Tonight the remaining contestants on The Voice compete again, hoping to get through Thanksgiving and still have this glimmer of a career to be thankful for. Team Adam and Team Gwen remain in tact, while Team Blake and Team Pharrell (that just sounds weird, doesn't it?) are hoping to keep their two artists this week. Let's see how they do...
Artist: Matt McAndrew
Team: Adam
Song: "Fix You" by Coldplay
This song always gets me. If you've never seen the So You Think You Can Dance performance to "Fix You," please do yourself a favor and watch it. It's amazing. Matt's rendition of the song, however, is not so amazing. He gets points for energy, pseudo stage dives, awkward audience hugs and hand holding...but his vocals are lost for most of the song. Maybe it was the band, maybe the mic, maybe the sound guy was asleep. Regardless, this was probably my least favorite Matt performance, which is a shame because I loooove Matt.
Coaches Say: Blake says Matt has "everything" and Gwen loved the song choice and had chills during the performance. Adam talks about the "everything" for a while.
Artist: Anita Antionette
Team: GwenSong: "Let Her Go" by Passenger
So, the original version of this song annoys me. I'm probably in the minority with that statement but it's just how I feel. Anita's performance makes me very happy though. She's got a great vibe, she's having fun, and she's got a sassy outfit on this evening. Her "Redemption Song" performance last week was far superior, but I enjoy this side of Anita just as much.

Artist: Damien
Team: Adam
Song: "You and I" by Stevie Wonder
Team: Adam
Song: "You and I" by Stevie Wonder
Damien is sitting at a piano...but he's not I'm initially confused. I'm all for creative staging, but Damien doesn't need a prop at all. His voice and his presence are captivating enough and he absolutely outdoes himself with this song. Damien is someone who could potentially have a "moment" every week.
Coaches Say: Standing ovations from all 4 coaches. Pharrell says Damien's family must be incredibly proud and Adam felt the entire audience get on board with Damien's performance. We must be running short on time already because Carson is starting to hurry the coaches along.
Artist: Reagan James
Team: Blake
Song: "Fancy" by Iggy Azalea
Um, Blake? Buddy? Is this a good idea? Reagan is one of my favorite people of this season, but someone should have told her to go with Plan B or even C. She absolutely makes the song her own (not necessarily in a good way) and I appreciate that she's a young girl taking on a popular tune and trying to build a fan base...but I would love to know what Plan B was.
Coaches Say: Adam says Reagan gave the song so much commitment and thinks it was her best performance so far. Blake wants everyone to know that everything about that performance was hard...and agrees with Adam that tonight was Reagan's best. Guess you had to be there.
Artist: Luke Wade
Team: Pharrell
Song: "Try a Little Tenderness" by Otis Redding

Coaches Say: Gwen thinks Luke has really evolved from when he started on the show. Adam tells Luke that he's one of Adam's favorites, and he's glad to see Luke doing so well. Pharrell says Luke exceeded his expectations. Soooo, did Pharrell expect another hiccup this week?
Artist: Craig Wayne Boyd
Team: Blake
Song: "Walk the Line" by Johnny Cash
Love this. Normally I would flip out if someone took a Johnny Cash song and made it barely recognizable, but in this instance, Craig does a fantastic job. He turns "Walk the Line" into a moving, soulful ballad with some serious power notes and gets a standing ovation from all 4 coaches. For me, this is the best performance so far tonight.
Coaches Say: Pharrell keeps standing while he gives his critique and says Craig is an artist who knows who he is and isn't afraid to represent that. Gwen "isn't a country person" but she thinks Craig is going to have a whole career after this show is over. Blake calls the performance magical and congratulates Craig.
Artist: Ryan Sill
Team: Gwen
Song: "Starlight" by Muse
Based on last week's feedback, Gwen thinks Ryan should be focusing on the "rock" aspect of his voice because that's the kind of album he could make right now. The verses are right on point but Ryan is a little overpowered when he gets to the chorus. He's also competing with Matt McAndrew for the "quirky guy who wants to jump around on stage" title, and we know who wins there. However, I do really like the performance. He might be a dark horse in the competition.

Artist: DaNica Shirey
Team: Pharrell
Song: "I Have Nothing" by Whitney Houston
I miss Whitney. It still blows my mind that she won't have anymore albums, awards show appearances, or concert specials. In watching all of these singing competitions, it's clear that there are a lot of Whitney wannabes out there who just want to sound like her. What DaNica does here is not just vocal. She also embodies the lyrics and her performance is completely believable. By the time she hits the last "don't make me cloooooose one more doooooor," I have chills.
Coaches Say: Gwen asks DaNica to just sing it again and Adam says (in a very roundabout way) that she did the song justice. Blake says this episode is the best live show he's ever seen. Whoa buddy. I wouldn't go that far. Pharrell is proud of DaNica, saying she ascends every week.
Artist: Taylor John Williams
Team: Gwen
Song: "Come Together" by The Beatles
I cringed when I heard the song choice because while Taylor has a great voice, he hasn't shown a ton of charisma yet. Hell, based on the rehearsal package, I think Gwen is nervous too. When the song starts I assume I will be bored...however, Taylor is just the right amount of freaking weird to keep my attention. The shorter pants with no socks is enough to keep me engaged, but the vocals are actually pretty good too. Weird. But good.
Coaches Say: Adam loves that Taylor moved around and had fun. Blake says it was important to see the other side of Taylor that smiles. Gwen admits she reallllllly didn't want Taylor to do that song, but says if she were 15 years old, he would be all over her locker. I'm not touching that one.
Artist: Chris Jamison
Team: Adam
Song: "Uptown Funk" by Bruno Mars
I'm ashamed to admit that I don't know this tune. I swear I'm a Bruno Mars fan. I'd catch a grenade for him. While I appreciate what Adam and Chris are trying to do here, this is a big song with a big production behind it, and it just doesn't seem like Chris. He looks like he's enjoying himself, but the performance is very over-the-top all around Chris...and he seems to be trying to catch up the entire time.
Coaches Say: The audience is still screaming when Blake tries to talk and then we are out of time. My Tivo cuts off but I'll just assume Chris received positive feedback...because I haven't seen much else from these coaches.
And there we have it. I do not agree with Blake in terms of this being the best live episode OF ALL TIME. Okay, so he didn't say that. But when someone starts down the "best ever" road, I immediately picture Kanye verbally punching Taylor Swift in the face. No, I won't move past it. Anyway, I think for every awesome performance we saw tonight...there was an equally un-awesome performance waiting in the wings. I worry for Reagan the most tonight, but I think Chris was out of his league as well. Two people will be sent home tomorrow during the results show and the Top 8 will be revealed. Which teams will take a hit? We'll find out after what will inevitably be an hour of painfully long pauses from Carson. Til then!
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