We are down to the wire on American Idol with only four contestants remaining. After last week's shocking but really not so shocking elimination twist, the hopefuls are out of "save" options from here on out. Each singer will take on three(!) songs each, with a "falling in and out of love" theme. Oh jeez. Let's get going.
Contestant: Caleb Johnson
Song: "You Give Love a Bad Name" by Bon Jovi

Before the performance even starts I know this is a song Caleb will make look easy. He seems to physically assault Keith at one point, which startles both of us, and he then takes a quick walk through the audience before doing some major yells and monster notes to close the song. Not Caleb's best performance, but he is certainly staying consistent.
Judges Say: Keith seems to have recovered from the attack quickly and he says Caleb took the song to his own place. JLo agrees and tells Caleb she feels like she is at a rock concert (which I assume is what Caleb was going for). Harry says this was a great way to start the show and gives Caleb some advice on the "Caleb signatures."
Contestant: Jessica Meuse
Song: "Since U Been Gone" by Kelly Clarkson
So, because Jessica has had such a hard time letting loose on this show, I immediately wince when I hear the song choice. When the performance starts...I wince even more. It's too low in the first verse and the first verse seems to go on forever. Jessica gets mostly back on track and finds some attitude once she gets to the choruses, but the energy and confidence needed to deliver this song is just not there. Bummer.
Judges Say: JLo says Jessica had the right attitude but thinks the song did not suit Jessica's vocal ability (meaning Jessica is no KC which is 100% true). Harry tells Jessica this was not her best performance and says he's glad she still has two more songs. Keith mentions that it must be hard for Jessica to rock out when the three judges are sitting stonefaced, which causes a discussion among the judges about performing for the people who are having a good time and not the people who are doing nothing....and we never really get anywhere.
Contestant: Alex Preston
Song: "Too Close" by Alex Clare
Yes, yes and yes. Alex has had his share of heartbreak and mentions that he wrote "some pretty dope songs" because of it. You can add "some pretty dope songs" to the list of things I did not expect to come out of the mouths of certain contestants....right up there with David Archuleta singing the words "I need you, boo." Anyway, Alex wants everyone to feel the words of this song tonight, which is not entirely easy to do given all of the camera time JLo gets during the performance (I'm over it, Idol). From what I do see of Alex's delivery though, I totally love. He's 100% invested, he's got attitude, and he sounds amazing. This is a situation where he made the song his own while still respecting the original. Well done.
Judges Say: Harry thinks people like Alex because he spends so much time deconstructing music and reassembling it in his own way. Keith wants Alex to take command of his phrasing a little bit more but thinks he did a good job. JLo says the performance definitely worked, but she's concerned that Alex does the same thing every time.
Contestant: Jena Irene
Song: "Heartbreaker" by Pat Benatar
I just saw Pat Benatar in concert last month and this was one of the showstoppers of the night. It's a hell of a song to take on. Jena, however, has no trouble with the vocals or working the stage while belting this song. I'm still wishing that she would have the band on stage with her for these types of songs, but she really manages the energy pretty well all on her own. Her voice is just ridiculous and by the time her performance is over, I've just about forgotten the story she told regarding the dude who broke up with her when she was 14 after he came home from camp. I know, I know. She's only 17. Edge of 17? Can we get some Stevie Nicks out of her?

Judges Say: Keith says Jena is a killer singer (he seriously loves the word "killer") with a great range but he didn't think she had an energetic release in the song. Really? Wow. People boo him and JLo totally disagrees. She thinks Jena was definitely commanding the stage during the performance and she can't wait to see Jena's career blossom. Harry says something similar to what Keith mentioned and I'm not sure that I understand. He then tells Jena to feel free to take her heels off and jump around when she performs. Wasting no time at all, JLo takes the opportunity to strut on stage in her own heels....because, you know, she hasn't had that much screen time yet.
Contestant: Caleb Johnson
Song: "Travelin' Band" by Creedence Clearwater Revival
Caleb dedicates this song to his band back home in Tennessee....who is not traveling with Caleb and probably won't be in the foreseeable future. Thank goodness the Idol band is there to help him out, because their presence totally makes the performance for me. When a lead singer can feed off of the energy of a kick ass band, and vice versa, it's just golden.
Judges Say: JLo says Caleb killed it again and he is going to be tough to beat. Harry thinks that the musicianship of the Idol band makes Caleb better. I have to wonder how his Tennessee band feels about that. Keith says the song "exploded."
Contestant: Jessica Meuse
Song: "So What" by Pink

Oh man. We're following a Kelly Clarkson "screw you" song with a Pink "screw you" song, huh? Jessica dedicates this song to the people who don't believe in her. So....the judges should have a warm and fuzzy feeling right about now. Speaking of judges, we actually get JLo's lip synced version of "So What" for about a third of the performance. I'm beyond frustrated and I know I'm not alone on that front. As for Jessica, she unfortunately doesn't sound great in this performance either....she's concentrating so much on letting loose and having attitude that her vocals are paying the price during the verses again. She's wearing some pretty impressive pants though.
Judges Say: Harry says Jessica is an amazing talent but she has chosen two not so great songs tonight. Keith agrees that she needs to find the right song to be successful. JLo is hoping the third song is better.
Contestant: Jena Irene
Song: "Bad Romance" by Lady Gaga
I don't think Jena ever mentions who this song is dedicated to, but I don't care because she's got two guitarists on stage and some neat laser lights going all around her. I don't love the arrangement of the song though and I think she sounded better in her first performance. If we could have combined the vocals on "Heartbreaker" with the staging of "Bad Romance," it would be magic...or sorcery...or laser tag.
Judges Say: Keith liked that Jena changed the melody of the chorus to make the versus more potent. JLo says Jena is a force to be reckoned with and gives Caleb a run for his money. I'm sure Alex and Jessica feel like a million bucks right about now. Harry tells Jena she made in interesting choice with the song and says she did a good job.
Contestant: Alex Preston
Song: "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz
Alex dedicates this song to his girlfriend...not the one who broke his heart which helped him write dope songs...the current one who will probably inspire dope songs someday as well. Alex's performance sounds pleasant enough, but the whole "feeling the song" thing disappeared for me in this rendition. He looks like he's really thinking hard about everything he's doing, and at times I wonder if he's in pain. Performance number one was definitely superior.
Judges Say: JLo loves watching Alex do what he does but reiterates that he needs to take his performances up a level. Harry talks about chords and such and tells Alex he did not put an Alex spin on the song at all. Keith liked the last eight bars of the song. Well, Alex, welcome to Jessica's life.
Contestant: Caleb Johnson
Song: "Maybe I'm Amazed" by Paul McCartney

I LOVE this song. I also love Caleb's rendition of this song. He holds absolutely nothing back as he sings here and I'm just captivated by what he's doing in this performance. Caleb has been critiqued on too much rock and not enough ballads before, and this is one hell of a way to answer that criticism...it's an awesome combination of power and vulnerability. I will be downloading this one for sure tonight and I think this was Caleb's best performance so far. Way to come out swinging in round 3, buddy!
Judges Say: Keith and JLo give him a standing ovation. Harry, you'll recall, does not do those, but he says the performance was absolutely phenomenal. Agreed! Keith tells Caleb he nailed that song and JLo also thinks this was Caleb's best performance.
Contestant: Jessica
Song: "You and I" by Lady Gaga
Mother monster is definitely getting some attention tonight. I heart her and I will be putting my paws up as soon as I finish typing this sentence. *Pause.* Moving on to Jessica, she finally chooses a song that works for her in round 3. She sounds great, she looks confident, and she steers clear of any awkward movements. Everything about this performance makes me smile and I wish Jessica had been shining like this all night.
Judges Say: Keith says this was the perfect song for Jessica and calls the performance killer. JLo agrees, saying the song highlighted all of the strengths in her voice. Harry tells Jessica she killed it.
Contestant: Jena Irene
Song: "I Can't Help Falling In Love With You" by Elvis Presley
Jena takes to the piano for this classic Elvis tune and she completely strips the song down. The result is as close as perfection as one can get. She is totally vulnerable here as well and the performance is just beautiful. JLo is standing well before the song ends and so am I. You can add this one to my iTunes list too... and I'm now ashamed to say that I ever listed to UB40.

Judges Say: Keith gives Jena a standing ovation as well and JLo rushes the stage to hug Jena and kiss her on the cheek. I think she is bleeped out at one point, but she does say that Jena reinvented the song. JLo is all kinds of emotional right now and at one point she looks up at the ceiling and says she is grateful for having been here tonight. I guess she had a religious experience during the performance. Harry compliments Jena's bravery, saying it's rare for the American public to see something like that. He then calls the performance incredible. Keith thinks that Jena is a musical platypus (best comparison ever) and says she was mesmerizing.
Contestant: Alex Preston
Song: "Yellow" by Coldplay
Alex closes the night with a solid performance, though it was in no way a performance that should have ended the show. I guess they can't have Jena or Caleb in the pimp slot every time though. I still think Alex's first performance was his best tonight, but he really didn't have a chance of claiming round 3 anyway.
Judges Say: Harry says Alex really needed that performance and Keith and JLo agree quickly because we are out of time.
With only two weeks left until the finale, it seems like a line has been drawn in the sand. Jena owns the night, with Caleb coming in not too far behind. Alex did some memorable things tonight as well, but Jessica should hope that voters only remember the last performance. I'm guessing either Jessica or Alex will be heading home tomorrow, and I can't say I disagree. Will the voters prove me wrong? Does it matter which of the two makes it through because we're bound to have a Jena vs. Caleb finale? We'll find out in the coming episodes. Til then!