So, I am very unhappy with tonight's results show. Two of the people I was most excited about going into the Top 12 were sent home this evening, and now I'm not really sure how to feel about the remaining weeks. Sure, they get to compete against the other eliminated contestants for a spot in the finals, but this is not what I wanted tonight. Here's how the eliminations went down...
Results! The first person to make it to safety was Craig, and he was swiftly followed by Matt. So far so good, right? Carson announced that Luke and Taylor had made it into the Top 8...which made me a little antsy. As interesting as Taylor is, I didn't see him as a shoe in to go much further in the competition. After some performances by the coaches with their teams (enjoy it while it lasts, kids), DaNica and Chris got to exit the stage happily, leaving Damien, Anita, Reagan, and Ryan nervous for their fates. Damien was the final person to escape the "sing for your life" portion of the show, and I was pissssssed. Can the Stupid Twitter Save just save all three of them and we'll try again next week?

Going into the Top 8, Team Adam still has all of his contestants remaining. Team Gwen and Team Pharrell are down to 2 each, and Blake only has one artist left in the competition. Will Team Adam finally take a hit next week? Will Blake's team be entirely eliminated before we even get to the Top 6? Are Craig's hair, DaNica's face piercing, and Damien's animated eyebrows the only constants I can hope for now? We'll find out when the Top 8 compete again. Til then!
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