The American Idol Top 8 are anxious tonight as we face another double elimination that is kinda decided by the voters but is really left up to the judges. Tonight's theme is "The American Idol Songbook," which translates to "songs contestants have already performed on the show over the years." Okay wait. Did I hear that right? Let me...let me just rewind real quick. Ugh. I complain enough when we hear the same songs over and over again each season, but tonight we're doing it ON PURPOSE? My brain hurts already. The contestants are also participating in duets this evening, and we are starting off the show with those...probably to give me a chance to simmer down.

So right out of the gate we've got a song that is typically a tear-jerker. I'm not trying to be a hot mess in the first five minutes of the show Idol! Turns out I don't have to be. While La'Porsha and Trent sound fantastic together, the emotional connection to the lyrics is not really featured here. Still a good start to the night though.
Judges Say: Keith thinks the song was perfect for Trent and La'Porsha and he loved the performance. JLo says the whole thing was magical. Harry tells the duo that their voices blend perfectly together.
DUET: Sonika and Avalon
Song: "Rise Up" by Andra Day
I'm actually not familiar with this song. Sonika and Avalon sing beautifully together though and I'm just happy the show has started off well with two strong performances. We've been having some "meh" beginnings lately.
Judges Say: JLo says the two voices are so angelic and thinks the girls were really pushing each other during the performance. Harry classifies Avalon as the more rhythmic singer and Sonika as the more melodic singer and he feels the advantage went to Avalon. Keith calls the collaboration interesting but compliments both singers on their talent.
DUET: Dalton and MacKenzie
Song: "I Want It That Way" by The Backstreet Boys
Okay, why? Why this song? Just because the two guys have the whole teen heartthrob thing happening right now doesn't mean you need to saddle them with a cheesy boy band tune. Or at least pick a better one! Dalton and MacKenzie do the best they can with it, but the show just took a step backward.
Judges Say: Harry is not a fan of the song choice and he gets "boo"ed immediately. Keith agrees, saying the song didn't benefit either voice. JLo was disappointed that their version was so much like the original.
DUET: Tristan and Lee
Song: "I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing" by Aerosmith

Judges Say: Keith thinks the duo did they best they could but says the song did not play to "both" of their strengths. JLo adds "Tristan, your voice really shined in that song...and Lee, you were hanging in there." Ha! Thank you. Finally some for real criticism for this kid. Harry is all pissed off about the arrangement of the song, but I seriously doubt a different arrangement would have made this a legendary performance.
Song: "Come Together" by The Beatles
As yes, The Beatles songbook. Soooo many hours of the American Idol live performances have been devoted to The Beatles songbook. This song suits La'Porsha very well, and she struts out on the stage in some kind of leather ensemble and just owns it. She even pauses near Harry and makes him blush a little. Love it.
Judges Say: JLo says she "feels cool" when she watches La'Porsha perform. Harry still has a big smile on his face and he tells La'Porsha she is absolutely incredible. Keith thinks the song choice was terrific, but he also says she can probably choose any song she wants to at this point. Well Keith, since we are regurgitating the done to death Idol songs tonight, why not just say she could sing the phone book?
Contestant: MacKenzie Bourg
Song: "You Are So Beautiful" by Joe Cocker
MacKenzie ditches the guitar and stands on a foggy stage surrounded by a strings section for this tune and I'm digging it. Or maybe I'm just digging the violinists. They're pretty cool. Anyway, it's nice to see something a little different from MacKenzie and he gives us a subtle, tender performance here. Anything was going to be better than "I Want It That Way," but he should definitely be proud of what he accomplished in Round 2 tonight.
Judges Say: Harry says MacKenzie could not have picked a better song and Keith loves that MacKenzie picked a song from the 60s and made it sound brand new. JLo thinks MacKenzie has a beautiful blend of old and new and it's due to the fact he always puts his heart in his performances.
Contestant: Trent Harmon
Song: "Stand By Me" by Ben E. King

Judges Say: Keith talks about how much Trent has grown in the competition and JLo calls him a badass. Harry suggests that Trent sink into the rhythm more but thinks he did a fantastic job.
----------------------------------Contestant: Tristan McIntosh
Song: "A Broken Wing" by Martina McBride
Tristan's relationship with her grandpa tugs at my heartstrings for sure. Last week's performance gave her some standout moments so she is looking to keep the momentum going tonight in choosing a song that reminds her of him. Tristan hits some kick ass notes, and she hits some 'uh-oh' notes, but overall I'd say she did pretty well and made her grandpa proud.
Judges Say: JLo thinks the song choice was perfect and tells Tristan she did a good job. Harry agrees with JLo and Keith says Tristan's voice was tailor made for the song. He then plugs Martina's new album. Nice.
----------------------------------Contestant: Dalton Rapattoni
Song: "Eleanor Rigby" by (yup) The Beatles
The band is awesome here but I have a really hard time hearing Dalton through most of the performance. When I do hear him, he's out of breath and singing very low. Finally in the last 15 seconds of the song he unleashes and reminds us while he's in the Top 6. Took a little too long to get there tonight, dude.
Judges Say: Harry says Dalton pushed the song as high as it could go key-wise and I'm wondering if things just sounded really different in the venue. Or maybe I don't know anything keys. Keith thinks Dalton brought out the dark undercurrent in the song and JLo loved the big ending.
Contestant: Avalon Young
Song: "P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)" by Michael Jackson

Judges Say: Keith tells Avalon she does a great job connecting with everyone and doesn't understand why she's not being voted through. JLo says this performance was a lot like her other ones and should she stick around for another week, JLo encourages Avalon to do something a little different. Harry calls Avalon's voice incredible but says she needs more urgency in her performances.
Contestant: Lee Jean
Song: "Let It Be" by The Beatles
So out of the eight "let's do songs again that we probably should not do" performances, three of them have been by The Beatles. Not only is this my favorite song by the Fab Four, this is one of my favorite songs ever. It's a great song. It's not, however, a great song for Lee to sing. His voice is shaky and he's consistent with his pitch problems. This has to be his swan song, right?
Judges Say: JLo pretty much tells Lee he's going home and Harry kindly comments on the pitch problems. Keith drives the final nail in the coffin by saying Lee is young and has plenty of time to work on his craft. See ya.
Contestant: Sonika Vaid
Song: "I Have Nothing" by Whitney Houston
I was wondering when someone would do Whitney. There was no way to get through this night without Whitney, Michael, and The Beatles. Sonika does the song justice for sure, but she is noooo J-Hud. Pretty sure she just earned that spot in the Top 6 though.
Judges Say: Harry says the song has been done six times on American Idol but I'm pretty sure it's been done more than that. He loved the performance and Keith and JLo agree quickly because we're running out of time.

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