This is it kids. The final showdown between Caleb and Jena to see which one of them will (hopefully) join the ranks of other successful Idol winners. We can really only keep our fingers crossed from this point forward. The judges have mostly decked themselves out tonight, as Harry is in a tux, and JLo once again gives the audience below the platform quite a show as she walks by. And now on to the contestants. The Final 2 will take on three songs each tonight: one chosen by Simon Fuller, one encore chosen by the contestant, and the song that will be released as the winner's first single. We only have an hour to see if either artist can deliver a knockout punch so let's get to it!
Contestant: Jena Irene
Song: "Dog Days Are Over" by Florence + The Machine
First of all, shout out to the dudes on the drums. They're pretty awesome. I wish Alex had come out and joined them. Jena uses this performance to do all of that audience interaction she was talking about last week as she starts the song shaking many hands in the audience. About half way through she takes center stage, unleashes her vocals, and sounds fantastic. Am I partial to the original? Definitely. Do I love Jena's version anyway? Yes, I absolutely do.

Contestant: Caleb Johnson
Song: "Dream On" by Aerosmith
This is a tall order. The number of times singing show contestants have tragically attempted this song is unfortunate. Caleb and his frilled jacket, however, totally nail this performance. Even the "Steven Tyler screech" at the end of the performance is perfect. He uses all of the energy in the room as well as the energy of the band on stage to bring the house down, and he is just a force to be reckoned with. Round 1 easily goes to Caleb.
Judges Say: Keith and JLo had been standing since the middle of the song and JLo tells us "This is the finale!" Yes. Yes it is. She says Caleb really delivered and he should thank Simon Fuller for the song choice. Harry says the performance was phenomenal but mentions that he would like to see the energy at the end of the performance start at the very beginning. Wait. Isn't the point of "Dream On" the slow build to awesomeness? Keith disagrees, saying the arc of the performance was exceptional.
Contestant: Jena Irene
Song: "Can't Help Falling In Love" by Elvis Presley
YES! If you saw my post yesterday regarding Christina Grimmie's "unique" version of this song on The Voice this week, you'll know that I am clapping and laughing from my couch long before the performance even starts. The first time she sang this I was memorized and moved. I assume it will be difficult to create a moment like that (or like this...anyone?) all over again, but Jena's pulling out all the stops. Instead of anguish in this performance, there's happiness for Jena, and the result is just beautiful.
YES! If you saw my post yesterday regarding Christina Grimmie's "unique" version of this song on The Voice this week, you'll know that I am clapping and laughing from my couch long before the performance even starts. The first time she sang this I was memorized and moved. I assume it will be difficult to create a moment like that (or like this...anyone?) all over again, but Jena's pulling out all the stops. Instead of anguish in this performance, there's happiness for Jena, and the result is just beautiful.
Judges Say: Harry thinks what separates Jena from other performers is her ability to make songs unique and special. Keith says her performance of this song two weeks ago was so beautiful, it inspired "somebody else" to do it...he emphasizes "somebody else" twice and I assume he is talking about Christina Grimmie. HA!!! That's awesome. Keith calls Jena a trailblazer and a true artist. JLo has goosies (everybody drink!) because Jena's soul comes through when she sings at the piano.
Contestant: Caleb Johnson
Song: "Maybe I'm Amazed" by Paul McCartney
You know, it's going to be really hard for Caleb to follow that first performance with anything else tonight. I truly loved his recent rendition of this song and I think he actually delivers this performance with even more gusto tonight....even though he has that bruised vocal cord...that I had completely forgotten about until just now. Maybe I'm amazed by how amazing he sounds. Yes, you better believe I went there. "Dream On" was his best of the two so far though, and Round 2 definitely goes to Jena.
You know, it's going to be really hard for Caleb to follow that first performance with anything else tonight. I truly loved his recent rendition of this song and I think he actually delivers this performance with even more gusto tonight....even though he has that bruised vocal cord...that I had completely forgotten about until just now. Maybe I'm amazed by how amazing he sounds. Yes, you better believe I went there. "Dream On" was his best of the two so far though, and Round 2 definitely goes to Jena.
Judges Say: Keith says "Maybe I'm Amazed" is such an emotional song and he cautions Caleb not to lose the feeling of a song while he is performing. JLo agrees by saying Caleb is such a powerhouse, but at the end of the day his soul is going to give her the goosies (drink!). Harry takes a vote and determines Caleb as the winner of Round 1 and Jena as the winner of Round 2. Yes indeed.
Contestant: Jena Irene
Song: "We Are One"
This song puts "pop star" Jena on display rather than "Soul at a piano giving goosies" Jena...but I'm totally okay with it. This song suits her and she's once again able to greet her fans in the audience throughout the performance by walking straight past the judges as if they weren't even there. Jena's wearing her not quite Beetlejuice outfit and she's performing the song as if it's already a hit. Such a pro.
This song puts "pop star" Jena on display rather than "Soul at a piano giving goosies" Jena...but I'm totally okay with it. This song suits her and she's once again able to greet her fans in the audience throughout the performance by walking straight past the judges as if they weren't even there. Jena's wearing her not quite Beetlejuice outfit and she's performing the song as if it's already a hit. Such a pro.
Judges Say: JLo liked the song and says it was a nice finish for her. Harry calls the performance strong and Keith thinks the song is perfect for Jena.
Contestant: Caleb Johnson
Song: "As Long As You Love Me"
My brain immediately imagines Caleb singing the Backstreet Boys song with the same title. It takes me a minute or so to get beyond that. This song, however, is a total departure from the vibe of Jena's, which is not really a good or bad thing. I'm just happy both contestants received songs that play to each of their strengths. This tune has a more current feel (I realize it's a new song, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's current), and I think Caleb proves here that he is not just a classic rock cover singer. Well done. Round a tie.
My brain immediately imagines Caleb singing the Backstreet Boys song with the same title. It takes me a minute or so to get beyond that. This song, however, is a total departure from the vibe of Jena's, which is not really a good or bad thing. I'm just happy both contestants received songs that play to each of their strengths. This tune has a more current feel (I realize it's a new song, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's current), and I think Caleb proves here that he is not just a classic rock cover singer. Well done. Round a tie.
Judges Say: Harry says Caleb will sleep well tonight because of that performance. Keith is dying to see what happens tomorrow and congratulates both contestants. JLo thinks Caleb put it all out there tonight and it's going to be a tough decision for America.

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