Artist: Cole Vosbury
Team: Blake
Song: "The Rich Girl" by Hall & Oates
Blake chose this song to showcase Cole's range as a vocalist. Cole has a neat little orchestra behind him, and he is showing off his voice on this song. I have to wonder if Blake is more into it that Cole is though...he's singing along from his chair enthusiastically and I wish some of that would rub off on his contestant. I'm hoping Cole's choice in the next round has more of a "wow" factor.
Coaches Say: Blake calls Cole a pro who has been working hard at this for a long time. He says that performance could go on sale on iTunes right now with no problem...which I thought was kind of the point? CeeLo thinks Cole did a great job and Adam says the performance was a pleasure to watch.
Artist: Tessanne Chin
Team: Adam
Song: "Redemption Song" by Bob Marley
Sticking with her Reggae roots, Adam chooses a risky song since most people believe Bob Marley should not be touched on these shows. I don't worry about Tessanne for a second though because she owns this. Sure, many singers can hit the notes, but Tessanne hits the notes AND feels every lyric. She blows me away.

Artist: Matthew Schuler
Team: Xtina
Song: "The Story Of My Life" by One Direction
Matthew chooses this song as a dedication to his family. He starts off a bit too soft and I can barely hear him until the first chorus starts. But then the performance takes off and he does a good job with the song. Not my favorite performance of Matthew's...maybe it's the song choice...but I do look forward to Xtina's choice for him later.
Coaches Say: Xtina loved the song choice and they way he made it his own. She tells Matthew that the stage suits him. Adam isn't familiar with the song (I don't believe him) and says Matthew can tread any ground he wants to.
Artist: Will Champlin
Team: Adam
Song: "A Change Is Gonna Come" by Sam Cooke
Will dedicates this song to his wife and daughter. Man this guy is gutsy. Taking on "At Last" during the Top 8 performance show and now this song which was a staple for the Civil Rights Movement. Interesting. He starts out on the piano and then gets tripped up a little bit when he transitions to the mic stand, but really he just gives the song everything he has. Will never holds anything back in his performances, and he has really become one of my favorites.
Coaches Say: Adam loves the courage Will had to sing this song and said the performance was real and genuine. CeeLo tells Will he has soul and heart and says Will deserved to sing that song.
Artist: James Wolpert
Team: Adam
Song: "I Fell In Love With A Girl" by The White Stripes
James is sending this song out to his dad for encouraging James' pursuit of a music career. He plays an acoustic guitar tonight and stays at a mic stand for the duration of the performance which we have really not seen from him. I like it - I appreciate that he's switching it up this week, and I imagine he'll go back to being kind of twitchy and all over the stage for his second performance.
Coaches Say: Adam notes that James messed up in the middle of the performance but it's okay. Oh. I missed that completely. Blake says James always performs at a 10 and didn't realize a mistake at all.
Artist: Jacquie Lee
Team: Xtina
Song: "Cry Baby" by Janis Joplin
Great song. Amazing song. I loooove Janis and no one is going to sing it like Janis. That being said, Jacquie gives it her all...screaming at times...but she definitely does the song justice. For a 16 year old who freely admits that she's never suffered the kind of heartbreak that embodies "Cry Baby," I applaud her for even coming close.
Coaches Say: Xtina suddenly has a leather jacket on and I'm confused. I mean, it's covering up her arms...not her chest. So it's not as if one of the producers was alarmed by her cleavage and said "someone get a jacket on her!" Anyway, she goes up on stage and puts the mic stand on the floor. Xtina says "This was her. She left her heart on this stage, on this floor for all of you." CeeLo thinks it's truly amazing how talented and dynamic Jacquie is at such a young age.
Artist: Cole Vosbury
Team: Blake
Song: "Better Man" by James Morrison
Cole dedicates this song to his first love. He notes that the relationship didn't work out...and he still seems a little heartbroken. I'm bummed for him, but I'm also buying 100% of what he is selling in this performance. He's totally connected to the song, he's vulnerable, and he's pushing himself to deliver one hell of a vocal. Cole accomplishes that and not a moment too soon.
Coaches Say: Blake says if Cole doesn't get her back now...and then trails of for a second. He then tells Cole "you can do it all." CeeLo agrees with Blake and thinks it's great to see Cole growing as an artist. Xtina appreciates Cole and notes that Cole was a little raspy tonight and encourages him to preserve his voice when he can. And an hour and six minutes in....we have our first constructive criticism of the night. Thank you.
Artist: Tessanne Chin
Team: Adam
Song: "Unconditionally" by Katy Perry
Tessanne chooses this song to dedicate to her mom and dad. She has her diva hat on tonight (in a good way), performing this song on a platform in front of a pretty awesome tunnel made of glowing hoops. Tessanne delivers another solid performance here...though I will admit her first song was my favorite tonight.
Coaches Say: Adam says this was a tough song to take on vocally and compliments her range. He tells Tessanne she never lets him down. Blake calls Tessanne a world class vocalist and says people should focus on that and not the she's from Jamaica. So...you don't want to talk about her accent and then talk about her accent?
Artist: Matthew Schuler
Team: Xtina
Song: "When a Man Loves a Woman" by Percy Sledge
This is a vast improvement on his first performance and the song is definitely in Matthew's wheelhouse. He is able to show off his vocals more and also unleashes some power in his voice that the One Direction song did not allow earlier. This is absolutely his best performance sing "Hallelujah." Is it enough to put him through to next week? I don't think so, but America could easily prove me wrong.

Coaches Say: Christina (of course) loved the performance. Why wouldn't she? The busty coach also tells Matthew he is versatile and hopes he'll still be around next week. "I have great ideas if you hang in there." Very, um, encouraging. Blake is a Matthew fan and calls the performance as good as he's ever heard Matthew sing.
Artist: Will Champlin
Team: Adam
Song: "Hey Brother" by Avicii I actually do not know this song. Will performs with a banjo, which I am immediately intrigued by, and the flames on the screen behind him are drawing me in too. I'm not 100% sure why Adam chose this song for him since Will's soulful performances have been his standout moments, but I would say this is solid and I hope he makes it through to next week.
Coaches Say: Adam says the song is "so many things" and that Will figured it out. He then gives us the history of the song and I'm ready for someone else to talk. Blake doesn't know the song either and then Adam starts to talk again. Blake says "banjos are cool" and that's pretty much it.
Artist: Jacquie Lee
Team: Xtina
Song: "The Voice Within" by Christina AguileraJacquie dedicates this song to Xtina. Ha! I totally called it! This song clearly means a lot to Jacquie and it means even more to Xtina....and the performance is actually very touching. Obviously Jacquie doesn't improve on the original version, but she has definitely learned a lot from her coach because she sings her face off here.
Coaches Say: Xtina stands for Jacquie and tells her contestant that it was a special moment. She sees a lot of herself in Jacquie and tells Jacquie how much the song relates to her in her youth.
Coaches Say: Adam tells us that James is sick and dealing with a lot. He says James did an amazing job. CeeLo can see James taking on a rock opera because he has enough confidence and he's just "so cool."
If it were up to me...and it's not...Cole and Matthew would go home tomorrow. Team Adam has really been dominating and Jacquie definitely deserves to move on to the next round, and maybe even to the finale. America could surprise everyone tomorrow though and vote off a portion of Team Adam. Will there be an upset? We will find out during the results show tomorrow. Til then!
Artist: James Wolpert
Team: Adam
Song: "I'd Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That)" by Meatloaf
James gets to close out the show tonight with Adam's song choice. This performance is reminiscent of last week's "Somebody To Love" as James struts his dramatic side again. The stage is foggy, James is twitchy, and vocally he is on point. The performance itself is a little strange (for me) and I definitely prefer "Somebody To Love" in terms of theater-esque themes. Again, just me.
If it were up to me...and it's not...Cole and Matthew would go home tomorrow. Team Adam has really been dominating and Jacquie definitely deserves to move on to the next round, and maybe even to the finale. America could surprise everyone tomorrow though and vote off a portion of Team Adam. Will there be an upset? We will find out during the results show tomorrow. Til then!
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