Jesse he hit the peak in the song just at the right moment and got there with perfection. She loved the performance. Adam says that Jesse was incredible and thinks Jesse is the best pure singer in the competition. Whoa dude. Take it easy.
Artist: Mark Isiah
Team: Adam
Song: "One Dance" by Drake
I'm not sure I understand this pairing at all. Mark starts out on his own and sounds pretty good. There are times where I even think he's enunciating. But then the band kicks in, he seems to lose a little confidence, and I can barely hear him throughout the rest of the performance. Mark even tries to bust some moves here and there but the dancing only makes me wince more as the song continues. Better luck next time, buddy.
Coaches Say: The coaches clearly heard a different performance than I did. The highlight of the critiques comes when Adam says "Honest to God. I'm blown away right now." Probably not the same way I am, my friend.
Artist: Stephanie Rice
Team: Alicia
Song: "White Flag" by Dido
Stephanie wants to make her version of "White Flag" the most haunting version ever. That's a tall order considering Dido pretty much wrote the book on ballads that didn't have to be eerie but totally are eerie. She certainly makes the song....dramatic. Stephanie's rendition is a little too breathy at times but I do like what she does choruses. Here's hoping other people do too.
Coaches Say: Shania joins Alicia in a standing ovation and says the emotion was just pouring out of Stephanie during the song. Gwen agrees and tells Stephanie she has a gift in channeling her pain and emotions in her performances. Alicia says Stephanie is "the purest artist on this show. Period." How's that shade feel Mr. Levine?
Artist: Troy Ramey
Team: Gwen
Song: "Free Fallin'" by Tom Petty

I feel like this song is edging dangerously close to the "stop covering this song on competition shows" category, but Troy thinks this song represents his journey on the show so far. Shania and Gwen caution Troy about straying too far from the melody on the chorus, but it's opposite day on
The Voice and Troy goes rogue on what is normally a sing-along. There are times where I also think he's yelling at me and I want to yell back "Yes Troy! Yes you are! You're free fallin!'"
Coaches Say: Shania stands for Troy as well and tells Troy she loves all of the subtleties in his voice. Adam says the performance was awesome and Gwen thinks Troy's personality really came through tonight.
Artist: Aliyah Moulden
Team: Blake
Song: "(Love Is Like a) Heat Wave" by Martha and The Vandellas
Does anyone else's brain immediately take them to the opening scene in
Sister Act when this song is mentioned? Just me? This 15 year old contestant wasn't in the realm of being born yet when that movie came out so I'm just going to cry a little about my age and move on. Aliyah has a giant voice in that little body and her enthusiasm is contagious. Nerves or no nerves, this was the best of the night so far for me.
Coaches Say: Shania thinks Aliyah commanded the stage with poise and compliments Blake for the influence he's had on Aliyah. Blake tells Aliyah that each time she takes the stage she is one step closer to becoming a complete artist.
Artist: Chris Blue
Team: Alicia
Song: "Love and Happiness" by Al Green
Alicia wants Chris to explore his gentler side with his song to make his performance more dynamic. All I can say about this advice is YES. This performance builds and it's wonderful to see (and hear). Chris has personality and confidence and he works the stage like he is already a huge star. Oh and the big notes? They. Are. HUGE. Sorry, Aliyah....Chris just stole the night from you and most likely everyone after him.
Coaches Say: Everybody stands! Shania thinks Chris brought the wild man out at just the right moment and Alicia says Chris makes things electric. She's so excited and animated and I just adore her.
Artist: Lauren Duski
Team: Blake
Song: "Lord, I Hope This Day Is Good" by Lee Ann Womack
Lauren is a total fan girl when she meets Shania and I love it. There's no chance I could play it cool if I met any of these people so I appreciate her emotions. Anyway, Chris' performance is a tough act to follow, but Lauren delivers a lovely, heartfelt performance of "Lord, I Hope This Day Is Good." There's no big moment here but I have a feeling this girl is going to be around long enough to have several moments.
Coaches Say: Shania thinks the song was perfect for Lauren because she has an honest spirit. Blake appeals to country music fans everywhere and says Lauren is the artist they've been waiting for.
Artist: Lilli Passero
Team: Adam
Song: "Man! I Feel Like a Woman" by Shania Twain
What? Did I hear that song title right? The kid is too sick to make it to rehearsals but let's give her a song with a chorus Shania herself calls "pure pop sass." Oy. Lilli seems to have recovered just fine from her time spent with an IV in her arm though. She has the strut and attitude down for sure, but I don't think this was the right song for her. Boo me if you must, but I have high hopes for this girl and tasking her with trying to do her best Shania Twain impression didn't do her any favors tonight.
Coaches Say: I'm completely alone in my critique because Lilli earns rave reviews. Shania thinks the performance was awesome and sassy and Adam is impressed that Lilli can do whatever Lilli wants to do.
Artist: Brennley Brown
Team: Gwen
Song: "Long, Long Time" by Linda Ronstadt
Brennley is super emotional now that it's sunk it that she is in the Top 12. She wants to do this song justice on an emotional level and I'm not sure why she was ever worried. She has amazing control over her vibrato and I can't take my eyes off of her. Brennley has me completely sold on this song and I want to give her a hug when it ends.
Coaches Say: Gwen, Alicia and Shania stand and Shania says Brennley's performance was as good as it gets. Blake thinks Brennley ended up with the right coach and congratulates Gwen her on the song choice. Gwen is beaming and tells Brennley the performance was perfect.
Artist: TSoul
Team: Blake
Song: "Always On My Mind" by Willie Nelson
This song should be a home run for TSoul but he has a rough start. He doesn't find his footing until he goes into the first chorus and then it's still a little up and down after that. See, I'm someone who is incredibly loyal to the Willie Nelson and Elvis Presley renditions of this song and I believe less is more in selling the story. I'm not a fan of this performance but I will probably be in the minority.
Coaches Say: Shania felt TSoul's...soul. She uses the word "soul" several more times and then Blake lets us know he is a proud and happy coach.
Artist: Hunter Plake
Team: Gwen
Song: "Somebody That I Used To Know" by Gotye
Hunter begins the song in a laser beam box and I'm already intrigued. This is another situation where the music is a little too loud and we lose his vocals at times. Overall I like the staging and arrangement though and I'm hoping the performance is memorable for the voting viewers.
Coaches Say: Shania loves Hunter's range and thinks he delivered the song well. Gwen was so excited to see Hunter arrange the music and then give a performance like that.
Artist: Vanessa Ferguson
Team: Alicia
Song: "A Song For You" by Donny Hathaway

Wow! Vanessa gets the pimp slot tonight and closes the show with a performance that looks effortless and sounds amazing. I still think Mr. Blue may own the night overall, but Alicia may have a ringer here as well. Vanessa is incredibly poised and controlled and though she may have been intimidated by this song choice at first, she had no reason to worry. She totally nailed the performance
Coaches Say: Shania calls Vanessa "pure class inside and out." Alicia is over the moon and says Vanessa is breaking down walls that are inside all of us and committing to herself every time. She tells America to vote for Vanessa if they want magic on the show. I 100% agree.
At the end of the 12 performances I worry for Mark, Stephanie and Troy. When the show ended I barely remembered Jesse Larson's vocal awesomeness and I had no idea who came after him in the first half of the show. Will those 3 make it through unscathed? Will others agree that "Always On My Mind" should be a little more subtle? Will the 5th chair remain throughout the season? Will we fall prey to the Stupid Twitter Save tomorrow? We'll see what happens during the elimination episode. I will be traveling over the next week and a half but will post updates as soon as I can. Til then!