So there are many of you who loyally watch these shows and, like me, make continual comments to the television whether anyone else is in the room or not. Alternately, there are many of you who do not have the time to keep up with reality TV – there are too many shows, your tivos runneth over, you have kids and can’t remember what it’s like to watch anything beyond Dora the Explorer (you know who you are) – but you also want to be “in the know.” That’s fine. Let me help you understand.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

The X Factor Finale: Love Conquers All!

After many months of competition, several questionable elimination episodes, numerous occasions where subtitles would have come in handy, and one final performance night, we have a winner...well, winners in this scenario. The boyfriend/girlfriend duo Alex & Sierra are this year's victors on The X Factor and I could not be happier. Here are the highlights from the lengthy finale:
  • Mary J. Blige treated us to her jazzy, awesome rendition of "Rudolph, The Red Nosed Reindeer." Her performance immediately followed Carlito's attempt at a holiday performance with some mostly naked elves...which was really the only redeeming portion of his version of  "Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)."
  • Jeff Gutt gave a gritty performance of "Oh Holy Night" which I would have enjoyed more without the return of the leather, fingerless gloves...but it was "snowing" on stage so maybe he really needed them.
  • Alex & Sierra chose "All I Want For Christmas is You" as their holiday song, stripping it down and making it their own. I'm never going to love a version of this song more than Mariah Carey's. It just won't happen. They did a good job just the same...but we were not even an hour into the show at this point...and boredom was already on the horizon.
  • Many silly spoofs of the judges were done throughout the evening, but none quite so ridiculous and classless as the one featuring Demi's "green annoying juice." The kid has been completely open with her bouts in rehab, and The X Factor didn't see an issue with showing many, many clips of her drinking this beverage as if she were drinking something else? At one point you could see Demi in the bottom of the screen mouthing "That's %^&*ed up." Agreed.
  • Lea Michelle diverted the show from a becoming a haphazard Christmas comedy special by performing her new single "Cannonball." I had never heard this tune before, but I liked it - I think a lot of Glee fans don't realized that Lea Michelle is actually incredibly versatile. She's so much more than just her character, Rachel. It was good to see her tonight.
  • Pitbull showed up to sing a song that plays many times a day on my iPod. For real - tell me you can resist shaking a tail feather to "Timber." I dare you.
  • One Direction performed yet again. I feel like The X Factor has them on contract to take the stage every 3 weeks....
When the final results come through, Carlito finished third with Jeff Gutt as the runner up.  The lovebirds cry and close the show with a very emotional "Say Something." I'm thrilled for Alex & Sierra and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that something great is going to happen for them. Sure, they are tearing up the charts on iTunes, but can Sony take Alex & Sierra to their full potential? Time will tell.
I'm not sure if there has been a definitive answer regarding a Season 4 of this show. If The X Factor is renewed though, Demi has already stated that she will not be able to participate. She's touring in 2014 and wants to focus on her music. Could this have anything to do with the tasteless montage of green drinks rather than an actual send off? Are The X Factor show runners that clueless? I guess we'll know for sure if Paulina gets a contract renewal.
Thanks for sticking with this show for another season. In a very short time we will see the return of American Idol and The Voice and blogging will definitely resume then. Happy 2014!

Friday, December 20, 2013

The X Factor Finale Part 1: Dream On

We've reached the end of the road for the 2013 season of The X Factor. Tonight the remaining three acts will compete for the last time, hoping to win the title and the recording contract.  For the second week in a row, Demi is just a spectator with an opinion, while Simon, Paulina and Kelly all have a contender left in the finale. The Final 3 will have three chances to win America's votes tonight - an encore of a song from earlier in the season, a duet with someone famous or close to it, and a song chosen by their coach. Let's see how they do...
Act:     Carlito Olivero
Team: Paulina
Song:  "Impossible" by Shontelle
Carlito does the predictable Spanish/English combo in this performance and the first verse is entirely too low. He picks up the performance at around the half way point and has a strong finish. That's all I got.
Critiques: Kelly adores Carlito's heart - he always shares it with the audience and leaves it on stage. Demi was blown away by the performance and believes he can win. Oh Lord. Here we go. Simon really respects Carlito because he can pick himself up and give it his all every time. Paulina says something about passion and deserving support.
Act:     Alex & Sierra
Team: Simon
Song:  "Give Me Love" by Ed Sheeran
I gotta say - when this season started I was wayyyy more of an Alex fan than a Sierra fan. But now when she starts a song, I'm not eagerly waiting for Alex to jump in. When he does, it's just icing on the cake. They do a great job with this song, and I have definitely joined Paulina's "I love that you love that I love that you love each other" team.
Critiques: Kelly tells the duo that they have both grown vocally and says any label would sign them right now. Demi is blown away....again. She is a genuine fan and she feels connected to them. Demi then alludes that Alex & Sierra probably won't win, so she hopes they continue to pursue this career. Paulina says they are unique, and Simon believes that Alex & Sierra are stars that can represent America all over the world.
Act:     Jeff Gutt
Team: Kelly
Song: "Dream On" by Aerosmith
Oh my. "Dream On" is another one of those songs that I think should be retired from reality TV singing shows. However, Jeff delivers one hell of a performance. This might be the first time I've looked at him and reallllllly thought "rock star." Maybe it's because he finally got rid of the leather gloves with no finger tips, but he wasn't trying to imitate Steven Tyler - he was owning the song just as Jeff Gutt. Well done.
Critiques: Demi is not blown away this time but says Jeff did a fantastic job. Paulina needs to see a band behind him for him to be more of a rocker. Simon says "I think is the first time that I believe that you believe you could win this show." Kelly says she has one word for Jeff: "Ah-maaaz-ing."
Duet:  Carlito Olivero with Prince Royce
Song: "Stand By Me" by Ben E. King
I know very little about Prince Royce, but I now understand who Carlito has been trying to imitate for the second half of this season. I'm not a fan of this arrangement at all, regardless of who Carlito's duet partner is. I'm so relieved he only has one more performance tonight.
Duet:   Alex & Sierra and Leona Lewis
Song: "Bleeding Love"
Where the hell has Leona Lewis been? I was a huge fan of hers when she landed in America after winning the British version of The X Factor. This song is perfect for the lovebirds to sing with Leona, but is it bad that I didn't even care that Leona was there? 
Duet:    Jeff Gutt and John Rzeznik from The Goo Goo Dolls
Song:   "Iris"
I'm going to use a phrase that I hate...that Randy Jackson damn there put me in anger management classes with... tonight, Jeff is in it to win it. He really is. Out of the three duets, this one is the most natural and Jeff is at a point now where he just looks like a natural. There was no "Oh my God, you're here and I'm singing your song with you" vibe - just two professional musicians doing their thing.
Act:     Carlito Olivero
Team: Paulina
Song: "Maria Maria" by Carlos Santana
That jacket. That. Jacket. It has light bulbs on it. Light bulbs. Dude is out of breath, sweating like Ruben Studdard, and I just can't do it anymore. The key changes are weird, he's more nasal-y than normal, and his confidence disappeared in this performance. If this is an encore for a song that made him destined for the finale, I am totally missing the message he is trying to deliver here.  
Critiques: Kelly is still proud of Carlito because he has come a long way. Demi says Carlito was on fire, calls him the underdog (because that word hasn't been used yet), and says America should vote for him. Sigh. Simon reiterates that he respects Carlito and wishes him the best of luck. Paulina talks about passion...or something.
Act:     Alex & Sierra
Team: Simon
Song: "Say Something" by A Great Big World featuring Christina Aguilera
Thank goodness for this performance. I was getting to a point in the evening where I was starting to think "are we DONE yet?" Alex & Sierra take this encore to a whole new level though and I am so grateful. It's so haunting and emotional, and again, if these two don't win, I will be devastated.  
Critiques: Standing ovation. Kelly says this was better than the first time they sang it. She also says the duo deserves this moment. Demi says they always blow her away and says Alex and Sierra could win. Yes. Yes they could Demi. If you look at the rules of the show, Carlito and Jeff could also win. Paulina says the duo is talented and then seems to make up some new words. Simon thinks Alex and Sierra are exactly what a talent show needs and genuinely believes they deserve to win.
Act:    Jeff Gutt
Team: Kelly
Song: "Creep" by Radiohead
I'm surprised that Jeff picked his audition song for the encore, but at the same time...he's come so far from his audition that it totally makes sense. He has the band with him this time (Paulina should be thrilled) and he just kills it. I haven't really rooted for this guy at all this season, and I'm still not looking for him to win, but I sincerely hope that he gets a career out of this.
Critiques: Demi says the performance was amazing, calling it a stadium performance. She also says America should vote for him. Palm to the forehead. Paulina....I just can't anymore. Simon thinks Jeff was brilliant tonight. Kelly calls Jeff's journey her "heart's joy" and asks the voters to give Jeff the victory.
I'd be kidding myself if I said "I have no comments about Paulina' Rubio's performance tonight." She sings lip syncs "Boys Will Be Boys" and she travels the stage with boys and leather. On a positive note, this is the first time I have understood Paulina all season. She should give her critiques using pre-recorded tracks as well.
I've said about all I can say regarding these three acts and it's up to America now. Can Alex & Sierra win it all? Will Jeff and his too cute for words son have a life changing night tomorrow? Can The X Factor's reputation ever recover if Carlito wins? We'll find out during part two of the finale. Til then!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Voice Finale: Season 5 Winner Revelaed!

Tonight on The Voice someone will claim the Season 5 title and hopefully walk away with some sort of career. We see many familiar faces as the Top 24 return to remind us that they were once on the show, and we are treated to several performances from big stars as well. The results show is two hours tonight and here are the highlights:
  • Jacquie brings back Matthew, Caroline, Cole and James to take on Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody." Yes, you read that correctly. Jacquie does...okay, but Cole is actually the surprise on this song - he's definitely a standout vocally. I'm going to take it easy on Caroline and barely mention  that James forgets that he should be singing into the microphone at one point.
  • Tessanne joins Celine Dion (Tessanne looks like she might pass out) for "Love Can Move Mountains." It's really nice to see Celine doing her thang and she still looks and sounds amazing. This seems more like a duet on an awards show or concert tour rather than a reality TV show finale because Tessanne keeps up with her idol just fine. Awesomeness.
  • Will brings back Austin, Cole, Caroline, and Jonny to sing "Wagon Wheel." Apparently Will plays the banjo. I could have done without Caroline in this performance (and most performances), but it's fun and it's over quickly, so I can't complain too much. 
  • Jacquie joins Paramore onstage to sing their single "Ain't It Fun" and the pairing is a bit strange for me. I guess I just don't picture this as Jacquie's type of music, but I do always enjoy seeing Paramore as well as whatever outfit Hayley Williams chooses to wear.
  • Will takes the stage with Aloe Blacc on stage to sing "Wake Me Up." Aloe doesn't seem too jazzed about this being a duet but maybe I'm just reading him wrong. I totally prefer the original recording, but this seemed to mean a lot to Will, so good for him.
  • Tessanne brings back James, Preston, Olivia and Grey to sing "Hold On I'm Comin'" and this is by far the best 'bring back' moment of the night. The performance doesn't seem like one of those awkward group numbers we're used to on these shows - this is 5 professionals collaborating and doing what they do best. 
  • My brain nearly explodes when Xtina joins Lady Gaga to perform "Do What You Want." The rumored bad blood between these two is nowhere to be found during this performance and I just love it. The past hour and 48 minutes of "eh" were well worth it to get to this point. I actually watch the performance twice before I can move on...I can barely remember what else we're waiting for tonight...

Results! The Final 3 stand on stage nervously awaiting the big reveal. Carson lets go of Will first, leaving Jacquie and Tessanne anxiously holding hands. Drum roll please. The winner of The Voice Season 5 is.... TESSANNE!!!! She sings her victory song "Tumblin' Down" and all is right with the world.

I'm so thrilled for Tessanne. The way she reacts to the news brings me to tears and I have my fingers crossed that we will be hearing a lot from her in the future. I would by an album from Tessanne tomorrow if she released one. I absolutely think the right person won this season...and it was really wonderful to watch.

The Voice will be back again in February (really?) with the return of Shakira and Usher and departure of CeeLo and Xtina. Can't we just substitute Xtina for Usher? I would love to see these two ladies duking it out for a victory and I think they are both fantastic on the show. Alas, my hopes will probably never come to fruition. Also, am I the only one who thinks it's a little much to start taping one season before the previous season ends? Maybe The Voice should space out the seasons a bit more? At any rate, enjoy the very brief time off from the show, and we will resume The Voice recaps in a couple of months. Til Then! 


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Voice Finale: You're Gonna Love Me

This is it! The remaining three contestants face off in The Voice finale tonight. Jacquie, Tessanne and Will all claim to have brought their "A" game tonight, and they will have several opportunities to prove to America that they deserve the victory. The suspense is killing me (well, I know I have two hours ahead of me and only three contestants to perform). Luckily the first few minutes of the show are well spent with the coaches performing "Pour Some Sugar On Me." I feel like Xtina might have some experience of with contents of this song. Regardless, tonight is about the Final 3 so let's get started! 
Artist: Tessanne Chin
Team: Adam
Song: "Try" by Pink
As a surprise to absolutely no one, this song is right up Tessanne's alley. She doesn't do any of the Pink acrobatics, and she doesn't have a smoking hot male dancer on stage with her...but she works the song anyway. This isn't one of Tessanne's "moments" like she's had the past few weeks, but still a solid way to start the show.
Coaches Say: Adam thinks everything Tessanne does draws him in and he revels in her talent. CeeLo says he's very proud of her and she has evolved this season and deserves it all. Yes she does.
Artist: Will Champlin
Team: Adam
Song: "Not Over You" by Gavin Degraw
Will does a good job on this song for sure, but I feel like he's lost some of his soul in this performance. That flawless and gritty singer we saw a few weeks ago isn't the same Will we are seeing now. The performance is pleasant and all, but I'm not sure this qualifies as finale material.  
Coaches Say: Adam says no one works harder than Will. He works so hard that it's sometimes stressful for Adam. He reiterates that Will works hard. Xtina thinks Will has had an amazing journey on the show and she agrees that he works hard.
Artist: Jacquie Lee
Team: Xtina
Song: "Back To Black" by Amy Winehouse
Oh how I love this song. Glee's version in particular comes on my iPod often. Make fun of me if you want, but Santana is perfection on that show. Anyway, I love Jacquie. I've been rooting for Jacquie to get to this finale all season. That being said...she tries to do WAYYYY too much with this song. Sometimes the key she's in is too strenuous on her voice, making her pitchy...and dare I say screetchy? Bummer.
Coaches Say: Xtina loves Jacquie and gets so much joy out of watching her perform. She reminds us that Jacquie's journey is much like Xtina's when she was younger and she says she can't wait for their upcoming duet.
Duet:  Tessanne and Adam
Song: "Let It Be" by The Beatles
This is just gorgeous. Adam holds his own with Tessanne but he really allows her to shine on this song. You can tell how grateful he is to have her performing at his side. Towards the end of the performance she puts a reggae spin on the song. Now this is one of those songs that I feel shouldn't be messed with...but I love this. Well done, Team Adam.
Duet:  Jacquie and Xtina
Song: "We Remain" by... oh weird...Xtina
Xtina starts the song by herself on stage, which seems appropriate for Xtina. Jacquie joins her shortly and she's singing in a key that suits her. Xtina's young protégé really steps up to the plate here and the two have a nice moment together. Jacquie, of course, can't match Xtina's vocal ability...but this is worlds better than her first performance.
Duet:  Will and Adam
Song: "Tiny Dancer" 
Will clearly worked hard on this song as well. The stage set up with just Adam, Will and the white piano behind them is pretty cool, and the duo sound great together. It's very difficult not to sing along, but I know doing so would ruin this awesome duet.
Artist: Tessanne Chin
Team: Adam
Song: "I Have Nothing" by Whitney Houston
Oh wow. We're taking on Whitney Houston tonight? She who shall not be covered? This is definitely a tall order but if anyone can do it, Tessanne can. Oh...and she does. Without seeing Jacquie and Will take the stage again this evening, I can say that Tessanne wins the night for sure and for me, she won this competition well over a month ago. Tessanne is just in a league of her own, and the sparkles that rain down on her at the end of the song might as well be confetti. Get it girl.
Coaches Say: Adam says singing a Whitney song is sacred ground but Tessanne was able to rise to the challenge and pay tribute to the late singer. He says Tessanne is capable of anything and it blows his mind. He talks so much that the other coaches don't have a chance to comment.
Artist: Will Champlin
Team: Adam
Song: "Everything I Do (I Do It For You)" Bryan Adams

Adam calls this song "one of the biggest songs ever." Really? Tessanne just nailed a Whitney Houston song from The Bodyguard soundtrack for crying out loud. This song is from Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. There's absolutely no comparison. All of that aside, Will puts more feeling in this song that Bryan Adams did...but then again, Bryan Adams' inspiration came from Kevin Costner. All in all, this is Will's best performance of the night, but he does not top Tessanne.
Coaches Say: Adam wastes a lot of time talking about Will's daughter and then mentions Will has had many small victories throughout the season. He doesn't care if Will wins. Um, I'm pretty sure Will cares. Blake compliments Will for being more reserved during this performance because it was solid all the way through.
Artist: Jacquie Lee
Team: Xtina
Song: "And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going" by Jennifer Hudson
So, J-Hud won an Oscar with this song. Jennifer Holliday won a Tony with this song. Jacquie starts off more subtle than we've been used to and I appreciate that. Unfortunately, she has time constraints and can't sing the whole song. I wish we could have seen it build more, but it doesn't matter. She does an amazing job and I sit utterly stunned as the performance ends. I'm not sure how a kid her age is able to unleash that voice the way she does, but bravo.
Coaches Say: Xtina is in tears and tells Jacquie that she can't believe what she just witnessed. She says she knows Jacquie can be a superstar. Blake says this is one of the best Coach/Artist pairings ever on the voice. He also tells Jacquie she is amazing.
So tomorrow The Voice will crown a winner.  I absolutely applaud Jacquie's journey and how she ended the show tonight as a force to be reckoned with. I think we saw the best version of Will weeks ago when he sang "At Last" and "A Change is Gonna Come." Tessanne has been consistent and fantastic all season. She set the bar repeatedly and she deserves the glory. Will she get it? Did Jacquie's final song give her a shot at the title? Could Will's clear ability to work hard pay off in the end? We will find out tomorrow. Til then!


Sunday, December 15, 2013

The X Factor: Falling Slowly

The X Factor journey ends for one more act tonight as we prepare for next week's finale. I'm going to refrain from commenting on the opening group number...which is a cover of Kelly Clarkson's "Stronger." Well, I'll at least give a shout out to Sierra for helping me not throw things during the performance.
Results! The first act that will advance to the Finals is....Carilto. WHAT?!?!?! My inclination to throw things returns. How does this keep happening? Carlito says something into the microphone about "Latino forever" and (translation) Paulina thanks America for seeing how talented he is. I'm fuming. Carlito sings "Suavemente," and normally I love a good dance tune, but I can't even bother to shimmy in my seat knowing that one of the remaining acts is definitely going home now.
The next act that is announced "safe" is Alex & Sierra and I breathe a huge sigh of relief. It would have been very hard for me to consider watching a finale that did not include them. The duo take on "Let Her Go" by Passenger and the result is fantastic. Their vocals are spot on...and I probably enjoy this version more than the original.
We are down to Jeff Gutt and Restless Road. This is a tough one. I like Restless Road better, but I can't argue that Jeff hasn't shown tremendous growth in the past few months. Jeff moves on to next week, singing "Open Arms" by Journey, and the young members of Restless Road are crushed. They don't even get a "goodbye" song.
I'm amused that Simon looks so pissed that his country boy band is going home. He bestowed unnecessary praise on Carlito for the past couple of weeks, even saving him from the bottom two. If you want both of your acts to make it to the finale, don't tout the least talented person left in the competition as someone everybody should be rooting for.
Next week, the underdog competes against Jeff and Alex & Sierra for the title and the recording contract. Will love conquer all? Will Paulina and Carlito have an inexplicable victory? Will all of Jeff's hard work win him the chance to provide for his adorable son? We'll see what happens next week. Til then!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

The X Factor: I Wanna Make You Feel Wanted

We have reached the Semi-Finals week on The X Factor. Tonight the remaining four acts will have one last performance episode to earn a spot in the finale. Demi has no acts remaining, Kelly and Paulina each have contender left, and Simon still has two groups that will compete tonight. The contestants take on two "solo" songs tonight - one song chosen by the viewers and one they have chosen themselves. The third song will be a duet battle thing that I'm not too crazy about adding to this show (cough...The Voice...cough).
Act:     Carlito Olivero
Team: Paulina
Song: "Boyfriend" by Justin Bieber
Look, I'm already annoyed that Carlito is still around and having him take on a song by someone who annoys me even more isn't going to help me be positive about this performance. The poor girl he pulls up from the audience doesn't quite know what to do with herself. I worry that he might give her a lap dance, but fortunately he just sings awkwardly to her then takes center stage...briefly...before pulling Kelly out of her seat to dance. As the song finishes he kisses all three female judges on the cheek and I groan. I'm sure the judges are going to think this is fantastic.
Critiques: Kelly is incredibly proud of Carlito and says "you made that girl over there sweat, you made me sweat, and I just love you." Demi thinks the performance had star quality and he has the "x factor." Simon says it's obvious Carlito is looking to get into the Finals.  Paulina says Carlito can sing...we'll just say all types of music because what Paulina is actually saying doesn't make sense.
Act:     Restless Road
Team: Simon
Song:  "That's My Kind of Night" by Luke Bryan
The band is crazy loud again tonight but once the boys get to the first chorus, their vocals rise about the background music. The tall one with the deep voice is actually having a good time tonight! They all are. This is the most comfortable Restless Road has seemed with an up tempo song all season and I'm really happy for them.
Critiques: Kelly says the performance was fun to watch and thinks that was the perfect sound for the boys. Demi, however, disagrees...she thinks the performance was nervous and awkward. Well, Demi, not everyone can be amazing as Carlito. Paulina expects more from the group. Simon concedes that the vocals were a bit shaky in the beginning of the song, but he also says that the Finals won't be the same without Restless Road.
Act:     Alex & Sierra
Team: Simon
Song: "Little Talks" by Of Monsters And Men
The duo actually doesn't know this song so the performance should be interesting. "Little Talks" is a tune I can normally take or leave...but tonight I'll definitely take it. As much as I like for Alex and Sierra to be within 20 feet of each other at all times, I actually think the portion of the song they spent on completely opposite sides of the stage was the strongest.
Critiques: Kelly says the two singers make her mad because they just nailed their performance and Jeff has to come out next. Demi thinks she is looking at the winners of The X Factor.  Lord I hope so. Paulina says Alex and Sierra get stronger every week. Simon states that the duo are not performing songs - they are making records.
Act:     Jeff Gutt
Team: Kelly
Song:  "Hallelujah" by Jeff Buckley
Because this is the song America chose, I'm going to tame my "this song should be retired" attitude. Jeff starts the song on a dark stage singing from his knees then stands during the first chorus. He then belts the rest of the song with a rock raspy tone that I typically like. What I don't like are all the damn guitars that are almost drowning him out. He could have handled the song just fine without all of the background nonsense. Still, do I prefer him to Carlito? Absolutely. The man is talented.
Critiques: Standing ovation from everyone. Demi thinks Jeff could also win The X Factor. Can someone on this show please run the numbers for Demi? There are only three spots in the finale and one winner. Paulina thinks Jeff made the song his own, and Simon says this was one of the best versions of "Hallelujah" he's heard. Okay, I completely disagree with that. Kelly is going to download this song on iTunes right now.
Duet 1: Carlito vs. Alex & Sierra
They perform "Falling Slowly" from Once and really...why include Carlito in this song? It's a love song that should have just been a duet between Alex & Sierra. Carlito tries repeatedly to outshine them vocally, which is ridiculous, and I'm ready to move on.
Duet 2: Restless Road vs. Jeff Gutt
They perform "Every Breath You Take" by The Police. Personally, I like this "duet" much better than the first. Maybe it's because all four guys were better at blending together even though their respective styles are different. Even so, these battles were a waste of time. Let's get back to business.
Act:     Carlito Olivero
Team: Paulina
Song:  "I Need To Know" by Marc Anthony
In case you didn't know, Carlito is Latino. He actually sings a potion of the song in if this is a stroke of if Marc Anthony had never thought to do so himself. The most interesting part of the performance is the array of backup dancers. Are they space dancers? Aliens? Robots? No one ever tells us but it was nice to watch them perform.
Critiques: Kelly talks about Carlito singing in English, then in Spanish, and also dancing as though he is the first person to pull this off. Demi speaks Spanish and tells him he did well. Simon thinks the performance was singing and a magic act all at the same time. He also says the song was perfect for Carlito. I can't possibly listen to Paulina.
Act:     Restless Road
Team: Simon
Song: "Wanted" by Hunter Hayes
The boys really excel when their performances are about vocals only, so this was a smart song choice. This performance is reminiscent of "Wake Me Up" last week, and the boys sound fantastic. Sometimes I do wish Colton had been able to compete this season as a solo act...but who knows what Paulina would have done him?
Critiques: Standing ovation from everyone. Kelly likes to think the boys were singing directly to her. Demi says the performance was comfortable and confident. She also thinks the boys might have just saved themselves. Paulina says the vocal was amazing. Simon tells the group that this the type of record they could make right now.
Act:     Alex & Sierra
Team: Simon
Song:  "Gravity" by Sara Bareilles
I had thought nothing would top Alex & Sierra's rendition of "Say Something" last week but I was wrong. With no instruments to play, this performance is far more intimate. I almost feel like I'm intruding on something very, very special. Sierra is also just so amazing in this song. The way Alex looks at her while she sings is the way most people are probably looking at her tonight. Unreal.
Critiques: Standing ovation from everyone. Kelly begins to cry talking about how Sierra has grown. Demi is crying as well, saying the performance was flawless, and she re-iterates that she is looking at stars. Paulina She says watching Alex & Sierra throughout the season has been an amazing experience. Simon wishes he could bottle the last 10 seconds of the song and have it for the rest of his life, because it was perfection.
Act:      Jeff Gutt
Team:  Kelly
Song:  "Demons" by Imagine Dragons
Either Jeff is about to go through the looking glass or he's just about to give an outstanding performance. It's the latter, though I do really love the massive mirrors that aren't really mirrors behind him. I think this is a smart choice for him because he's finally singing a current song, and I can now see him releasing an album. Maybe something Daughtry-esque? 
Critiques: Everyone stands again. Demi thinks that Jeff's time is now. Paulina says Jeff was powerful on this song and compliments Kelly on her work with Jeff. Simon says the performance was incredible and the episode on the whole was great TV. Kelly cries again, and I'm touched by how genuine she is about being a mentor.
Tomorrow we will find out which three acts will duke it out in the finale. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Restless Road, Jeff Gutt, and Alex & Sierra make it through. I appreciate that Carlito has been dubbed "the underdog," but being an underdog doesn't always mean you should win. Will he sail through again anyway? Should anyone but Alex & Sierra win? Can we get confirmation that Paulina will not be a judge should The X Factor come back for a fourth season? We'll find out soon. Til then!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Voice: With Or Without You

The wait is over. Tonight we find out who will compete in next week's Finals on The Voice. The remaining five contestants have all had great moments throughout the season, but which artists stood out the most for America last night? Did the fans of Team Xtina and Team Blake do enough to avoid a Team Adam finale? Let's find out...
We see some alumni tonight as The Swon Brothers, Michelle Chamuel, Cassadee Pope, and Danielle Bradbury all stop by to perform. It's nice to have the former contestants return and I really do hope they achieve what they hope to. The Voice has surpassed American Idol for me and there's no contest at all when compared to The X Factor, but we do need some success stories to keep the show credible.
Results! The first eliminated contestant announced is...James Wolpert, which shuts down the Team Adam finale. Carson then moves on to reveal a finalist and Tessanne makes it to next week! Woohoo! She is followed by...Jacquie! Oh my God! I'm so glad Xtina still has a horse in this race. We are down to Will and Cole now and after the last commercial break, we say goodbye to Cole.
Next week Tessanne, Jacquie and Will fight for the title and I do think it will be a great finale. In my mind. Tessanne is already the winner but Will and Jacquie are worthy opponents for sure. Does she already have it in the bag? Can Will steal a Team Adam win from her? Is Jacquie the underdog at this point? We'll find out during the finale. Til then!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Voice: Sail On Silver Girl

Welcome to The Voice Semi-Finals! Tonight's show is only an hour and the remaining five contestants will take the stage again for their last chance at making it to the Finals next week. Blake is sporting a Cole Vosbury beard this evening and I really hope he wears it for all of the critiques. With only one performance each, the contenders have to lay it all on the line in just a few minutes tonight. Let's get going!
Artist:  James Wolpert
Team: Adam
Song: "With Or Without You" by U2
Adam reminds us that James was sick last week so we all know that he wasn't at his best. Thank you. I understand that James doesn't want to be at the bottom of America's vote tally again this week, and he certainly does the song justice. His voice has regained whatever power it lost last week, but I do worry that the song will be forgotten after the next four contestants perform. I guess we'll have to see how they do.
Coaches Say: Adam doesn't care about the competition at this point because he knows how incredible the performance was. Xtina loves the song and liked the performance. Blake thinks the performance was great and tells James he might have dug himself out of a hole.
Artist: Will Champlin
Team: Adam
Song: "Carry On" by Fun
Will is excited to do this song because he feels that it represents his journey. He struggles a bit with the first verse. Some parts are too low and he's out of breath, but he finds a rhythm when he gets to the chorus. Unfortunately, I feel like he's shouting at me rather than belting the lyrics. I hate to say it...but this might be my least favorite Will performance.  
Coaches Say: Adam is happy because Will is smiling. Apparently this doesn't happen often. CeeLo calls Will "swaggy" and Blake says he was completely wrapped up in the performance.
Artist: Jacquie Lee
Team: Xtina
Song: "Angel" by Sarah McLachlan
Xtina wants Jacquie to give this ballad her own soulful touch. Jacquie will do anything for Xtina. Did you know she loves her coach? Because I'm so used to the original (haunting but soothing) I do think Jacquie goes a little overboard at times. However, she really delivers a beautiful rendition of the song and I'm captivated. For me, this is the best performance of the night so far.
Coaches Say: Xtina says Jacquie did things she didn't know Jacquie could do tonight. She gushes over her young protégé and tells Jacquie she is blown away. CeeLo thinks the performance was amazing and says he was very affected by her take on the song.
Artist: Cole Vosbury
Team: Blake
Song: "Shameless" by Garth Brooks
I actually prefer the original version of this song by Billy Joel...but that doesn't mean that I didn't squeal like a little girl when Garth Brooks announced he was coming out of retirement last week. Cole plays the piano for this song (so I'm already on board) and this is the most interesting Cole has been and the best he has sounded this season. Do I think he's a winner? No. But do I think he gave the other two guys a run for their money tonight? Absolutely.
Coaches Say: Blake tells Cole he did an incredible job and says Cole has figured out who he is and what he wants to do. CeeLo thinks what Cole does is very special and he performs each song as if it was his own song.
Artist: Tessanne Chin
Team: Adam
Song: "Bridge Over Troubled Water" by Simon and Garfunkel
Oh man this is a great song. Even hearing Tessanne sing snippets of it during rehearsals gets me emotional. By the time we get to the actual performance I'm just about spent. She keeps it subtle but at the same time gives us everything she could possibly give. Tessane may have just schooled every contestant that has ever been on the show. Holy cow.
Coaches Say: Adam is speechless. Well, he says he is but then talks about how crazy the performance was and how amazing Tessanne is. I can't argue with that. Blake says the performance was beautiful and he's a big fan of hers. I'm actually thankful we didn't hear from Xtina on this one. If she had made one more comment about Tessanne's may have ruined the moment.
With the hour over, it's up to America to decide which three contestants will advance to next week's finale. The stupid Twitter save is gone and the two lowest vote getters will be shown the door with no shot at redemption. In my opinion tonight was ladies' night and the remaining three guys should be duking it out to join Jacquie and Tessanne in the Finals. However, Team Adam has powered through this season and could easily shut out the other coaches when the results are revealed. Will Adam finally have to say goodbye to a contender? We'll find out tomorrow. Til then!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

The X Factor: Where My Girls At?

It's elimination night on The X Factor and two more acts will be shown the door this evening. Any team could be completely eliminated in this hour as Demi and Simon both have two acts remaining and Paulina and Kelly each have one. Is it too late to bring Lillie back?
We start results show with the act that received the overall lowest number of votes. This week that act is.... Ellona. WHOA. This is a surprise to me and clearly a surprise to her. I realize we're getting down to the wire and the eliminations are tough but I never would have expected her to be the automatic elimination tonight. Bummer.
Jeff, Restless Road and Alex & Sierra are announced safe, leaving Rion and Carlito in the bottom 2. Well we already know how this is going to go. The judges inexplicably drooled over Carlito last night and he's suddenly some amazing undiscovered talent that should be in the finals.
Rion takes on "The House That Built Me" by Miranda Lambert and gives it her all. I really do love this kid. Carlito chooses Usher's "You Make Me Wanna" and delivers a wannabe Usher performance with weak vocals.
When it comes time to vote, Demi votes to send Carlito home and Kelly and Paulina vote to send home Rion. Simon decides not to let the vote go to a tie this week and sends home Rion as well...because again, Carlito is suddenly the second coming of...who? Stefano? Lou Bega? Los Del Rio? Sigh...
Next week we have the semi-finals and our final four will compete for a spot in the 2013 finale. At this point I'm just focused on Alex & Sierra and I hope they win, but we'll see what happens in the next couple of weeks. Til then!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

The X Factor: I Live For The Applause

The Top 6 acts compete again tonight on The X Factor, and we are getting down to the wire with the 2013 season. Each act will perform twice tonight - one song made famous by a "diva" and the other song an acoustic tune. There are only four spots in the semi-finals so the contestants have a lot on their plate tonight. Let's see how they do...

Act:     Restless Road
Team: Simon
Song:  "Red" by Taylor Swift

The band really overpowers the guys on this song and the tall one with the deep voice still can't do any kind of movements without looking at the other two guys to make sure it's okay. They continue to just stand awkwardly rather than try to work the stage (or the crowd). Come on guys - your good looks are your biggest assets in this competition. Go high five some audience members or something!
Critiques: Kelly thinks the vocals were tight tonight but wants more energy from them. Demi says she has enjoyed watching the group grow as artists and compliments the song choice. Paulina tells the boys they are cute and says she liked the song. Simon believes Restless Road deserves to be in the finals.

Act:     Rion Paige
Team: Demi
Song:  "See You Again" by Carrie Underwood

Carrie Underwood is one of Rion's idols and I'm sure she loved tackling this song. Rion does a good job but "See You Again" is a little too big for her. The problem with diva night is...if you don't switch the song up at all, you're just going to be compared to that diva. Unfortunately, Rion is no Carrie Underwood.
Critiques: Kelly says that Rion always sings "from a real place." She then tells Rion she looks beautiful so I'm guessing she just doesn't want to say she didn't like the performance. Paulina calls her "Reee-on" and says she loves her tone and uniqueness. Simon didn't like the song choice but does like that Rion went back to her country roots.

Act:     Jeff Gutt
Team: Kelly
Song: "Without You" by Mariah Carey (originally by Harry Nillson)

Jeff puts his rock n' roll spin on this song, turning it quickly into a stadium performance. It becomes far less sappy and far more gut-wrenching, and vocally...he just sounds fantastic. Jeff hasn't been (and still isn't) one of my favorites in this competition, but I will admit that he has shown considerable improvement each week. 
Critiques: Demi thinks Jeff has come a long way and he has "the x factor." Paulina says Jeff rocks and thinks Jeff reminds her of Axl Rose. She also wants Jeff to show her blood. I never know what the hell she's talking about. Simon says Jeff is boring as a person but completely transforms on stage. Kelly doesn't need to see no blood.

Act:     Ellona Santiago
Team: Demi
Song:  "Applause" by Lady Gaga

See, I think this is a risky song choice. Taking on a diva song is one thing, but taking on a diva song about...well...being a diva is something completely different. Any other Lady Gaga song would have probably worked for Ellona here, but this performance was all over the place for me. I've been a fan of hers this whole season, and I've actually enjoyed what other people have been calling her "over the top" performances, but this wasn't one of my favorites.

Critiques: Kelly thinks this was one of Ellona's best performances but tells her to control her big notes. Paulina keeps telling Ellona that "you're Ellona" which is incredibly helpful for the rest of us who weren't quite sure who this kid is. Simon says Ellona has gone from being a mouse to a tiger and says he loved that version of the song. Demi thinks America should vote for Ellona because she deserves it.

Act:     Alex & Sierra
Team: Simon
Song:  "Say My Name" by Destiny's Child

Oh snap! Performing a Destiny's Child song in front of Kelly must be nerve wracking. They keep the song more like the original than I thought they would, but the duo still manages to make their performance sexy and smooth. Sierra is the surprise from me in this song. She seems to have such a shy personality but she is totally sassy here. Nicely done.
Critiques: Kelly was not ready for that at all and says Alex & Sierra pulled it off. Demi thinks the duo was nervous but that Sierra has broken out of her shell. Paulina is into Alex & Sierra's love story and she loves them...and their love well as their love. Simon thinks he's looking at winners.

Act:     Carlito Olivero
Team: Paulina
Song:  "Let's Get Loud" by Jennifer Lopez

This is one of my favorite JLo songs. It's fun, it's upbeat, and it doesn't sound like 20 of her other songs. This is not the tune Carlito and Paulina started the week with, however. They made a last minute change and he had minimal time to rehearse "Let's Get Loud." It shows in his performance. This type of song could easily be a showstopper, but Carlito's delivery is underwhelming.

Critiques: Kelly thinks the performance fell flat and Carlito says he only had 24 hours to learn the song. Demi says Carlito lost his "hot, Latin" swag in this performance. Simon believes the girls are being unfair because of the song change. He says he doesn't want to lose Carlito this week. Demi agrees. Whoa, what? Is Carlito now one of those contestants who is "supposed" to go to the finals so we're going to make excuses for him? Outrageous. I can't even listen to Paulina.

Act:     Restless Road
Team: Simon
Song: “Wake Me Up” by Avicii

Caroline on The Voice attempted a stripped down version of this song recently and I hated it, so I'm already hesitant when the performance begins. However, I love the rendition Restless Road gives us here. The boys sit on stools and just sing. There's no choreography, no big lights and effects....they are just them being themselves and taking it all in. This is my favorite Restless Road performance and I'm a little sad when it ends.
Critiques: Kelly says each member of the group left their heart out on the stage. Demi points at Colton and says "you're making me cry right now." The lead singer of the group is definitely getting emotional. Demi says they've earned a spot in the finals. Okay, there are six acts left. EVERYONE can't be in the finals, kid. Paulina is proud to be here and see their performances. Simon says the group was honest and they have come a long way.

Act:     Rion Paige
Team: Demi
Song:  "Glass" by Thompson Square

This song is more in Rion's wheelhouse as she's able to feel the music without needing to be over the top vocally. My favorite thing about Rion is the way she gets lost in a song and how she is able to tell a story each time she sings. I don't need her to be a diva. I like her as a teenager with a deep love for music. This is an excellent performance and I'm so glad she was able to end the night this way.

Critiques: Kelly is crying and says an "unplugged" round allows the audience to see the contestants vulnerable, and that's what is so beautiful about watching Rion. Demi is sobbing but it's not her turn yet. Paulina calls Rion and inspiration and tells her she has t"he x factor." Simon felt every word of the song and thinks she saved herself with that performance. Demi is a mess. She says Rion embodies the meaning of the song and says no one is perfect...and no one has to be.

Act:      Jeff Gutt
Team:  Kelly
Song:  "Daniel" by Elton John

Jeff dedicates this song to his brother who is serving his country in the armed forces. He plays an acoustic guitar and sits center stage on a stool to deliver his rendition of "Daniel." He does a good job on the song, but I'm a little bored by it. I appreciate the dedication though as well as his brother's touching reaction to the song from the audience.
Critiques: Demi says the performance was good but stale. Paulina loves that Jeff dedicated the song to his brother and also love the way he played the guitar. Simon agrees with Demi and says Jeff's first song was better. Kelly is so proud of Jeff for opening up and sharing his heart with America.

Act:     Ellona Santiago
Team: Demi
Song: "If I Were A Boy" by Beyoncé

Great song. Ellona starts off a capella and is joined by an acoustic guitar as she eases into the first chorus. She's solo here - no dancers, massive sets, or props. Ellona is obviously not going to touch Beyoncé on this song, but she delivers an amazing vocal performance. Well done.
Critiques: Kelly loved the softer parts of the song and tells Ellona to explore those softer tones more. Paulina feels that Ellona has everything she needs for "the x factor." So really, are there multiple winners this year? Simon says this is what he has been waiting for - just her and her voice. He tells her the performance was incredible. Demi says Ellona has an incredible voice and she can definitely win the competition. Her and everybody else? 

Act:     Alex & Sierra
Team: Simon
Song: "Say Something" by A Great Big World featuring Christina Aguilera

Sierra plays the piano as Alex looks at her longingly while playing the guitar. She has the same aching in her eyes when she looks up to sing with him. The two are surrounded by candles...and this performance is fantastic. They sound amazing and I am totally drawn in to every aspect of what they are doing. This is definitely the best of the night.
Critiques: Standing ovation from all four judges. Kelly feels like she was just watching a performance on an awards show. Demi says the two never took their eyes off each other and it was beautiful. She also says she needs them in the final four. I take a quick break to  slam my palm against my forehead. Paulina still loves the duo and Simon says this was his favorite performance of the entire season.

Act:     Carlito Olivero
Team: Paulina
Song: "Stand By Me" by Ben E. King

Carlito goes back and forth between English lyrics and Spanish lyrics which is interesting given his lack of Latino heat in JLo's song earlier. He gets his swag back though, being playful with the audience and flirting with the ladies. Carlito also sounds better than he has in quite a while. I have no idea why he got the pimp slot tonight though...other than The X Factor producers wanting to shove him down our throats.

Critiques: Kelly says this was Carlito's best vocal of the competition. Demi wishes there hadn't been so much music in the background because his voice was so amazing. Simon tells Carlito that his second song was better than his first and reiterates that Carlito should make it to next week. Paulina puts her arms up in their air and says...something.

Two more will go home tomorrow and we will be down to the semi-finalists for the season. Do the judges realize that telling everyone they deserve to be in the finals doesn't work out mathematically? Will the new found love for Carlito rub off on America? Does Rion have a shot at avoiding the bottom 2 this week? Are Alex and Sierra bound for stardom? We'll find out soon. Til then!