Greetings! We've reached the Top 3 reveal on American Idol and we are ONE WEEK from the finale! Instead of the immediate, awkward elimination we put Tyanna through last week (still bitter), tonight each contestant performs three times before the season's 4th place finisher heads home. The contestants also had their hometown visits this week, leading to tears and more tears, so at least the person eliminated tonight had some glory before their Idol journey ended. There's a lot to get through this evening so let's keep our fingers crossed and hope for a good show.
ROUND 1: Mentor Scott Borchetta's Choice
Contestant: Rayvon Owen
Song: "Want To Want Me" by Jason Derulo

Judges Say: Keith says the song choice was great and thinks Rayvon gave a strong performance. JLo tells Rayvon he looks like a superstar and Harry says this was Rayvon's best performance of an up tempo song.
Contestant: Clark Beckham
Song: "Beautiful Day" by U2
Love this song. Scott was hoping Clark would totally rock this performance and while Clark is absolutely no Bono, he lets go during this song much more than he's done in any other. The opening verse is a little too low and he hits a couple of squeaky notes in the chorus, but man it's nice to see him throw himself into a song and really have fun.
Judges Say: JLo thinks the song was really suited for Clark's voice and says he gave a good performance. Harry notes that the band was superb (totally agree) and wishes Clark would have been as loose during the first part of the performance as he was in the second half. Keith agrees, saying Clark could have risen up a little more. Ryan then jumps in to remind everyone that the last person to cover that song on the show was Lee DeWyze and he won! He did, but he's not one of the winners any of the finalists hope to mimic career-wise, Ryan.
Contestant: Nick Fradiani
Song: "Because the Night" by Bruce Springsteen
I'll be honest and say that I heard to 10,000 Maniacs' version of this song long before I heard Springsteen's. The 90s were awesome. Just sayin. Nick doesn't do anything different with the song, but the performance is solid. Dude is bringing a ton of energy with him tonight and has become an awesome front man for the Idol band.
I'll be honest and say that I heard to 10,000 Maniacs' version of this song long before I heard Springsteen's. The 90s were awesome. Just sayin. Nick doesn't do anything different with the song, but the performance is solid. Dude is bringing a ton of energy with him tonight and has become an awesome front man for the Idol band.
Judges Say: Harry thinks the performance was fantastic and feels like he's really starting to get to know Nick as an artist. Keith loved the song choice, but JLo thinks Nick was not connected to the lyrics.
Contestant: Jax
Song: "My Generation" by The Who
Scott Borchetta was completely on point with this assignment and it's his best choice of the night. This is such a perfect song for Jax. She's all decked out like a British rock star...or just a teenager in a shredded shirt...but we'll go with the former...and she's alllll over this tune. For people in Jax's generation who have not heard "My Generation," I'm hoping they listen up and understand what an awesome song she's performing. Jax sells the song in a way that makes it seem current and I absolutely love it. Aside from the fact that Jax is a total natural, she's also a total star. Round 1 goes to Jax.

Judges Say: Keith has to yell above the crowd and says the performance was freaking awesome. JLo tells Jax she killed it and Harry says this was by far Jax's best performance.
ROUND 2: Contestant's Hometown Dedications
Contestant: Nick Fradiani
Song: "Back Home" by Andy Grammer
So, I actually don't know this song. I feel ashamed. It's awesome. Nick has totally let go and embraced his chance at fame and fortune and it's wonderful to watch. This is a song he connects to and he shares his joy with the audience as if this was his concert and they were there just to see him. Love it.
So, I actually don't know this song. I feel ashamed. It's awesome. Nick has totally let go and embraced his chance at fame and fortune and it's wonderful to watch. This is a song he connects to and he shares his joy with the audience as if this was his concert and they were there just to see him. Love it.
Judges Say: JLo says this was another great song for Nick and Harry doesn't even think a critique isn't warranted. Keith loved the performance as well and gives a shout out to Nick's dad, who happens to be a big Keith Urban fan. Aren't we all?
Contestant: Jax
Contestant: Clark Beckham
Song: "(Sittin' On) the Dock of the Bay" by Otis Redding
Clark is back behind the piano for this performance and looking right at home. I love the arrangement and I love Clark's voice. Rob Taylor sang this song on The Voice a few weeks ago and it was "meh." He was eliminated soon thereafter. Clark's version tonight is way more dynamic. Is it a "sing for your life" performance? Maybe not, but it allows him to remind us just how good he is when he is totally in his element.
Clark is back behind the piano for this performance and looking right at home. I love the arrangement and I love Clark's voice. Rob Taylor sang this song on The Voice a few weeks ago and it was "meh." He was eliminated soon thereafter. Clark's version tonight is way more dynamic. Is it a "sing for your life" performance? Maybe not, but it allows him to remind us just how good he is when he is totally in his element.
Judges Say: Harry feels like he got to know Clark a little bit more with this performance. Keith says Clark needs to struggle more...because sometimes it's too good. Huh? Harry leads the crowd in a very loud "boooooooo." I don't even know what Keith means by that. "You should suck sometimes so we realize when you're doing better?" Sillyness. JLo says this performance is who Clark is and tells him she felt his soul during the song.
Contestant: Rayvon Owen
Song: "As" by Stevie Wonder
While I can't completely get behind the outfit Rayvon has on (some sort of hooded jacket with rolled up pants and shoes I can't quite identify), I'm 100% behind the performance. He sounds great, he's having fun, and it's a song he throws himself into. Well done.
While I can't completely get behind the outfit Rayvon has on (some sort of hooded jacket with rolled up pants and shoes I can't quite identify), I'm 100% behind the performance. He sounds great, he's having fun, and it's a song he throws himself into. Well done.
Judges Say: Keith says Rayvon sang the song effortlessly and JLo loves his look. Of course she does. Harry says the joy and physicality of Rayvon's performance was strong tonight.
Song: "My Immortal" by Evanescence
Jax goes the piano route for this performance and strips the song down completely with no band behind her. It's fantastic. Her voice is lovely and haunting and I'm such a fan. For me, Round 2 also goes to Jax.
Jax goes the piano route for this performance and strips the song down completely with no band behind her. It's fantastic. Her voice is lovely and haunting and I'm such a fan. For me, Round 2 also goes to Jax.
Judges Say: JLo loves that Jax kept the song intimate and says Jax has such humility and heart. Harry says the performance was fantastic and Keith doesn't have time to get a word in.
ROUND 3: Judges' Choice
Contestant: Clark Beckham
Song: "Earned It" by The Weekend
I never would have thought I would hear "Clark Beckham" and "Fifty Shades of Grey" in the same sentence. But tonight Clark is covering a tune from the hit soundtrack and he's trying to bring sexy back. JLo is definitely into it and so am I. This song brings out every note Clark has in his bag of tricks and suits him perfectly.

Judges Say: Harry immediately tells Clark the performance could have been better if he'd brought intensity in the beginning. The crowd boos him and so do I. Really Harry? The first words out of your mouth are "So, one of the things you could do to make that even better....?" Ugh. Keith says he saw, heard and felt things from Clark that we haven't seen yet. JLo agrees, telling Clark she's proud of him. Apparently the end of the performance gave her the goosies. It gave me hot flashes.
Contestant: Rayvon Owen
Song: "You Are So Beautiful" by Joe Cocker
The judges did a good job with song selection for Rayvon as well as it plays to his vocal strengths. Unfortunately, the performance is pretty boring to me. There should have been a 100% passionate delivery here and I can't tell you who or what Rayvon thinks is beautiful when the song ends. He's only worried about the notes in this performance.
The judges did a good job with song selection for Rayvon as well as it plays to his vocal strengths. Unfortunately, the performance is pretty boring to me. There should have been a 100% passionate delivery here and I can't tell you who or what Rayvon thinks is beautiful when the song ends. He's only worried about the notes in this performance.
Judges Say: Keith says it was a beautiful song with a beautiful arrangement. JLo wishes he'd sung to someone and expressed emotion. Harry disagrees with JLo and feels that Rayvon did emote during the performance. Shut up Harry.
Contestant: Jax
Song: "Misery Business" by Paramore
I absolutely squeal with joy when this song choice is announced. This should be a home run, right? Jax, for whatever reason, de-rocks most of the rock that makes this song awesome. The first chorus (the part that every Paramore fan waits anxiously to head bang to) is chopped up and I'm just very unhappy with this. There's very little energy and she seems to have trouble keeping up the pace with the fast lyrics. But hey, the guitar player does a pretty good job.
I absolutely squeal with joy when this song choice is announced. This should be a home run, right? Jax, for whatever reason, de-rocks most of the rock that makes this song awesome. The first chorus (the part that every Paramore fan waits anxiously to head bang to) is chopped up and I'm just very unhappy with this. There's very little energy and she seems to have trouble keeping up the pace with the fast lyrics. But hey, the guitar player does a pretty good job.
Judges Say: Keith says it was an odd arrangement but she sang beautifully. He doesn't think what the band was doing and what Jax was doing went together at all. JLo explains that they chose the song because they expected her to rock out and nail it. She says that to pull it back that far was kind of a let down. Totally agree. Harry tells Jax this performance wasn't as strong as the other two (duh) and says she needed to command the stage more.
Contestant: Nick Fradiani
Contestant: Nick Fradiani
Song: "I'll Be" by Edwin McCain
Hmmm. Out of all the songs the judges could have possibly chosen for Nick, this is the one they want him to close the night with? They thought this would be his ringer? His show stopper? Don't get me wrong - Nick does a great job vocally and the band sounds great as always, but there's no excitement, no change to the arrangement, and no "moment." I think the judges could have definitely done better by Nick. For me, Round 3 goes to Clark.
Judges Say: Harry says Nick gave a great vocal and tells Nick he nailed it. Keith says Nick could release the song as a single and it would be a hit. JLo says the performance was amazing.

Judges Say: Harry says Nick gave a great vocal and tells Nick he nailed it. Keith says Nick could release the song as a single and it would be a hit. JLo says the performance was amazing.
After 12 performances we've finally reached elimination. To my great surprise and relief, Rayvon goes home tonight, leaving Jax, Nick and Clark to duke it out on Tuesday. We have the two part finale to look forward to next week and a true competition to go with it. Will Nick's ability to peak late in the game slingshot him past Clark and Jax? Will Clark's attempt to embrace the sexy solidify his spot under the confetti? Does Jax still have it completely in the bag? We'll find out very soon. Til then!
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