Tonight on The Voice someone will claim the Season 5 title and hopefully walk away with some sort of career. We see many familiar faces as the Top 24 return to remind us that they were once on the show, and we are treated to several performances from big stars as well. The results show is two hours tonight and here are the highlights:
- Jacquie brings back Matthew, Caroline, Cole and James to take on Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody." Yes, you read that correctly. Jacquie does...okay, but Cole is actually the surprise on this song - he's definitely a standout vocally. I'm going to take it easy on Caroline and barely mention that James forgets that he should be singing into the microphone at one point.
Tessanne joins Celine Dion (Tessanne looks like she might pass out) for "Love Can Move Mountains." It's really nice to see Celine doing her thang and she still looks and sounds amazing. This seems more like a duet on an awards show or concert tour rather than a reality TV show finale because Tessanne keeps up with her idol just fine. Awesomeness.
- Will brings back Austin, Cole, Caroline, and Jonny to sing "Wagon Wheel." Apparently Will plays the banjo. I could have done without Caroline in this performance (and most performances), but it's fun and it's over quickly, so I can't complain too much.
- Jacquie joins Paramore onstage to sing their single "Ain't It Fun" and the pairing is a bit strange for me. I guess I just don't picture this as Jacquie's type of music, but I do always enjoy seeing Paramore as well as whatever outfit Hayley Williams chooses to wear.
- Will takes the stage with Aloe Blacc on stage to sing "Wake Me Up." Aloe doesn't seem too jazzed about this being a duet but maybe I'm just reading him wrong. I totally prefer the original recording, but this seemed to mean a lot to Will, so good for him.
- Tessanne brings back James, Preston, Olivia and Grey to sing "Hold On I'm Comin'" and this is by far the best 'bring back' moment of the night. The performance doesn't seem like one of those awkward group numbers we're used to on these shows - this is 5 professionals collaborating and doing what they do best.
- My brain nearly explodes when Xtina joins Lady Gaga to perform "Do What You Want." The rumored bad blood between these two is nowhere to be found during this performance and I just love it. The past hour and 48 minutes of "eh" were well worth it to get to this point. I actually watch the performance twice before I can move on...I can barely remember what else we're waiting for tonight...
Results! The Final 3 stand on stage nervously awaiting the big reveal. Carson lets go of Will first, leaving Jacquie and Tessanne anxiously holding hands. Drum roll please. The winner of The Voice Season 5 is.... TESSANNE!!!! She sings her victory song "Tumblin' Down" and all is right with the world.
I'm so thrilled for Tessanne. The way she reacts to the news brings me to tears and I have my fingers crossed that we will be hearing a lot from her in the future. I would by an album from Tessanne tomorrow if she released one. I absolutely think the right person won this season...and it was really wonderful to watch.

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