Tonight the American Idol Top 8 go back to the beginning, taking on their original audition song and hopefully improving on it. I'm initially not sure how to feel about this given we've already heard these songs (albeit briefly) once, but Idol throws some duets at us as well to switch things up a bit. Let's get to it!
Contestant: Jessica Meuse
Song: "Blue-Eyed Lie" by Jessica Meuse
I enjoyed this tune the first time I heard it and I enjoy it even more this time with a full band behind Jessica. I can definitely see Jessica recording an album and I would buy it in a heartbeat. She's developed confidence, and more importantly, star quality. Fantastic way to start the night.
Judges Say: Keith loves the ferocity that Jessica sings with. He just wants her to start moving about more - says her upper body is doing all the work. Not touching that one. JLo tells Jessica that "something happened" when Jessica sang that song tonight. She calls the performance perfect. Jessica reminds Harry of Cher or Nancy Sinatra in the 70s. He disagrees with Keith though, saying she delivered the song just fine with zero movement.
Contestant: C.J. Harris
Song: "Soul Shine" by the Allman Brothers Band
Looking back on C.J.'s audition...I have to laugh at the part where JLo says "There was things that you do consistently wrong, but we can fix that." C.J. promises us that tonight's performance will be better than his audition. Sure, I'll give him that. I'll also give him points for improving on the previous two weeks as well. He still has some pitch problems but overall I would say this is a step in the right direction.
Judges Say: JLo is beaming like a proud mom. She tells C.J. that he knows the performance was better than the first time and says he touches her heart. Harry thinks C.J.'s pitch was definitely better and he applauds C.J. for really working on his voice. Keith agrees that tonight's performance was better than the audition. He also says the song was good to hear because that's the song that got C.J. here. Yes, Keith. That's tonight's theme.
Contestant: Sam Woolf
Song: "The Lego House" by Ed Sheeran
See...again, this is just so snoozy for me. Sam takes a slowish song and makes it even slowwwwer. There are also a lot of clap on/clap off lamps in that lego house. Look, I think Sam is adorable, and I know teenage girls everywhere are watching his performance and clapping and letting out shrieks of joy. I get it. I just don't think he's destined to make it that much further in the competition.
Judges Say: Harry thinks Sam needs to be more connected to the audience and to take advantage of his heartthrob status. Keith says Sam is getting better every week and notes that Sam was much looser tonight. JLo can barely talk because of all the female screams. She says Sam is magic.
Contestant: Malaya Watson
Song: "Ain't No Way" by Aretha Franklin
I probably harp on Malaya's age way too much, but she's just so young and has a voice so big. Tonight's performance is no exception. She blew her audition out of the water and I'm so happy for her. After that awful "Runaway" performance in week 1, I thought for sure Malaya was in over her head. Granted, she has some maturing to do and has some work to do as well...Malaya still has some control issues, but THIS is a perfect case of "There was things that you do consistently wrong, but we can fix that." I would put my money on her over C.J. any day.
Judges Say: Keith gives her a standing ovation. He loves watching Malaya grow each week and tells her she was "with it" tonight. JLo thinks Malaya is blossoming into a star before our eyes. She says Malaya can run away with this competition. Harry tells Malaya she did everything right tonight but wants her to continue to work on her runs. He asks her to refer to the great musicians she's working with like Rickey Minor and Randy Jackson. I'm sorry. Randy Jackson? He's going to be the one to make those runs perfection? The camera cuts to The Dawg doing his normal, thoughtful (?) head nod.
Contestant: Dexter Roberts
Song: "One Mississippi" by Brett Eldredge

Judges Say: JLo has tears in her eyes throughout most of the performance. When it ends she tells Dexter that she and the audience got to hear little nuances in his voice that we've never heard before. She then gives a shout out to Allison and that makes me smile. Harry thinks Dexter sat on the stool and sang the hell out of the song. He says he was touched by the performance. Keith mentions that Dexter has grown leaps and bounds...he then says the word "sound" enough times to make this critique into a drinking game.
Contestant: Jena Irene
Song: "Rolling in the Deep" by Adele
This is how you slow down a song. Jena KILLS this performance. She doesn't try to be Adele for a second and that is her smartest move. So many of these reality TV singers take on Adele songs and try to emulate her, and that's just not possible. Adele is a musical goddess....but back to Jena. This is my favorite performance so far tonight. Hands down.
Judges Say: Harry has become accustomed to Jena's voice and thinks she did a great job. Keith loved the performance because she made the song her own. JLo's advice to Jena is to blow everybody away and win the whole thing. Oh my gosh! I bet Jena never thought of that.
Contestant: Caleb Johnson
Song: "Chain of Fools" by Aretha Franklin
Aretha is popular tonight. Caleb's audition was fantastic, but tonight he has a band and a full arena to sing to. He's also got quite a sneer on him tonight as he sings this song...unfortunately now that I know Allison is on the show, I keep looking for her each time the camera shows the backup singers in any capacity. Caleb's performance is still awesome though. If there's anyone who wants to blow everybody away and win the whole thing, it's Caleb.

Contestant: Alex Preston
Song: "Fairytales" by Alex Preston
I seriously love that the show began and ended tonight with original songs from the contestants. Alex has been on my "I don't care if he goes home list" for a while now, but this is by far my favorite Alex performance. He is 100% connected (I guess he would have to be), he has the audience in the palm of his hand, oh...and vocally, it's crazy good. Let the man sing his own songs every week!
Judges Say: JLo says Alex has stayed true to himself from the very beginning and she loves him. Harry liked the arrangement and Keith notes that the contestants were singing along with Alex from the couches. Awesome.
In terms of the duets, Jessica and Caleb had the best one...which is not so surprising. Their version of "Stop Draggin' My Heart Around" was fantastic and their voices complimented each other perfectly. Jena and Alex's take on "Just Give Me A Reason," on the other hand, was rough. There was zero chemistry between them and Alex was reallllly awkward. I'm also not a fan of the arrangement at all. It's a beautiful song. Let's keep it that way. Malaya and Sam also jumped on the awkward train tonight. Their version of "Lucky" was sweet at times but poor Sam doesn't know what to do without his guitar. Finally, Dexter and C.J. busted out their guitars for "Alright." I would say that duet was entertaining, and all in all, these performances were an okay way to fill some time.
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Finale Foreshadowing? |
Tomorrow the Top 7 will be revealed and one more hopeful will leave the show. Did C.J. do enough to redeem himself? Will Sam's fan base send him through to next week? Will America love Dexter and all of his nuances? We'll find out during the results show. Til then!
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