Tonight the Top 8 contestants will be revealed as two more youngsters will be sent packing. All ten will take the stage again tonight and the judges will then save one person from the bottom 3. Got it? After last week's emotional roller coaster (which Ryan is making us relive as he opens the show), I'm hoping to keep my tears in check this evening but I'm also hoping some of these kids step up their game tonight. With the theme being "The Grammys," the song choices are really going to make or break the contestants' chances going forward. Let's see how they do!
Contestant: Dalton Rapattoni
Song: "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons
Part of Dalton's rehearsal package critique was "it needs to rock harder." It certainly does. I love Dalton...and his hair products...and his beautiful eyes, but he waits until the last 15 seconds of the song to bring some serious energy to it. Maybe he's nervous?
Judges Say: Keith did not love the song choice at all and says this performance did not set Dalton apart from the other contestants. JLo and her fancy hair agree and she tells Dalton that he needs to get out of his own head. Harry says this is the first time Dalton was missing "electricity."
Contestant: Lee Jean
Song: "Use Somebody" by Kings of Leon
Lee's pre-performance video package includes him talking about how much he loves Ed Sheeran. I swear if he chooses another Ed Sheeran song... whew... he doesn't. Instead he picks a song that is way too big for him. I absolutely appreciate the energy he tries to put into the performance, but this song doesn't do him any favors either.
Judges Say: JLo liked the song choice but thinks Lee could stretch himself a little bit more. Harry thought it was a great song choice too (huh?) and he tells Lee he gave a strong performance. Keith disagrees about the song choice but he loves that Lee tried to do something different. Sigh. Is he going to be one of those contestants we praise just cuz?
Contestant: Sonika Vaid
Song: "Since U Been Gone" by Kelly Clarkson
I think it's rather ballsy to do a Kelly Clarkson song tonight when the internet is still abuzz from her appearance on the show last week. That being said, she does a pretty good job for a kid whose never had a boyfriend. Her badassery was much better last week though with "Bring Me Back To Life," so she doesn't really raise her game with this performance. And of course...the best live version of this song ever is here.
Judges Say: Harry tells Sonika she is very talented but he didn't get angst from her during the song. Keith agrees, saying Sonika's voice is so good but there needed to be more fire. JLo thinks Sonika "came alive" at times but really needs to let go.
Contestant: MacKenzie Bourg
Song: "I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)" by Whitney Houston

Judges Say: Keith says he's never heard a guy sing that song before and he loved it. JLo says the switch up of the song really worked, but Harry tells MacKenzie the performance was "fine." He additionally says the arrangement could have been more inventive. Humph. But Lee's performance was strong?!?
Contestant: La'Porsha Renae
Song; "Halo" by Beyonce
La'Porsha let the Idol stylists do some maintenance on that very large head of hair she's been carrying around and she looks great. She also sounds great. La'Porsha hits and holds notes so effortlessly throughout the performance and she chooses to close the song a capella. La'Porsha does not drop the mic like I want her to, but her performance is fantastic just the same. Love. Her.
Judges Say: JLo says La'Porsha is the one to beat and Harry thinks she is a master of "arcing" a song. Keith tells La'Porsha her performance was incredible.
Contestant: Trent Harmon
Song: "When A Man Loves A Woman" by Percy Sledge
Trent says he has been working on his facial expressions...but who cares about that when he sounds SO good? Well, except for that last note anyway. That one hurt a little. But overall I'd say tonight's performance was far superior to last week's.
Judges Say: Harry loves Trent's voice and compliments him on a great performance. Keith cautions Trent not to get too caught up in the facial expression issue because it affects his ability to emote. JLo tells Trent he's amazing and she sees a vision of Trent and La'Porsha at the end of the competition. Damn, JLo - we're only at the Top 8!
Contestant: Tristan McIntosh
Song: "Go Rest High On That Mountain" by Vince Gill

Judges Say: Keith and JLo are both on their feet when the song ends and Tristan is a bit emotional. Keith gives Tristan that million dollar smile and says she did a great job. JLo thinks Tristan sang the song beautifully and Harry says she is a true country music singer.
Contestant: Avalon Young
Song; "Earned It" by The Weekend
Oh snap! This is also a tune I wouldn't have picked for Avalon but she's all over it. I'm shouting "woo!" throughout the song and Gianna and Olivia have their work cut out for them now. Get it girl.
Judges Say: JLo says this is what Avalon needed to come out and do tonight. Harry calls the performance fantastic and Keith thinks her take on the song was very clever.
Contestant: Olivia Rox
Song: "Trouble" by P!nk
Olivia has been pretty sick since last week and I feel for her. I generally like her and I wish she had been among the safe contestants tonight. For someone battling the flu though, I'd say she's doing a damn good job with this song. Perhaps Avalon should start worrying...
Judges Say: Harry loves that Olivia gave 100% but pretty much tells her Avalon was better. Keith, however, says Olivia's performance is going to make the decision very tough on the judges. JLo agrees with Harry though. Olivia is tearing up by the end of JLo's rambling critique and I just want to give her a hug.
Contestant: Gianna Isabella
Song: "If I Ain't Got You" by Alicia Keys
Kind of like "Listen" last week, Gianna picks a big song with a lot of emotion behind it...and doesn't quite deliver on the vocals or the message. Happy trails, kid.
Judges Say: Keith says Gianna's voice is gorgeous but he wanted a little more heart from her tonight. JLo says Gianna should be proud of herself ("see ya") and Harry tells Gianna she has an incredible vocal gift.
There were some additional performances tonight as Harry and....Demi Lovato each took the stage. I love Demi. She's really grown on me over the years. But why Demi and not one of the many American Idol alum who we have yet to see this season? Hell, Taylor Hicks was in the audience. I can't stand him but with the finale of the last freaking season only 5 weeks away, I'm not sure how you follow "Kelly Clarkson is amazing" week with no Idol guests at all. Just sayin'.
Anyway, when it came down to Avalon, Olivia, and Gianna, the judges chose to save Avalon which was absolutely the right call. I will miss Olivia but I can't say I'm too broken up about Gianna's exit. Next week the remaining contestants will duke it out again and we'll see what kind of unnecessary praise is heaped on Lee while Sonika gets a silent cheer from the judges. Will Dalton get back his electricity? Will Trent be able to stay away from facial movements straight out of The Mask? Will we see a previous Idol contestant (beyond a wave from the audience) for crying out loud? We'll find out during the Top 8 performance show. Til then!
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