Tonight the semi-finalists take the stage as we are just one week away from the big finale. Each of the five remaining contestants will take on two songs tonight -- one song is the coaches' pick and the other is the contestant's choice as a dedication to their hometowns. Each coach is still represented in the competition at this point and the Stupid Twitter Save votes have been getting closer and closer each week. We're down to the wire now - let's see who has the upper hand this evening.
Team: Adam
Song: "I Can't Make You Love Me" by Bonnie Raitt
I looooove this song and it's so well suited for Joshua's voice. However, Joshua doesn't knock the whole storytelling thing out of the park here. I'm not really buying that he's a heartbroken mess, but he does sound lovely. If you want to see a stellar performance of this song though, check out Tony Lucca's version from way before his stint on The Voice (but well after his MMC days).
Coaches Say: Blake loves the softer side of Joshua's voice the most and he's glad Joshua got back to that with this performance. Xtina liked the performance and says his voice is soothing like a lullaby. Pharrell thinks Joshua understands how to make his voice fill up a song. Adam notes again that Joshua has to go his own way and not compete with the big voices in the competition....even though it's a competition with big voices. Is he just supposed to compete against Sawyer?
Artist: Koryn Hawthorne
Team: Pharrell
Song: "One" by U2
Koryn is in a tunnel of light bulbs with other light bulbs behind her. I'm already intrigued and she's barely started singing. Koryn goes into her really intense shaky thing while she sings, and she does a really good job with the song, but I definitely think she's had stronger performances than this. Pharrell was going for a "moment" here that Koryn got close to...but just fell short.
Coaches Say: Adam says "One" is one of those songs everyone should want to sing (huh?) and thinks it was in really good hands tonight. Xtina loves Koryn and mentions how much she's grown on Pharrell's team. Pharrell says he's learned more from Koryn than she's learned from him. Awww.
Artist: Meghan Lindsey
Team: Blake
Song: "I'm Not the Only One" by Sam Smith

Coaches Say: Pharrell tells Meghan she just reminded people how many other sounds and characters live in Nashville and says she gave a great performance. Adam commends Meghan for singing each song as if it's her last song on the show. Blake thinks each time Meghan takes the stage, the performance is guaranteed to be something great. He says she's "vintage" and thanks her for being on his team.
Artist: India Carney
Team: Xtina
Song: "Gravity" by Sara Bareilles
Speaking of toning things down, India also got that memo tonight. The opening of "Gravity" is subtle and the entire performance is very controlled, hitting peaks at just the right time. I'm still bitter that she got the Stupid Twitter Save last week over Kimberly (and bitter that Kimberly had to fight for the Stupid Twitter Save to begin with), but India bounces tonight with gusto and emotion and I am a huge fan of this performance.
Coaches Say: Adam says India's progression throughout the song was really amazing. Blake calls the performance powerful and says India showcased her artistry. Xtina thinks there is something to say about a singer who has control and says India is a very smart singer in terms of when to pull back and when to push forward. She says India's performance took her to an emotional place.
Artist: Sawyer Fredericks
Team: Pharrell
Song: "For What It's Worth" by Buffalo Springfield
This is a brilliant song choice. I never would have thought of this tune for Sawyer...mainly because he's 16 for crying out loud...but his voice and style brings "For What It's Worth" to 2015 with no problem at all. Hopefully an entirely new generation will take notice of this song and the power Sawyer brings to it. Round 1 definitely goes to Sawyer.
Coaches Say: Adam applauds both Pharrell and Sawyer for the song choice and Sawyer's ability to do it justice. Blake can't say anything because every time he opens his mouth, Adam interrupts. Pharrell lets the crowd speak for how good the performance is with their claps and cheers.
Artist: Joshua Davis
Team: Adam
Song: "When I Paint My Masterpiece" by Bob Dylan
So, I'm definitely more of a fan of this performance than the first, but Joshua is definitely not wowing me tonight. I don't have much to say other than he sounds great and looks like he's having a lot of fun. Good for him?
Coaches Say: Blake doesn't know the song (Ha! I love it when he doesn't know songs) but says Joshua's version is the version he wants to know. Xtina gives Nate, the drummer some compliments and says "It was really, really awesome. Great job." Not sure if she means Joshua or Nate, the drummer. Adam says the performance was even better than he thought it would be and calls Blake an idiot for not knowing the song.
Artist: Koryn Hawthorne
Team: Pharrell
Song: "Oh Mary Don't You Weep"

Coaches Say: The coaches are standing long before the song ends and Pharrell has tears in his eyes. Adam says never before in the history of the show has there been such an unbelievable journey like Koryn's. Xtina is scared of how good Koryn is going to become and says that she fights with passion in every performance. Pharrell tells Koryn that dreams can come true and anything is possible when you put God first. I love Pharrell. I really love him.
Artist: Meghan Lindsey
Team: Blake
Song: "Tennessee Whiskey" by George Jones
Meghan takes on her own big song (Koryn is a reallllly tough act to follow right now) and she still manages to blow me away with "Tennessee Whiskey." She sits surrounded by flaming barrels and gives a controlled performance that seems effortless. I believe every word of her story and I'm loving it. Her "Amazing Grace" performance last week is still her ringer, but this song should put her through to the finale for sure.
Coaches Say: Xtina says everytime Meghan comes out, she's a showstopper. Pharrell thinks Meghan continues to prove who she is and why she deserves to be here. Blake can't stop smiling. He says the performance was so special and she engaged every country music fan throughout the country along with her new fans.
Artist: India Carney
Team: Xtina
Song: "Earth Song" by Michael Jackson

Coaches Say: Pharrell says she looks beautiful and sounded beautiful. Adam thinks every performance India gives is like a mini-musical with a long list of emotions. Xtina is all about watching a story unfold and says India always brings those moments to life.
Artist: Sawyer Fredericks
Team: Pharrell
Song: "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri
This is a very quiet end to the show and I'm wishing that one of the ladies had gotten the pimp slot tonight. This song always makes me think of Twilight, and given everything we just witnessed, the last place I want my brain to be right now is with Kristen Stewart. Shout out to Anna Kendrick though for being in the audience tonight promoting Pitch Perfect 2. I have to wonder if she mentioned her Oscar nomination and extreme leading actress box office success on her last day of Twilight shooting in her very minor character role. What are the rest of Bella's friends up to these days? How off topic am I at this point? Sawyer's voice is beautiful's just not a show closing performance for me. Round 2 goes to Koryn.
Coaches Say: Adam tells Sawyer that the highest part of Sawyer's register is powerful and special. Blake says Sawyer is the front-runner and there's no question in anyone's mind about that. Oh yeah? I'm still kind of questioning it. Pharrell thinks Sawyer has a power in him that he shares every week and looks forward to hearing it again in the finale.

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