Tonight we will see two more contestants eliminated and once again wonder how exactly Xtina's shirts contain what she's got going there. Her wardrobe person is a genius. Anyway, her team and Team Blake are going into the night with three contestants each, while Adam and Pharrell are in danger of losing their teams completely tonight depending on the results. Let's get to it.

Results! The first two people through to the Top 8 are Koryn and Corey, and they are followed by Sawyer and India. After some performances, Meghan and Kimberly are sent to safety, giving Blake, Xtina and Adam two contestants each in the Top 8 and leaving Team Adam with 0 going into the next commercial break. Hannah is the final artist to make it through, and Joshua, Deanna and Rob are in the bottom 3 and singing for the stupid Twitter save. I'm not really surprised by this. The other ladies gave powerhouse performances last night and the two young guys have teenage female fans that probably tried to break iTunes.
Rob chooses "(Sittin' On) the Dock of the Bay" as his "save me" song, and he gives it 100% energy. Vocally it's up and down and I don't think this was the song to win over America. Deanna goes with "Help Me Make It Through the Night" which is an appropriately named song for sure. She sounds freaking amazing but this is her second week in a row shooting for the stupid Twitter save. Not sure if she'll win it again (don't get me started on American Idol and Rayvon), but I've really enjoyed watching her. Joshua takes on "Stay With Me" "I Won't Back Down" and it seems like the song was made for him. I think he may have made a really smart move here.

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