We have reached the Semi-Finals week on The X Factor. Tonight the remaining four acts will have one last performance episode to earn a spot in the finale. Demi has no acts remaining, Kelly and Paulina each have contender left, and Simon still has two groups that will compete tonight. The contestants take on two "solo" songs tonight - one song chosen by the viewers and one they have chosen themselves. The third song will be a duet battle thing that I'm not too crazy about adding to this show (cough...The Voice...cough).
Act: Carlito Olivero
Team: Paulina
Song: "Boyfriend" by Justin Bieber

Critiques: Kelly is incredibly proud of Carlito and says "you made that girl over there sweat, you made me sweat, and I just love you." Demi thinks the performance had star quality and he has the "x factor." Simon says it's obvious Carlito is looking to get into the Finals. Paulina says Carlito can sing...we'll just say all types of music because what Paulina is actually saying doesn't make sense.
Act: Restless Road
Team: Simon
Song: "That's My Kind of Night" by Luke Bryan
The band is crazy loud again tonight but once the boys get to the first chorus, their vocals rise about the background music. The tall one with the deep voice is actually having a good time tonight! They all are. This is the most comfortable Restless Road has seemed with an up tempo song all season and I'm really happy for them.
Critiques: Kelly says the performance was fun to watch and thinks that was the perfect sound for the boys. Demi, however, disagrees...she thinks the performance was nervous and awkward. Well, Demi, not everyone can be amazing as Carlito. Paulina expects more from the group. Simon concedes that the vocals were a bit shaky in the beginning of the song, but he also says that the Finals won't be the same without Restless Road.
Act: Alex & Sierra
Team: Simon
Song: "Little Talks" by Of Monsters And Men
The duo actually doesn't know this song so the performance should be interesting. "Little Talks" is a tune I can normally take or leave...but tonight I'll definitely take it. As much as I like for Alex and Sierra to be within 20 feet of each other at all times, I actually think the portion of the song they spent on completely opposite sides of the stage was the strongest.
Critiques: Kelly says the two singers make her mad because they just nailed their performance and Jeff has to come out next. Demi thinks she is looking at the winners of The X Factor. Lord I hope so. Paulina says Alex and Sierra get stronger every week. Simon states that the duo are not performing songs - they are making records.
Act: Jeff Gutt
Team: Kelly
Song: "Hallelujah" by Jeff Buckley

Critiques: Standing ovation from everyone. Demi thinks Jeff could also win The X Factor. Can someone on this show please run the numbers for Demi? There are only three spots in the finale and one winner. Paulina thinks Jeff made the song his own, and Simon says this was one of the best versions of "Hallelujah" he's heard. Okay, I completely disagree with that. Kelly is going to download this song on iTunes right now.
Duet 1: Carlito vs. Alex & Sierra
They perform "Falling Slowly" from Once and really...why include Carlito in this song? It's a love song that should have just been a duet between Alex & Sierra. Carlito tries repeatedly to outshine them vocally, which is ridiculous, and I'm ready to move on.
Duet 2: Restless Road vs. Jeff Gutt
They perform "Every Breath You Take" by The Police. Personally, I like this "duet" much better than the first. Maybe it's because all four guys were better at blending together even though their respective styles are different. Even so, these battles were a waste of time. Let's get back to business.
Act: Carlito Olivero
Team: Paulina
Song: "I Need To Know" by Marc Anthony
In case you didn't know, Carlito is Latino. He actually sings a potion of the song in Spanish...as if this is a stroke of brilliance...as if Marc Anthony had never thought to do so himself. The most interesting part of the performance is the array of backup dancers. Are they space dancers? Aliens? Robots? No one ever tells us but it was nice to watch them perform.
Critiques: Kelly talks about Carlito singing in English, then in Spanish, and also dancing as though he is the first person to pull this off. Demi speaks Spanish and tells him he did well. Simon thinks the performance was singing and a magic act all at the same time. He also says the song was perfect for Carlito. I can't possibly listen to Paulina.
Act: Restless Road
Team: Simon
Song: "Wanted" by Hunter Hayes

Critiques: Standing ovation from everyone. Kelly likes to think the boys were singing directly to her. Demi says the performance was comfortable and confident. She also thinks the boys might have just saved themselves. Paulina says the vocal was amazing. Simon tells the group that this the type of record they could make right now.
Act: Alex & Sierra
Team: Simon
Song: "Gravity" by Sara Bareilles
I had thought nothing would top Alex & Sierra's rendition of "Say Something" last week but I was wrong. With no instruments to play, this performance is far more intimate. I almost feel like I'm intruding on something very, very special. Sierra is also just so amazing in this song. The way Alex looks at her while she sings is the way most people are probably looking at her tonight. Unreal.
Critiques: Standing ovation from everyone. Kelly begins to cry talking about how Sierra has grown. Demi is crying as well, saying the performance was flawless, and she re-iterates that she is looking at stars. Paulina loves...love. She says watching Alex & Sierra throughout the season has been an amazing experience. Simon wishes he could bottle the last 10 seconds of the song and have it for the rest of his life, because it was perfection.
Act: Jeff Gutt
Team: Kelly
Song: "Demons" by Imagine Dragons
Either Jeff is about to go through the looking glass or he's just about to give an outstanding performance. It's the latter, though I do really love the massive mirrors that aren't really mirrors behind him. I think this is a smart choice for him because he's finally singing a current song, and I can now see him releasing an album. Maybe something Daughtry-esque?
Critiques: Everyone stands again. Demi thinks that Jeff's time is now. Paulina says Jeff was powerful on this song and compliments Kelly on her work with Jeff. Simon says the performance was incredible and the episode on the whole was great TV. Kelly cries again, and I'm touched by how genuine she is about being a mentor.
Tomorrow we will find out which three acts will duke it out in the finale. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Restless Road, Jeff Gutt, and Alex & Sierra make it through. I appreciate that Carlito has been dubbed "the underdog," but being an underdog doesn't always mean you should win. Will he sail through again anyway? Should anyone but Alex & Sierra win? Can we get confirmation that Paulina will not be a judge should The X Factor come back for a fourth season? We'll find out soon. Til then!
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