We've reached the American Idol finale of 2015! We've sadly also reached the second to last American Idol finale...it was announced this week that the 2016 season of the show will be the final season. I have mixed feelings about the cancellation, but those feelings will be set aside tonight as we find out which contestants have made it to the Final 2 and which pour soul was thisclose to having a shot at confetti. This is only an hour long episode (thank you) so let's see who the lucky performers are!
Cue dramatic music and ominous lighting. Clark, Jax, and Nick hold hands center stage as Ryan receives the results envelope as if he were about to announce the paternity results on (fill in the blank's) Talk Show. The vote came down to less than .4%...and...Jax is eliminated. Wait. Ryan. It sounded like you just said Jax is eliminated and that CAN'T be right. It CAN'T be! Sigh. Jax is awkwardly sent to go cry in her family's arms while the opening credits play and the show starts all over again. Both guys will perform three songs each in this hour and I'm still pissed about the way Jax was booted so let's just get going.
ROUND 1: Contestants' Encore
Contestant: Clark
Song: "Georgia On My Mind" by Ray Charles
From the opening notes I'm closing my eyes and moving my head back and forth like Steven Tyler. This is such a great choice and Clark killllllllls it. Ownnnnns it. Slaaaayyyyyys it. You get the picture. His voice is unbelievable, he's performing with ease, and he's got personality to boot. This is a true finale worthy performance and an excellent way to kick off the show.
Judges Say: Keith says the performance was like a whole mess of flap jacks drenched in syrup. I'm suddenly starving. JLo sees how far Clark has come and thinks he is singing to win. Yes. Yes he is. Harry says the performance was a great example of how Clark is always trying to "push it" as a performer.
Contestant: Nick
Song: "Bright Lights" by Matchbox Twenty
When I think back on Nick's performance, I'm not sure that this was the total standout song of the season. That being said, he makes the song a standout moment tonight. While the band is certainly present, Nick is not the front man for this performance - he's a solo artist. I love this. I do. But for me Round 1 goes to Clark. His vocals were just SO freaking good.
Judges Say: JLo says Nick is what the show is all about - a true American Idol. Calm down, Jenny. The competition isn't over yet. Harry tells Nick the performance was great and wants everyone to vote tonight. Keith says it's not just about the vocal or the performance. It's about whether the audience can relate to Nick and they definitely do. Soooo are the judges going to be this Nick heavy all night or is this just a Round 1 thing?
ROUND 2: Simon Fuller's Choice
Contestant: Clark
Song: "Ain't No Sunshine" by Bill Withers

Judges Say: Harry says Clark gave an inward, soulful performance and Keith makes a Bill Withers joke then calls the performance fantastic. JLo asks Clark, "Who is she? Who were you singing to?" Clark blushes and JLo says the performance was awesome.
Contestant: Nick
Song: "I Won't Give Up" by Jason Mraz
This is my absolute favorite Jason Mraz song (and he's got some pretty phenomenal tunes). Nick takes a turn at the piano for this performance which is great to see, but I notice that when Nick is tethered to a stationary instrument, his head shaking, side mouthy thing is amplified by a million. Luckily the producers realize this about half way through the song and stop the extreme closeups. Nick brings the house down though so I'm going to call Round 2 a tie even though I really, really want to give it to Clark.
Judges Say: Keith had no idea Nick plays the piano and says Nick has so many more colors to him that we haven't seen yet. JLo says it's really hard to choose between Clark and Nick and Harry tells Nick that his strongest attribute is his ability to leave it all out there.
ROUND 3: The Dreaded Original Song
Contestant: Clark
Song: "Champion"
Ugggghhh. Really? "Champion?" That's what Clark is saddled with as his first single? Shame on you Idol. Clark does the best that he can do vocally here but the song itself is just meh. Paging "No Boundries" and "This Is My Now." Your table's ready.
Judges Say: JLo asks Clark how it feels to sing his first song and tells him he sounded great. Harry thinks Clark did a good job and Keith felt inspired by the song. I wonder if someone told him to say that...
Contestant: Nick
Song: "Beautiful Life"

Judges Say: Harry really enjoyed the performance and says Nick is lucky because "it sounds like that song was tailored for you." It sure does. Shenanigans. JLo's favorite part was seeing Nick taking it all in while the audience did the arm waves. Keith says that's the type of song that people will buy and want to see him sing in concert.
And that's that. I can't help but wonder what Jax's songs were for tonight and if she would have run circles around either of these guys. I hate that she prepared herself for the finale only to be sent away in tears in the first two minutes. They should have added an elimination half hour last Thursday.
Anyway, I think the competition was very close tonight. Personally I would like to see my boyfriend Clark take the title and I will be voting for him tonight, especially given the clear nonsense between his "coronation" song and Nick's. However, Nick has had this slow build momentum working in his favor and I could see him winning it all. We'll find out who gets the confetti shower and the glory tomorrow during the star-studded 2 hour finale to the finale. Til then!
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