Tonight on The Voice our remaining 10 contestants take the stage again
as the coaches try their best to keep their teams intact. An adorable U.K. boy band called
Rixton kicks off the show. Apparently they need a little love in their lives and they also needed a little more confidence for their television debut. Holy nerves, Batman. Carson’s “welcome to the US!” shout should do the trick though....I know I would feel as though I've "arrived" with such a greeting. But enough
of that - let’s get to the contestants.
Artist: Kat Perkins
Team: Adam
Song: “Landslide” by Fleetwood
Kat tones it down for this performance which is a great switch for
her. I do, however, wish she didn't have to rely on her lower register for portions of the song. It's not her strong suit. That being said, Kat soars during the majority of the performance and delivers an emotional, respectable cover of a classic tune.
Coaches Say: Blake is a fan of Kat's and loved that she showed her softer side tonight. Usher comments on the value of acoustic performances and calls her rendition of the song "beautiful." Shakira didn't realize she had that in her and compliments Kat's approach to the performance. Adam is so happy that Team Adam was able to represent such an amazing song through Kat. He's also very thankful to be her coach. Awww.
Artist: Tess Boyer
Team: Shakira
Song: “Ain’t It Fun” by
The winner of last week’s Stupid Twitter Save is eager
to prove herself tonight. I looooove this song. Tess does a great job here vocally, but she doesn't quite capture the sass that Hayley Williams exudes when she commands the stage. I mean, Hayley is borderline crazy at times...but in a weird and wonderful way. Tess gives us a solid performance though, but I doubt it will be memorable at the end of the night.
Coaches Say: Adam says Tess' performance was very well executed and Blake thinks the performance was pitch perfect. Shakira is is proud of Tess, saying she nailed the song and calling her sassy and confident. Hmm... maybe more sassy and confident than last week?
Artist: Audra McLaughlin
Team: Blake
Song: “You Lie” by Reba McEntire (Really just Reba. She doesn’t need a
last name.)
This has always been my favorite Reba song, so when it starts, I worry
that I might be overcritical. Nope, no need. Audra looks and sounds like a country music star already, and she
also delivers the story of the song without overdoing it. She's got me waving my arms in the air with the audience, and I’m a HUGE fan of this performance. Just beautiful.

Artist: Josh Kaufman
Team: Usher
Song: “This Is It” by Kenny Loggins
Wait. Really? This is the best song they could come up with? Josh was one of my absolute favorites last week but I'm just not on board with this song choice. He still sings the hell out of it, and he will probably sail on through to next week, but "This Is It" really doesn't do Josh any favors in the "here's the type of album he could make" department.
Coaches Say: Shakira thinks that soulful renditions of songs is Josh's strong point and Adam says Josh has a powerful voice with a tone no one else has. Blake calls Josh's voice "that good" that it could have been a record. Usher was blown away by the performance and says Josh executed the song perfectly.
Artist: Christina Grimme
Team: Adam
Song: “Hold On, We’re Going Home” by Drake
So, this song would not even be on my radar in terms of tunes Christina might cover on this show. She puts her own spin on it though, playing the piano to start and really giving herself to the lyrics. Christina leaves the piano (and the realllllllllllllllly dark stage) behind about half way through the performance, and then she just wails on the song. Well done, kid.

Artist: Jake Worthington
Team: Blake
Song: "Run" by George Strait
Jake never thought he would be on iTunes (or "ah-tunes" if you're Jake) and I just love this guy. I've heard this song before but I'm not super familiar with it. Jake is a bit drowned out by the backup singers and band at times...or at least I think he is. Maybe he's just not singing loud enough. Either way, the audience loves him and he's someone I would like to see stick around on this show for a while.
Coaches Say: Usher says it's tough to be on a show like The Voice and still give a performance like that, but he did it. I'm not sure if that's a positive review? Shakira thinks Jake has come a long way during the competition and says he's still here. Yes. Yes he is. Where are we going with this? Adam tells us Jake is a pleasant guy and thinks he tells a great story. Blake says Jake gave a solid, great performance.
Artist: Bria Kelly
Team: Usher
Song: “With You” by Avril Lavigne
Oh. No. Just…no. I’m not sure whether she is too loud, too screechy,
too pitchy, or whether she is legitimately in a lot of pain right now. Like the
microphone is some kind of acid eating away at her hands. Like she’s the wicked
witch on Once Upon A Time and the
spotlight is actually the “light magic” that can kill her. This is just...not good.
Coaches Say: Shakira thinks the song allowed Bria to challenge herself and says Bria put her heart and soul into it. Adam tells Bria she is one of his favorites but thinks she was not connected to the song. Was her connection to the song a problem or was it the connection of my speakers to my TV? Blake doesn't provide a whole lot of positive vibes but Usher thinks Bria really grew in that performance.
Artist: Delvin Choice
Song: “Bright Lights” by Gary Clark, Jr.
Delvin doesn't really have a tough act to follow here but it doesn't matter. He totally owns this song. Delvin looks 100% at home on the stage and with the audience...and I even enjoy the (perhaps) over the top ending. Keep smiling, dude. You've earned it.
Coaches Say: Blake says Delvin keeps taking it to the next level and compliments his power and passion. Usher thinks Delvin brings out the gospel in every song whether it's gospel or not. Adam says this performance had one of the most electric endings of any song on the show.
Artist: Kristen Merlin
Team: Shakira
Song: “Let Her Go” by Passenger
So, as I shamefully admitted during an American Idol episode a few weeks ago, I hate this song. I know I’m
in the minority, but I seriously hate it. Lucky for Kristen, her mic stays on and she switches the song up in a way that makes her sound like an angel. Her rendition of "Let Her Go" isn't delivered like a's really more of an anthem and I actually really like it.
Coaches Say: Adam congratulates Kristen on another great performance and Blake says this was Kristen's best performance so far. Shakira loves everything she saw on stage tonight and compares Kristen to an onion with all of her layers. I think Shrek would beg to differ on that one, but let's allow Kristen to have her moment.
Artist: Sisaundra Lewis
Team: Blake
Not surprisingly, Sisaundra gives this 80s rock song the Sisaundra
treatment and that's fine by me. There are some folks who think she goes overboard with every performance. That might be true, but if anyone can get away with it, Sisaundra can. Her energy is out of this world and she sure knows how to close a show. Would I have picked this song for her? Probably not. Did she bring down the house anyway? I say she did.
Coaches Say: We're running out of time, but everyone loved it.
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