The Top 11 artists remaining in this season of The Voice take the stage again tonight, hoping to wow America once more for a spot in the Top 10. Team Adam is down one contestant already, while the other three teams survived the first elimination unscathed. Will Adam's two remaining contenders steal the show tonight? Let's get to the performances and find out.
Artist: Janice Freeman
Team: Miley
Song: "Shine" by Collective Soul
After last week's powerful showstopper/show ender, Janice kicks off the Top 11 performances with a song that has not been done on the show before. I'm already happy. Janice looks and acts like a rock star in this performance (did I mention that there is a silver streak in her hair that matches her jacket?) and I just love her. The performance got super screamy and loud at the end, but I think she was going for sheer badassery tonight...and got it.
Coaches Say: I *think* Janice gets a standing ovation from all four coaches but the camera can't seem to stay away from Miley - she is freaking out right now. Adam tells Janice he was never really a fan of the song until he heard her version of it tonight. He then looks at Janice and says, "you are just not normal" and he means it as a huge compliment. Miley is still standing and still excited and she tells Janice that there is a light shining down on her tonight. See what she did there? With the song lyrics? Miley says Janice is everything she could ever imagine from someone on her team and ends with "I just love you so much."
Artist: Red Marlow
Team: Blake
Song: "The Dance" by Garth Brooks
Remember how a mere 6 months ago Lauren Duski slayed this song? That was just last season. I don't think we needed to bring the iconic tune back so quickly, but here we are. The first verse and first chorus are lovely... a near(ish) copy of Garth Brooks' version. As we move into the second verse and rest of the performance, Red tries to take some liberties to make the song his own and the notes are shaky in some places. Overall he does a good job, but I've seen Garth perform this song in concert a couple of times over the past few years and I'm just partial to what he emotes when he delivers "The Dance." Red's got a ways to go on the "I totally believe everything you are singing" front.
Coaches Say: Jennifer says Red silenced the crowd and commanded the room tonight, owning the moment and drawing the audience in. Blake tells Red he is a great storyteller because he sings with pure, simple honesty.
Artist: Shi'Ann Jones
Team: Jennifer
Song: "Listen," by Beyonce
Okay J-Hud...we know you're friends with Beyonce. Doesn't mean we need your contestants to try to take on her songs every week. Kidding. Kinda. This tune comes from Dreamgirls, which is the movie that brought Jennifer an Academy Award. I recommend the movie on the whole, but if you haven't seen J-Hud's "And I Am Telling You" portion, I suggest you watch the video before progressing any further in life. It's unbelievable. Okay, back to Shi'Ann. The song is a little too big for this kid, but man would I love to hear her version a couple of years from now, assuming she stayed under J-Hud's wing. Shi'Ann struggles with the low notes...which is a good portion of the song...but she SOARS in that last chorus though. So much potential in this young lady.
Coaches Say: All four coaches are on their feet. Miley says Shi'Ann's performance was beautiful and then she almost blows my mind. "I cannot get enough of your low tones. Those low tones are so magic." I guess it depends upon your definition of magic. Jennifer tells Shi'Ann that although she's young, she is an old soul who can tell a story. She then says "little girl, you almost had me running through this whole entire room hollerin' with your daddy over there, okay?" Love it.
Artist: Adam Cunningham
Team: Adam
Song: "American Girl" by Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers
Adam is very fortunate to have another chance at America's votes this week after the questionable "Against All Odds" during the Top 12 performances. Taking on Tom Petty tonight (RIP...sad face), Adam thinks this will be the right blend of his classic rock vibe and his southern country vibe, and I agree that this was a much, much, much better choice. He loses some of the vocals (and a lot of annunciation) during the "I'm going to stop playing the guitar and touch hands with the audience members, but still have the guitar awkwardly in the same place and not behind my back" part of the performance, but Adam was definitely at his best at the mic stand with the band and his guitar. I wish the whole performance had been that way.
Coaches Say: Blake was surprised last week to see Adam in the bottom 2, and he says he would be shocked this week if it happened again because Adam performed with so much energy. Coach Adam tells his contestant this was a big moment and thinks he gave the voters more than they needed tonight. Careful dude.
Artist: Brooke Simpson
Team: Miley
Song: "What About Us" by P!nk
Yesssssssssssssss. Not only is this tune perfect for Brooke, Miley takes it to another level by adding Native American drum beats to the arrangement. Brooke sounds amazing, looks incredibly confident, and she has a ton of energy and passion in this song from start to finish. Brooke seems like a natural and I love every single thing about this performance. Best of the night so far for me (sorry Janice - love you boo).
Coaches Say: Adam loves Brooke and enjoys watching Brooke connect with the songs each week. Miley is already looking forward to Brooke's first album and she is very proud of her contestant for taking a song currently on the radio and relating it back to herself.
Artist: Davon Fleming
Team: Jennifer
Song: "I Have Nothing" by Whitney Houston.
Okay. Just because someone has a big voice doesn't mean they should be tackling The Bodyguard soundtrack. Davon had such a great week last week but he is all over the place tonight. I feel like there are four or five different Davons taking turns with the song because there's just so. many. transitions. Maybe I'm all by myself in this, but the performance was definitely not my cup of tea.
Coaches Say: Blake tells Davon no one else in the competition sings with so much dynamics and he thinks Davon will be in the competition for many weeks ahead. J-Hud gives Blake a high five and says the level Davon sings on can't get any higher.
Artist: Ashland Craft
Team: Miley
Song: "Chicken Fried" by Zac Brown Band
Last week Ashland and Miley were torn between this song and "Delta Dawn," so it makes sense to give this one a go in week 2. I do wish she would have used her guitar in this song like she did in her rehearsal package last week, but I do really like Ashland's rendition of "Chicken Fried." While she seems a little uncomfortable in her movements back and forth between the hay barrel band, once Ashland makes her way to the audience and the front of the stage, she's good to go.
Coaches Say: Adam gives Ashland an A+ on the performance and says she definitely belongs in the competition. Miley spends some time talking about Ashland's pretty awesome fringe outfit, and then she compliments Ashland on her confidence and getting the audience involved.
Artist: Addison Agen
Team: Adam
Song: "A Case of You" by Joni Mitchell
This makes me so happy. The performance is a perfect pairing of song and singer and man does Addison sell it. The whole thing seems effortless from start to finish. I'm not sure how well the younger viewing generation knows Joni Mitchell's brilliance, but I bet there will be a number of people who check out some of Joni's classics after Addison's performance tonight. Well done.
Coaches Say: All four coaches stand and even Carson can't contain his (still very dull) excitement! Jennifer says Addison she has a gift and tells the audience they better vote for her. That's awesome - she's not even on Jennifer's team. Adam thinks the audience was moved by Addison and says the performance was the full recognition of how talented she is.
Artist: Keisha Renee
Team: Blake
Song: "It Matters To Me" by Faith Hill
During the rehearsal package Keisha and Blake talked a little bit about changing up the song, which I was very excited about, but Keisha sticks very close to the original for this performance and I'm a little bummed. Don't get me wrong - her rendition is still beautiful and I have some goosebumps when the performance is over. I think I was just hoping for something a little more based on the way she and Blake changed up "Midnight Train To Georgia" last week. I'm spoiled?
Coaches Say: Blake and Jennifer stand but I'm not sure if the other two do. Miley thinks Keisha is going to find herself at the top of the iTunes country chart this week and Blake completely agrees. He says she delivered a solid country performance and Keisha is alllll smiles.
Artist: Noah Mac
Team: Jennifer
Song: "Electric Love" by BORNS
So, I don't know this song at all...but after hearing Noah perform it, I love it. I am going to download his version immediately and then go back and give the original a listen. Noah has such a stage presence. He is high energy tonight and sounds awesome. The ladies playing cello and violin are the icing on the cake, and I think Chloe has a challenge ahead of her now closing the show.
So, I don't know this song at all...but after hearing Noah perform it, I love it. I am going to download his version immediately and then go back and give the original a listen. Noah has such a stage presence. He is high energy tonight and sounds awesome. The ladies playing cello and violin are the icing on the cake, and I think Chloe has a challenge ahead of her now closing the show.
Coaches Say: Adam calls Noah "dreamy" and says he did everything right in his performance tonight. J-Hud tells Noah he owned the stage and took every opportunity to show America what kind of star he is. She thinks he'll be at the top of the charts tomorrow morning.
Artist: Chloe Kohanski
Team: Blake
Song: "Total Eclipse of the Heart" by Bonnie Tyler
Oh man. How many times have we heard this one over the years? Probably not as many times as "Against All Odds" and "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" and (god help me) "I Believe I Can Fly." Did I say Chloe would have a challenge closing the show tonight? Clearly I was kidding. Apparently people have been Tweeting her since the blind auditions about singing this song, and it makes perfect sense. Chloe ends the Top 11 performances with something you'd expect from an artist on tour or at an awards show. I didn't see any shoes thrown, but she definitely should have dropped the mic.
Oh man. How many times have we heard this one over the years? Probably not as many times as "Against All Odds" and "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" and (god help me) "I Believe I Can Fly." Did I say Chloe would have a challenge closing the show tonight? Clearly I was kidding. Apparently people have been Tweeting her since the blind auditions about singing this song, and it makes perfect sense. Chloe ends the Top 11 performances with something you'd expect from an artist on tour or at an awards show. I didn't see any shoes thrown, but she definitely should have dropped the mic.

Tomorrow night the Top 10 will be revealed and we will say goodbye to another hopeful. Did Adam do enough to keep himself out of the bottom 2? Was Red's rendition of "The Dance" memorable enough for voters to choose after 2 hours of performances? Are voters going to be turned off by Shi'Ann's low tones that Miley can't get enough of? And am I really the only one that couldn't wrap my head around what Davon was doing on stage tonight? We'll find out which of these folks are competing for the Stupid Twitter Save in the elimination hour. Til then!
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