We're back to that point in the competition where we have 12 performances to (hopefully) look forward to as our Top 6 each take on two songs tonight. One song is the artists' choice and the other will be dedicated to the artists' mothers in honor of Mother's Day. I'm guessing we are in for an extremely emotional night so let's get those tear-jerkers going!
Artist: India Carney
Team: Xtina
Song: "Glory" by John Legend and Common
Whoa. Just whoa. India's balls grow even bigger every week and she's kicking off the show with a song that had the majority of stars at this year's Academy Awards crying in the audience. India chose this song for her mom because it embodies hope and strength, which are qualities she has learned from her mom. Overall, India does an amazing job. The parts that Common usually raps are a little strange when sung, but I wouldn't have wanted to hear her try to bust those rhymes. This performance doesn't pack as much emotional punch as John Legend and Common's version, but I would argue that this is India's best performance of the season, and she's had some pretty great performances leading up to tonight. Good for her.
Coaches Say: Pharrell congratulates India on having an incredible comeback just now. Adam thinks India really stepped it up tonight and Blake didn't know the song at all. Where the hell has he been?!?! He says she did some great melodies and called it a great song. Yes Blake. It is a great song. Xtina says what India did was pretty remarkable and tells India she rose to the challenge tonight.
Artist: Joshua Davis
Team: Adam
Song: "Desire" by U2
Adam's last man standing decides to go up-tempo for his first performance of the night, complete with a few back up singers and a some trumpets and trombones behind him. I'm not a fan. This song is supposed to be uber sexy and the performance is anything but. Maybe I will enjoy performance #2 more, but I'm happy when this one ends.
Coaches Say: Pharrell says this was Joshua's best performance because he was doing something different, with a production, and having a good time. Adam is impressed by Joshua because he's so focused on making great music and having the time of his life. K.
Artist: Koryn Hawthorne
Team: Pharrell
Song: "Everybody Hurts" by R.E.M.
This song is going out to Koryn's mom because she's been through so much and has taught Koryn that she can handle anything. Koryn is emotional when the song starts and uses those emotions to deliver one hell of a performance. Sometimes her vibrato is a little much for me but I don't care tonight. Her last belt of "Everybody hurts" moving into the "hold on" chants gives me the chills. Amazing.
Coaches Say: Blake says either Koryn is the world's greatest actress or she is so invested in the songs that even her body starts to lose control (in a good way). Pharrell is humbled to be her coach and thinks the Spirit moves through Koryn.
Artist: Kimberly Nichole
Team: Xtina
Song: "Free Fallin'" by Tom Petty
Kimberly says her mother is her idol and chooses "Free Fallin'" because her mom had left a small town when she was younger to follow her dreams. I'm not going to knock a song choice that reminds Kimberly of how amazing her mother is, but I don't think this is one of Kimberly's better performances. For me, she sings the song way too high and doesn't leave a lot of room for her usual range and awesomeness. Just me.
Coaches Say: Adam says Kimberly can sing any song and do it in an amazing way. Xtina gives a shout out for Kimberly's mom and says the performance allowed Kimberly to be free and express her joy.
Artist: Meghan Lindsey
Team: Blake
Song: "Steamroller Blues" by James Taylor

Coaches Say: Xtina says Meghan left her heart and soul out on the stage tonight and Pharrell enjoyed the performance because Meghan pushes through every week. Blake is excited and says Meghan sang the crap out of the song and doesn't know what else to say. Pharrell jumps in and says everyone in Nashville should vote for this girl right now.
Artist: Sawyer Fredericks
Team: Pharrell
Song: "Shine On" by Daisy May Erlewine
I've never heard this song before, but Sawyer dedicates it to his mom because it's about pulling through during tough times. His mom is crying in the audience throughout the performance, I'm crying, and this is my favorite Sawyer song. He is completely vulnerable and his voice is even more beautiful than it usually is.
Coaches Say: Adam tells Sawyer he is a really special kid and says this is one of his favorite performances of the night. Blake thinks it's hard to put into words what Sawyer does when he's on stage other than "real" and "powerful." Pharrell says no one can deny the power Sawyer had with his performance. He calls this boy wonder inspirational and I totally agree.
Artist: Kimberly Nichole
Team: Xtina
Song: "Dirty Diana" by Michael Jackson
Yesssssssssssssssssss. Oh man. Any issues I had with Kimberly's performance earlier tonight have gone quickly down the drain. There's no better song for that awesome stank face than this one. So angry. So wonderful. Kimberly sings her freaking face off and she has the staging and special effects of a superstar. Best of the night so far. I have to watch it back a few times before I can even think about moving on to the next performance.
Coaches Say: Pharrell congratulates Kimberly on having her first official rock n' roll moment on the show. Xtina says she always knows Kimberly will be electrifying when she takes the stage each time and believes Kimberly is the contestant that could be really successful coming out of this show. I sure hope so - The Voice realllllly needs to boast a success story at some point soon.
Artist: Joshua Davis
Team: Adam
Song: "In My Life" by The Beatles

Coaches Say: Blake says that song means something to everyone and compliments Joshua's control during his performance. Adam calls Joshua a class act and says the performance was mesmerizing.
Artist: Koryn Hawthorne
Team: Pharrell
Song: "Dream On," by Aerosmith
No. No more singing this song. How can we get Steven Tyler involved to make covering "Dream On" illegal? Koryn does her best with it. I'll give her that. But she doesn't enunciate and the way she is stretching her voice is stressing me out. It's okay kid - the verses aren't meant for nervous breakdowns. Save that for the chorus.
Coaches Say: Xtina thinks Koryn did a great job and Pharrell says Koryn's performance should inspire people to dream harder.
Artist: India Carney
Team: Xtina
Song: "Lay Me Down" by Sam Smith
Thank goodness India's first performance was so strong. The first verse of this song is rough - she's out of breath and barely audible. The chorus is a bit better but once she starts really throwing herself into the song, her pitch is all over the place. I still love her though. I just hope voters remember how she opened the show tonight.
Coaches Say: Adam thinks this was India's best performance on the show. What? Really? Has he seen all of her other performances? Xtina says India stepped out of her comfort zone and killed it.
Artist: Sawyer Fredericks
Team: Pharrell
Song: "Take Me To the River" by Al Green
Woohoo! Sawyer can nail an upbeat song! He even has the backup dancers from "Shake a Tail Feather!" Okay, not really. Those girls are super distracting, but I'm loving the vocals and how comfortable Sawyer looks without the guitar tonight. He has a huge smile on his face as he walks the stage and I'm starting to understand why TV critics have been betting Sawyer will win this thing.
Woohoo! Sawyer can nail an upbeat song! He even has the backup dancers from "Shake a Tail Feather!" Okay, not really. Those girls are super distracting, but I'm loving the vocals and how comfortable Sawyer looks without the guitar tonight. He has a huge smile on his face as he walks the stage and I'm starting to understand why TV critics have been betting Sawyer will win this thing.
Coaches Say: Blake never realized how perfectly still Sawyer stands until someone put 100 dancers around him. Pharrell says Sawyer worked the stage and tells America they need to vote for this guy.
Artist: Meghan Lindsey
Team: Blake
Song: "Amazing Grace"
Meghan chooses this song to dedicate to her mom, who grew up in a house with a dirt floor and not a lot of food. She's a fighter and Meghan's inspiration to sing. Let me start off by saying this performance is fantastic. Meghan sings the first verse a capella and it gives me the chills. An organ joins her as she moves into the rest of the song but the organ player may as well not be there -- all I'm focused on is Meghan. I'm incredibly moved by her performance and will be downloading her version of "Amazing Grace" immediately.
Meghan chooses this song to dedicate to her mom, who grew up in a house with a dirt floor and not a lot of food. She's a fighter and Meghan's inspiration to sing. Let me start off by saying this performance is fantastic. Meghan sings the first verse a capella and it gives me the chills. An organ joins her as she moves into the rest of the song but the organ player may as well not be there -- all I'm focused on is Meghan. I'm incredibly moved by her performance and will be downloading her version of "Amazing Grace" immediately.
Coaches Say: Xtina says she can tell how much the song means to Meghan and calls the performance gorgeous. Blake feels like the whole world stopped to listen to Meghan's performance. I would hope that anyone watching at home was completely stopped in their tracks when she opened the song. I thought it was the best of the night (with Kimberly's "Dirty Diana" very, very close behind).
Tomorrow we will find out which artists will make it to the Semi-Finals. We only lose one contestant this week, adding to the drama for sure, and the coaches have to be nervous now about whether or not they will be represented in the finale. For me, it's Joshua's time to go. Love those eyes. Love that soothing voice. But Sawyer runs circles around him and I'm partial to the women. Will Adam's last team member make it through? Will Koryn's super ambitious "Dream On" cover turn off any of her voters? Will the fans of the powerhouse voices split the votes and doom the ladies? We'll find out during the elimination hour. Til then!
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