Greetings! It's going to be quite a night. We have our Top 10, we have our host…who is heavy on the hair products this evening, and we have our 4 judges who… um, wait. Where’s Nicki? More importantly, where is Nicki’s WIG? Oh, seems she is stuck in traffic. That’s really what Ryan just said. I guess the other 3 judges arrived via helicopter or teleport. At any rate, we are going to start without her - let's get going!
Contestant: Curtis Finch Jr.
Song: “I Believe” by Fantasia (wonder what she’s up to these days)
I’m a little confused by the choice of Fantasia’s victory song for the first song of the Top 10 show. Typically we wait a little longer before we bring the backup singers/choir down the stairs hoping for a big moment, but what do I know? Curtis is kind of shaky when the song starts. Could be nerves, could be he is just really excited to get to the chorus which is marginally better. Either way – I've seen far worse starts to this show.
Judges Say: Keith (swoon) says that Curtis always knows how to pick the right song. He cautions Curtis on singing above where he should be singing due to adrenaline but tells him that he has so much personality and he looks great. I suddenly feel like we’re at a pageant. Here’s hoping Curtis wants world peace. Randy calls Curtis’ jacket “fly” and tells Curtis that he can really sing. Yup. Mariah is really happy that Curtis went with a gospel vibe because he is staying true to who he is.
Contestant: Janelle Arthur
Song: “Gone” by Montgomery Gentry
Janelle is trying not to be this year’s Kelli Pickler compared to the Carrie Underwood we seem to have with Kree Harrison, and I am rooting for her. I like the rather fearless way she works the stage. This is not a standout performance per se, and it's a shame she is performing so early in the night....she might get lost in the shuffle. But Janelle seems to have gained some confidence. Good for her.
Contestant: Devin Velez
Song: “Temporary Home” by Carrie Underwood
Devin has been hailed as both a fan favorite and judges' favorite at this point, and it's dangerous to go into the Top 10 show with that much hype. Devin decides for forego incorporating Spanish lyrics today, which I'm okay with. Him singing in Spanish every week would annoy me as much as Blake Lewis did when he felt the need to beatbox every song during his season. I probably like his previous performances better, but I still think he is a strong competitor among the guys.
Judges Say: Keith doesn’t think this was one of Devin’s better performances. Nicki (now without her sunglasses) disagrees and says she loved it. Randy says the word “safe” more times that any umpire should, and Mariah says they expect so much from Devin and she wants to see him push more because he is capable of more.
Contestant: Angie Miller
Song: “I Surrender” by Celine Deline
Yes, done by Kelly Clarkson in Season 1. Watch it here. Many times. I do enjoy Angie, and vocally this is probably my favorite performance of the night so far...but let's not say "I think I can sing it with as much passion as Kelly did." Ever. That's a quick way to make me your enemy, Angie, but I will give you another shot.
I think I may like Angie better behind the piano, but this should definitely be solid enough to put her through to next week.
Judges Say: Keith thinks she knocked it out of the park. Nicki wants to know who made the dress Angie is wearing and spends a lot of time talking about Angie’s outfit. Randy says Angie “is in it to win it” and I let my palm hit my forehand for the first (but probably not last) time tonight. Mariah says “stellar” and we move on.
Contestant: Paul Jolley
Song: “Amazed” by Lonestar
This is one of those songs that should be put on the “sung too many times on TV shows and needs to be retired” list. Annnnd we’re back to the pageant. Don’t get me wrong - Paul has a great smile (he would have to with that name) but more so for a magazine ad. I like the guy, but I’m kind of bored with this...I do enjoy watching the violinist do her thing though.
Judges Say: Keith thinks this was one of Paul’s better performances. Nicki, for whatever reason, tells Paul “this is the first time you’ve stimulated my sexual appetite.” If I could frame a picture of Mariah’s face right this moment and hang it on my wall, I would totally do it. Randy loves the song choice (of course) and thinks he did a great job. Mariah doesn’t want Paul to be held back by trying to be less theatrical but she liked the performance overall.
Contestant: Candace Glover
Song: “I (Who Have Nothing)” by Shirley Bassey
Judges Say: Standing ovation from everyone but Mariah. Maybe she forgot to wear pants this evening. Who knows? They all loved it with Keith saying “It’s like skiing downhill with you… crazy.” Agreed!
Contestant: Lazaro Arbos
Song: “Breakaway” by Kelly Clarkson (what?)
No. No. No. No. No. Lazaro’s voice is not strong enough to ever take on a Kelly Clarkson song. I’m biased, I know… but dude is out of breath for the entire performance and I can hear the backup singers more than I can hear him. As Lazaro nears the end of the song he just looks like he is in pain. So am I.
Judges Say: Keith doesn't think the song was in Lazaro’s wheelhouse (no kidding), and Nicki says a few things in Spanish and then tells Lazaro he looks like Ricky Ricardo. Yo, for Randy the pitch was a little all over the place and this song was way too big. Mariah loves Lazaro’s courage but thinks he should pick more “mid-range” songs.
Contestant: Kree Harrison
Song: “Crying” by Roy Orbison
Wow… I haven’t heard this song in a long time and wouldn’t have pegged her to choose it. This could easily become a snoozefest, but Kree knows how work this song and give it just the right amount of feeling. She makes it look easy and I’m jealous. Nicely done.
Judges Say: Keith uses the “you could sing the phonebook” quote and I die a little inside. Nicki calls her “Harry” because that would be the possible best nickname for Kree…said no one. She then goes on a narrative about how she eats waffles. Steven Tyler would even shake his head at this one. Randy wants to know what type of syrup Nicki uses and the conversation continues. WILL THIS EVER END? Mariah thankfully brings us back, complimenting Kree’s range and the way she emotes (Kree's got her feelin' emotions?).
Contestant: Burnell Taylor
Song: “Flying Without Wings,” Ruben Studdard’s victory song.
Why? What part of “Ruben Studdard’s victory song” makes this seem like a good idea? That was Ruben’s first and last victory. Burnell actually has a very pretty voice...almost angelic at times, but as Randy would say: “I’m not jumping up and down” about the performance.
Judges Say: Keith thinks Burnell and his voice are very unique and interesting. Nicki was obsessed with Ruben’s first album. Next. Randy is pleased that Burnell put his on twist on the song (did he?). Mariah always gets very emotional when Burnell sings and she loved the performance.
Contestant: Amber Holcomb
Song: “A Moment Like This” by Kelly Clarkson (jaw hits floor)
What. The. HELL! Are you serious? The original victory song from the first Idol? And not the whole song, mind you – just from the second verse on. Sure she has a great voice, but I do not like the arrangement and I’m not really buying the delivery. I’m not seeing any kind of emotion here, probably because this is only week 1 of the finals, and I am just beside myself.
Judges Say: Standing ovation from everyone but Mariah. Really? They essentially call it perfection and I turn off the TV.
Yup - that's just fine. |
So the competition is officially under way now, and I will say that I agree with the trending notion that the ladies seem to be much stronger this season than the guys. Candace by far was the best for me tonight, and I hope she makes it far (if not to the end). I imagine one of the guys will actually go home during the results show tomorrow, but regardless, I hope Nicki continues to get stuck in traffic. Perhaps a little longer from now on. We’ll see who moves on during the elimination episode. Til then!
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