Tonight we said goodbye to another hopeful on The Voice, but just one. We're down to 9 after this episode but next week we arrive at the Semi-Finals. Just making sure we are all on the same page. The elimination hour held no surprises this week either but here's a summary of what went down.
Adam Levine and R. City opened the show with "Locked Away" which will now be stuck in my head for at least the next 24 hours. It's a catchy tune...Adam's part anyway. A very dramatic but wonderful Sia took the stage as well to perform "Alive," and though I always hope Kristen Wiig will storm the stage and dance during all Sia performances, Sia was solo tonight.
Results! The first two artists Carson sent to safety were Emily Ann and Jordan. Jeffery and Barrett joined them soon thereafter, and following some filler and commercials, Madi (and Pharrell) breathed a sigh of relief as well. America also saved Amy, Zach and (at the 38 minute nark) Shelby, leaving Braiden and Korin in the bottom 2.

Next week the Top 9 face off again and we are apparently inching super close to the finale. Can Team Blake and Team Adam remain in tact? Will Braiden bounce back from his stint in the bottom 2? Is Madi going to hold strong for Team Pharrell? We'll see what happens on Monday. Til then!
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