This is outrageous. I don’t want to talk about the duets, the guest stars, or the remaining amount of filler. I’m just baffled at tonight’s elimination episode. After America’s votes were tallied, frontrunners Sarah Simmons and JUDITH HILL are out of the competition. Yes, I think Sarah gave a less than stellar performance on Monday, but she has one hell of a voice. AND I have never been as excited about a contestant on The Voice as I’ve been about Judith Hill. I definitely care much less now about the outcome of this season. I don’t even know who to root for…Amber and her killer dress? The mind reels.
So there are many of you who loyally watch these shows and, like me, make continual comments to the television whether anyone else is in the room or not. Alternately, there are many of you who do not have the time to keep up with reality TV – there are too many shows, your tivos runneth over, you have kids and can’t remember what it’s like to watch anything beyond Dora the Explorer (you know who you are) – but you also want to be “in the know.” That’s fine. Let me help you understand.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
The Voice: Props and Theatrics and Fire - Oh My!
Happy Memorial Day! Tonight The Voice celebrates this special holiday with (hopefully) eight amazing performances from our remaining contestants. This is a big week for Shakira and Usher as each coach only has one team member left in the competition. Here's hoping their sole performers get the job done this evening. Let's find out!
Contestant: Judith Hill
Team: Adam
Song: "#thatPOWER" by featuring Justin Bieber
Coaches Say: Blake says Judith’s singing is always spot on and he loves that we’re seeing some personality. Usher tells Judith that her performance was a great way to start the show. Shakira thinks the choice to do a current song and experiment was smart. Adam says that watching Judith perform that song was less like watching a contestant on The Voice and more like watching an artist take the stage.
-------------------------------------------Contestant: Holly Tucker
Team: Blake
Song: “Done” by The Band Perry
Great song. I’m a little apprehensive only because my beloved Janelle Arthur looked like she belonged with The Band Perry when she performed this song with them on American Idol a couple of weeks ago (seriously, watch this if you haven't already). Holly is completely up for the challenge vocally. She does not, however, bring the energy I was hoping for...
Coaches Say: Usher says Holly did and incredible job and loves her blinged out cowboy boots. Shakira thinks Holly had just the right amount of sass in her performance. Adam is really impressed with Holly’s range and loves what she did tonight. Blake thinks this is the first performance where Holly “owned” the song.
Contestant: The Swon Brothers
Team: BlakeSong: "Seven Bridges Road" by The Eagles
The stage is on fire! Literally! The Swon Brothers have a camping theme going with their performance, complete with logs, weeds and a moon hanging overhead. They begin the song a capella, and they always sound so great together. This is another solid performance from the Oklahoma natives, and it’s nice to see a duo finally be successful on this show.
Contestant: Sasha Allen
Team: Shakria
Song: “Without You” by David Guetta and Usher
Sasha is taking on another present day song tonight and she has a glowy spinning stage and backup dancers to boot! She appears to have her own choreography as well. Seems she is trying to work the sexy vibe…not buying it, but her vocals are still ridiculously good, so I don’t care about seduction on this dance song. Is it enough to get her through tomorrow’s results show? Fingers crossed.
Contestant: Sarah Simmons
Team: AdamSong: “Somebody That I Used To Know” by Gotye
Love this song, and at first I am really excited that Sarah chose it. Is it me though, or does Sarah seem a little out of breath with this song? Is this just her showing restraint and I don’t realize it? I don’t really see the Sarah that we’ve come to know and love until the last 15 or so seconds of the song, which is a shame because I am a huge Sarah fan.
Coaches Say: Blake thinks he hears a three different voices in her (soft voice, falsetto and raspy). Usher believes Sarah has amazing control over her power, holding back when she needs to. Shakira thinks Sarah is an interesting artist and the performance was enjoyable. Adam thinks Sarah can do anything with her voice and she showed a lot of range tonight.
-------------------------------------------Contestant: Michelle Chamuel
Team: Usher
Song: “Grenede” by Bruno Mars
Coaches Say: Shakira is a big fan of Michele and her stage presence. Adam says the performance was awesome because it was dynamic and sucked the audience right in. Blake can’t believe such a big voice comes out of such a little human being. Usher says he would catch a grenade for her. He then tells Michelle she represents true inner beauty.
Contestant: Danielle Bradbery
Team: BlakeSong: “Grandpa (Tell Me 'Bout the Good Old Days)” by The Judds
Coaches Say: Usher says Danielle is like a prodigy because her performance was effortless. Shakira thinks Danielle is believable with star quality. Adam says Danielle is an incredible country music artist just waiting to be born. Blake tells Danielle she is amazing and loves that she chose that song and did it justice.
-------------------------------------------Contestant: Amber Carrington
Team: Adam
Song: “Skyfall” by Adele
Coaches Say: Blake thinks Amber wins the diva powerhouse vocal of the night. Usher says the performance was incredible and Shakira says the song choice worked. Adam tells Amber that no one has ever done an Adele song justice on The Voice before tonight.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
The Voice: Girls, Girls, Girls
This week’s elimination episode of The Voice opens with a tribute to Oklahoma and those who were
affected by the devastating storms there. Blake hails from Oklahoma, and he and
joins his wife Miranda Lambert for a tender performance of “Over You.” Their
eyes are teary as donation information for disaster relief appears on the
screen below them. This is a classy and touching way for The Voice to show support, and I can’t imagine it was easy for our country
coach to apply an already emotional song to yet another tragedy so close to
The somber atmosphere lingers as we prepare to say goodbye
to two more contestants tonight. The contenders are sent to safety in
Danielle Bradbery and Judith Hill
Michelle Chamuel and Sasha Allen
Sarah Simmons and Holly Tucker
Amber Carrington and The Swon Brothers
This leaves Josiah Hawley and Kris Thomas as the lowest vote
getters…and eliminated from the show. So Team Usher and Team Shakira each only
have one contestant remaining, while Team Blake and Team Adam are still 3
members strong. Can Michelle and Sasha prevail next week? I would like to think
so, but there are some ridiculously strong female competitors on the show this
season. We’ll see which of them triumphs and whether The Swon Brothers can survive
all of the estrogen next week. Til then!
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
The Voice: Take a Risk, Take a Chance.
On tonight’s episode of The Voice the Top 10 contestants perform again after spending the week working with their coaches and guest mentors. The show kicks off with a visually awesome performance by Maroon 5. With a white backdrop and blue splotches hitting the band throughout the song, “Love Somebody” is a great way to start the night.
Contestant: Holly Tucker
Team: Blake
Song: “How Great Thou Art”
Holly has spent a lot of her life singing gospel and she wants to share that part of her with America tonight. I’ll be honest and say that I’ve never seen someone quite so amazing sing this song at any of the churches I’ve been to. I give her a ton of credit for what she’s doing here. She’s not playing the “I’m a church girl” angle…she’s strong in her faith and letting us know about it.
Coaches Say: Usher thinks Holly made an incredible statement but thinks the song is a departure from what he has come to expect from her. Shakira says Holly looks like an angel and believes she has great control over her instrument. Adam tells Holly there is a pristine beautiful quality in her voice. Blake says he has never heard Holly sing so strong.
Contestant: Judith Hill
Team: Adam
Song: “The Way You Make Me Feel” by Michael Jackson
As soon as Adam reveals the song choice, Judith has mixed feelings because she doesn’t want people to think she’s taking advantage of her time working with Michael Jackson. I think we all knew she would end up singing an MJ song at some point… but this one? I bet Judith would have chosen a different tribute song if it had been up to her.
She starts off with a very slow version of the song, and even when the music picks up it stays very jazzy and cool. Judith unleashes a whole lot of (good) crazy at the end….and she becomes very emotional when the crowd starts to cheer.
Coaches Say: Blake said the way the song started and then picked up really worked. Usher talks about how much he misses MJ and doesn’t really say anything about Judith. Adam tells Judith she celebrated someone who meant so much to her and no one should think she exploited her relationship with Michael.
Contestant: The Swon Brothers
Team: Blake
Song: “How Country Feels” by Randy Houser
The Swon Brothers switch gears this week, performing more of a country/rock song complete with guitars and boot stomping. They had said during their rehearsal package how excited they are to be viewed as country artists, and as I watch their performance, I think they better start getting used to all of the attention. Great energy, great vocals. Nicely done.
Coaches Say: Shakira says The Swon Brothers make her feel good every time they take the stage. Adam thinks the performance was a lot of fun. Blake thinks the guys are on the path to become stars.
Contestant: Amber Carrington
Team: Adam
Song: “Breakaway” by Kelly Clarkson
Amber connects with this song as it compares with her journey to The Voice. I really like Amber, so I’m keeping an open mind here as the music starts. I can’t believe I’m going to say this… I really, really like the second half when she starts taking liberties and making the song her own. Well played, Adam.
Coaches Say: Blake tells Amber she looks great in the wind and says the song was a good choice. Usher thinks Amber is an incredible talent and he enjoyed the arrangement. Shakira thinks the song was the perfect mix of country and pop. Adam says Kelly Clarkson is one of the best singers out there. Um, yes. He then says that he loves Amber’s range and she did an incredible job.
Contestant: Sasha Allen
Team: Shakria
Song: “Next to Me” by Emili Sande
Now, I love this song…but I’ve heard it twice on American Idol in the past two weeks so I let out a groan initially. However, Sasha has one hell of a voice and she’s having a great time. The amount of energy she brings to this song makes me smile and I’m sorry I groaned at all. I greatly enjoy the performance and I greatly enjoy that Shakira stands, dances like crazy and sings along.
Coaches Say: Adam is really happy that Sasha did that song and loves her interpretation. Blake agrees, saying she let loose and also gave a great vocal performance. Usher likes that Sasha had fun this week. Shakira is soooo happy and proud. She tells Sasha she showed versatility and did an amazing job.
Contestant: Josiah Hawley
Team: Usher
Song: “Clocks” by Coldplay
Usher wants Josiah to become a storyteller with this performance…and if walking around the stage while not playing the guitar and smiling awkwardly during high notes counts as storytelling then I suppose Josiah does pretty well. Nothing groundbreaking, but he’s still nice to look at.
Coaches Say: The women in the audience scream so loud we can barely hear Shakira. She thinks Josiah did great but she talks for a while about how it’s impossible to replicate Coldplay. Adam thinks Josiah toggled back and forth between looking comfortable and completely uncomfortable. Blake likes to be sold on the lyrics and that didn’t quite happen for him tonight. Usher talks about himself and we move on.
Contestant: Danielle Bradbery
Team: Blake
Song: “Heads Carolina, Tails California” Jo Dee Messina
Danielle sounds like she’s been doing this forever…and she’s only 16. This is a great song choice for her though – she gets to dress like a teenager, sing an upbeat tune, and hang out with the audience during her performance. I definitely enjoy this kid.
Coaches Say: Usher says Danielle came on stage and made country cool (I wasn’t aware country had a problem of being “uncool”). Adam thinks Danielle sings like every 16 year old wishes they could sing. Blake says Danielle is amazing, and he loved the carefree delivery of the performance.
Contestant: Kris Thomas
Team: Shakira
Song: “Adorn” by Miguel
Shakira wants Kris to show off his sexy side tonight. Kris didn’t look super comfortable with this idea in the rehearsal package, and he does not bring any additional confidence to the stage performance either. It’s a shame too because he has a really great voice. I worry that he might be in trouble tonight though…
Coaches Say: Adam says Kris has a fantastic voice but wants to feel that Kris is thinking less. Usher agrees with Adam and then tells Shakira she could have chosen a better song for him. Wow. Okay. Because, you know, when I look at Josiah…I immediately think Coldplay. Shakira gets all fired up, defends herself and Kris' performance and doesn’t let Usher get another word in. I love Shakira. I am soooo not happy that she isn't returning next season.
Contestant: Sarah Simmons
Team: Adam
Song: “Mama Knows Best” by Jessie J
Wowwwww. Sarah doesn’t hold anything back in her performances and I love her. Good God. She works the stage, works the band, works her outfit…and just sounds incredible. She’s definitely one to watch in this competition.
Coaches Say: Blake says Sarah radiated sexy tonight. Paging Kris Thomas for lessons. Usher tells Sarah “when you got it, you got it.” Thanks buddy. Adam fans himself and says this was the best performance of the night.
Contestant: Michelle Chamuel
Team: Usher
Song: “Just Give Me a Reason” by Pink and Nate Ruess
Coaches Say: We’re running out of time and Adam quickly says he is a fan of Michelle and Usher thinks Michelle has everything.
With two people going home tomorrow night, it’s a tough call. In my mind Josiah probably had the weakest performance tonight. I do think Kris might be in danger as well, but I really hope that Holly’s choice to go gospel does not hurt her this week. We’ll find out who survives elimination during the results show. Til then!
Friday, May 17, 2013
Idol Finale Part 2: We Have A Winner!
After two failed attempts to break into the American Idol Top 24, Candice Glover is this year's
winner. It was an emotional ride for both of our finale contenders, but I do believe the right person
on. Here are some highlights of the 2 hour finale:
· Mariah Carey performed a lovely medley of her songs, but in a pre-taped segment…and questions have been raised regarding whether or not she was lip syncing. For the record, I cringe when an artist lip syncs. Funny though, I didn’t think most people really cared about all of that anymore. If it’s okay for the Presidential Inauguration, I can’t imagine why it would be a big deal for a FOX reality TV show.
· Aretha Franklin kind of, sort of joined the Top 5 girls for an awkward medley of her songs.
· Frankie Valli stopped by for a slightly less awkward medley of his hits with the Top 5 guys. They didn't let Lazaro do much of anything, which was fine, and the whole performance was worth it though just to see how excited Keith was to sing along in his seat.
· J Lo and her booty graced the stage with Pitbull (dude is everywhere). They performed “On The Floor” “Dance Again” “Live It Up,” and J Lo looked pretty damn amazing. I would say she probably gave one of the best guest performances of the season.
· My beloved Janelle got to sing “Done” with The Band Perry, and boy did she enjoy every second of it. Sooooo did I. Can we just send her on tour with them immediately?!?!? Does the Idol Summer Tour really provide career opportunities for the Top 10 anyway?
· Amber and Emeli Sande performed “Next To Me,” which was odd considering Candice just performed that song last week. I guess we’re no longer giving Amber the Joshua Ledet pimping treatment. “Oh that’s right…you were Top 4 so we owe you a celebrity duet. Here, sing this one. We already paid for the rights anyway.”
· Angie was able to sing with a fully clothed Adam Lambert and an almost naked Jessie J. Amber’s legs must be pretty pissed off backstage. This was a great showcase for Angie and I’m very happy for her. Seems Idol is really hoping her career takes off pretty quickly. They need all of the success stories they can get at this point.
· Kree and Keith were amazing during their rendition of “Where the Blacktop Ends.” He likes her! He really likes her! Randy was there with a guitar as well (remember…he played with Journey), but really I was just staring at Keith and his “magic eye” t-shirt.
· Candice and Jennifer Hudson brought the house down with their duet of “Inseparable.” Almost literally. I’m pretty sure the folks in the building felt the walls shake with all of that vocal power. I waited for Nicki to comment on J-Hud’s weoght loss, but no dice.
· We said “goodbye” to The Dawg.
As of now, no one will confirm who else is leaving the show besides Randy Jackson…but rumor has it all 4 judges are out, producer Nigel Lythgoe will be shown the door, and the show will go through a major reboot. This would be a shame given how awesome Keith Urban has been. I know Mariah hasn’t gotten the best reviews, but I’ve truly enjoyed her as well. Rumors have also been swirling about bringing on younger judges (like Selena Gomez) to give Idol a fresher vibe. If this ends up being the case, I may have to break up with this show. It would pain me to do so as I have been a loyal fan who has watched every season, but I had a hard time sitting through many of the 2013 episodes.
Congrats to Candice though. She more than earned the title. He’s hoping we see a lot of her along with Kree, Angie and Janelle in the future!
Thursday, May 16, 2013
American Idol: Finale Part 1
Well this is it, kids. Tonight Candice and Kree compete one final time hoping to become the winner of American Idol 2013. They will both take on three songs this evening: Simon Fuller’s choice, their would be singles, and a repeat of their “best” performance. Should be a jam packed hour!
Contestant: Kree Harrison
Song: “Angel” by Sarah McLachlan
Song: “Angel” by Sarah McLachlan
Contestant: Candice Glover
Song: “Chasing Pavements” by Adele
Song: “Chasing Pavements” by Adele
Judges Say: We are only hearing from two judges this round and Mimi and The Dawg weigh in... Mariah says she is proud to have been a part of this season and the talent is refreshing. Randy thinks both songs were too sleepy for the Final 2 but he gives Round 1 to Candice.
Contestant: Kree Harrison
Song: “All Cried Out”
Song: “All Cried Out”
Contestant: Candice Glover
Song: “I Am Beautiful”
Song: “I Am Beautiful”
Judges Say: Nicki loves Kree's composure and thinks the song made her reach down in her gut more. Keith believes the competition is "soul vs. soul" and the two original songs were tailor made for the contestants.
Contestant: Kree Harrison
Song: “Up to the Mountain” by Patty Griffin
Song: “Up to the Mountain” by Patty Griffin
Judges Say: Keith says the performance was beautiful. Nicki says "Kreedom" for hopefully the last time ever, and calls her performance uplifting. Randy thinks Kree just gave a winning performance. Mariah agrees with Randy and says she "felt" Kree during her performances tonight.
Contestant: Candice Glover
Song: “I (Who Have Nothing)” by Shirley Bassey
Song: “I (Who Have Nothing)” by Shirley Bassey
Judges Say: Standing ovation. Keith had been waving his arms all over the place during the performance. He says it was like a planet exploding. Nicki notes that we are seeing Candice's legs for the first time...because that's important. Randy says Candice flat out sing. Yup. Mariah thinks Candice has an undeniable talent.
Though Kree was a fierce competitor tonight, I think Candice is going to be crowned the winner tomorrow and rightly so. Will I buy Kree's album when it comes out? Absolutely. But I'm really hoping Candice wins it all. We'll find out during the second part of the finale tomorrow. Til then!
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
The Voice : Ain't Nothin' But a Heartache
So...I'm not in town this week and updating the blog from my cell phone due to my lack of internet access. Could get interesting during the Idol finale. At any rate, we're here to talk about The Voice eliminations. During the hour of filler, the contestants are sent to safety very slooooowly as follows:
First 2: Kris Thomas and The Swon Brothers
Second 2: Sarah Simmons and Josiah Hawley
Third 2: Judith Hill and Danielle Bradberry (duh)
Fourth 2: Michelle Chamuel and Amber Carrington
And finally: Holly Tucker and Sasha Allen
This ends the journeys for our resident Michael Jackson impersonator, Vedo and our non-Backstreet Boy, Garret Gardner. SoTeam Shakira and Team Usher both lose a contestant tonight while the other teams remain intact for next week. We'll see how they fare in the Top 10. Til then!
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
The Voice: Heat Wave
On tonight’s episode of The Voice the remaining three contestants from each team face off in the same night hoping to make it to the Top 10. The air conditioning is broken, the coaches are sweating….and I’m not really complaining about that. Don’t judge me. With 12 performances on the horizon, the heat in that place is bound to get unbearable. Let’s get going!
Contestant: Vedo
Team: Usher
Team: Usher
Song: “Rock With You” by Michael Jackson
Usher brought in a choreographer this week to help out his team, and Vedo certainly needed with a Michael Jackson song. My first impression is – Vedo is not Michael Jackson or Usher even. It’s a fun way to kick off the show but dude just kind of comes off as an impersonator who doesn’t quite get the job done.
Coaches Say: Shakira thinks the work Vedo did with his coach and choreographer really paid off. Blake thinks the choreography complimented the singing, telling him the performance was awesome. Usher thinks Vedo is on his way to being a "full entertainer" who sings and dances. I imagine Shakira's hips take that as a compliment.
Contestant: Holly Tucker
Team: Blake
Team: Blake
Song: “Broken Wing” by Martina McBride
Coaches Say: Usher says Holly is meant to do this, calling her performance incredible. He hopes she never has another doubt about belonging on stage. Shakira tries to talk like Blake and it makes me smile. Adam thinks the performance was just another example of Holly being great. Blake says that this was the best Holly has sounded so far in the competition.
Contestant: Garrett Gardner
Team: Shakira
Team: Shakira
Song: “I Want It That Way” by The Backstreet Boys
Oh no. A song from a boy band who peaked when I was in college? I almost write this performance off before it begins but I decide to give him the benefit of the doubt. He tries to make it a rock song though…and it just doesn’t work. It’s a shame too because I like Garrett and I was really excited that he made it this far. I don’t know though. Good thing for him he seems to have the teenage girl fan base going.
Coaches Say: Adam tells Garrett he is a teen heart throb but didn't love the song choice. Blake thinks that sometimes to figure out who an artist is, you have to throw them something out of left field. Usher says if there's no risk, there's no reward. Shakira is drowned out by the screaming girls but I do hear her say something about Garrett being cool as hell.
Contestant: Sarah Simmons
Team: Adam
Team: Adam
Song: “The Story” by Brandi Carlile
Sarah has soooo much power in her voice. I might love her. Sometimes her vocals are borderline screams, but she includes just the right of pull back when she needs to and her version of this song is just fantastic.
Coaches Say: Usher has taken his shirt off. I’m not sure what anyone is saying about Sarah right now, but it seems like everyone enjoys it.
Contestant: The Swon Brothers
Team: Blake
Song: "Who's Gonna Fill Their Shoes?" by George Jones
Taking on a song by a recently departed country music icon is very risky. However, the performance is wonderful. With one brother at the piano and the other seated with a guitar, the message is just right. A picture of George Jones lingers in the background, and candles in a “G” shape flicker on the piano. The boys sound amazing together and this rendition is a very touching tribute to George Jones.
Coaches Say: Usher thinks the performance was incredible and Adam says the performance made him forget this is a competition show. Blake had given them a standing ovation, and he tells The Swon Brothers that they honored both George Jones as well as country music itself.
Contestant: Sasha Allen
Team: Shakira
Song: “Alone” by Heart
See, this is one of those songs that should be retired on reality TV shows. I feel like we hear it wayyyy to often. That being said, she gives a very dramatic performance (Broadway-ish?)... she's just full of emotion. I miss the “rock” aspect of the song, but I can’t fault her for trying to connect to the lyrics as much as possible.
Coaches Say: Adam regrets giving Sasha up, and he should. Usher thinks Sasha took us all to church. Shakira takes it a step further, calling the performance heavenly.
Contestant: Josiah Hawley
Team: Usher
Song: “The Man That Can’t Be Moved” by The Script
Josiah sits surrounded by the audience to get a more intimate feel. Given that his jeans are painted on, I’m not sure how much more intimate we can get on NBC. This is actually a really good performance. I haven’t really paid much attention to Josiah up until now. I imagine he will surpass Garrett in the teenage girl fan department though. Good for him.
Coaches Say: Adam thinks the song complemented the “sweet spot” of Josiah’s voice. Blake thinks Usher and Josiah complement each other well, and he loved the performance. Usher thinks Josiah trusted his own instincts and showed a different side of himself.
Contestant: Danielle Bradbery
Team: Blake
Song: “Wasted” by Carrie Underwood
This kid is soooo talented. It’s crazy to think she’s only 16. I also love how Blake sings along from his seat as if he’s just having a really great time at a concert. All he needs is a beer…maybe he has one under his seat. Danielle has the “sit back and nod your head while I sing” vibe about her though. This is a very pleasant performance and I enjoy it.
Coaches Say: Shakira never detects an ounce of nerves from Danielle. She calls her a 16 year old Margaret Thatcher…a mini Iron Lady. I hope Danielle realizes this is a complement. I imagine her running to Wikipedia as soon as she leaves the stage. Adam thinks Danielle is the one to beat, and I think that’s kind of a premature statement. Blake wants people to know that Danielle is exactly the girl we think she is – an All American girl. A kid growing up before our eyes.
Contestant: Judith Hill
Team: Adam
Song: “You’ve Got A Friend” by Carole King
Coaches Say: Blake says the performance was beautiful and powerful. Usher thinks everything Judith does is key – she is in control of her own destiny. Adam says that her talent is a gift that cannot be taught. He also believes she might be the most talented person (all around) in the competition. I don’t think there’s a “might” involved here.
Contestant: Michelle Chamuel
Team: Usher
Song: “Call Your Girlfriend” by Robyn
I love Michelle’s confidence and energy. I do think, however, the either the band is drowning her out or she’s just not singing loud enough. Michelle’s rocking some red leather pants though, and she clearly worked with the choreographer this week…so I really can’t complain too much.
Coaches Say: Shakira loves that Michelle has learned how to sing and dance at the same time. Adam says Michelle is one of his favorites because she is so unique. Usher adores Michelle and the way she gives 100% in all of her performances.
Contestant: Kris Thomas
Team: Shakira
Song: “I’ll Be There” by The Jackson 5
This Michael Jackson cover contains no MJ choreography and I’m good with that. Kris really has a great voice and makes this performance look easy. I worry that he’s not really one of the “stand outs” in the competition, but I think he did a good job tonight.
Coaches Say: Adam thinks Kris took on quite a task with this song and rose to the occasion. Blake thinks the song pushed Kris to the extreme and really proved himself. Usher thinks Kris had a hard time trying to figure out if he wanted to sing more of the Jackson 5 version or the Mariah Carey version, saying Kris struggled a bit. Shakira believes Kris is really fighting to win the competition and thinks his performance was sincere.
Contestant: Amber Carrington
Team: Adam
Song: "I'm Gonna Love You Through It" by Martina McBride
Coaches Say: Blake says Amber did Martina proud and Nashville proud. Usher thinks Amber defies the laws of gravity with her voice. Shakira thinks it was smart for Amber to return to her country roots, and Adam is beyond impressed with her performance. He compliments her strength and tells her she can do anything.
So with that, it's really hard to say who is in danger tomorrow. The coaches no longer have the option to save their team members, so the two contestants/acts with the lowest number of votes will be heading home. We'll see who makes it to the Top 10 during the results show. Til then!
Monday, May 13, 2013
The Voice: 2013
So, I have been a bit behind on this season of The Voice. My apologies. I will say though after catching up on all of the episodes, that I am pleasantly surprised by how entertaining and effective our two new coaches are. I had been rather hesitant about Usher from the get go, but he's actually been pretty great. Additionally, Shakira might actually be maybe favorite coach to date. As for the contestants, I’ve had a soft spot for Judith Hill ever since she performed a very touching tribute at Michael Jackson’s memorial service. Watching her sing with him during the This Is It movie was at times both uplifting and depressing as it would have been one hell of a concert series if it had come to fruition. She’s my pick to win right now, but there are several contenders on this show that may surprise me. We’ll see!
Friday, May 10, 2013
American Idol: Here Comes Goodbye
We’re almost there, kids. Tonight the Final 2 contestants for the American Idol 2013 season will be revealed. This will happen, of course, after 58 minutes of filler…but at least the Top 3 are all pretty great and group numbers are welcome at this point. As the judges take their seats Nicki does a sassy walk instead of taking Keith’s hand, and I wonder for a second if she’s pissed at Keith. Then I realize Mariah is premiering the video for her new song “Beautiful” tonight and Nicki is only able to premiere the outfit she’s wearing. I will not miss the rivalry between these two at all.
Results! All three girls stand nervously in the center of the stage, and Candice is revealed as the first half of our Final 2. She is overwhelmed and gets a standing ovation. After another commercial break (how many sponsors do these guys have?) the person competing against Candice is Kree. This means Angie is eliminated tonight, which is ultimately what I wanted…but it still makes me sad. She has come SUCH a long way in such a short time. Here’s hoping Colton Dixon takes her on tour with him…maybe they can also get married and have musical children. Regardless, we’ll be hearing her name again and I wish her the best. I do, however, also wish Ryan hadn’t talked so damn long because Angie’s incredibly emotional goodbye song is cut off by my TiVo.
Next week is finale week, and if you haven't already will be the last week we have to listen to The Dawg say "yo" three times per critique and "in it to win it" every time there is a marginally good performance. Yes, Randy is leaving the show. Here's hoping he takes Nicki with him. If he does, kudos to him.
At this point, does Kree have a shot at beating Candice? Is it an honor just to be nominated? We'll find out next week. Til then!
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