We are liiiiiive in the Top 12 performance show of The X Factor. The show begins with a Motown medley
featuring all of the contenders. Do we have time for that? I guess so. Here’s
hoping we don’t have to sit through a ton of filler regarding the contestants’
favorite colors and whether or not they have the hidden ability to burp the
alphabet, pat their heads while rubbing their bellies, or make their tongues
fold two to three times.
First and foremost, the judges have decided that Josh Levi has won the
wild card spot, meaning Paulina has an extra contestant on her team, also meaning
the Top 12 just became the Top 13. Whew. With many acts waiting for their shot
at stardom and many songs to get to tonight, let’s bypass everything else Mario
has to say and get started!
Act: Josh
Team: Paulina
Song: “Who’s Lovin You” by
The Jackson 5Team: Paulina
So we brought this guy back AND we’re making him go first? No
pressure, kid. Josh keeps it simple with
a dark stage and spotlight which I think really worked in his favor. Seems so
anyway, as evidenced by the teenage girl screams that almost overshadow his
Critiques: Demi and her blue
hair (which I’m loving) tells Josh he’s made a comeback. Kelly thinks Josh
makes smart choices on stage, and Simon says he just went from zero to hero. I
am sloooowly starting to “speak” Paulina and for those of you who are still
behind, she believes Josh was born to be a star.
Team: Kelly
Song: “This Old Heart of Mine” by The Isley Brothers
Rachel is a country artist at heart and she does her best to put her
own spin on this Motown classic. Sometimes she is drown out by the music, but
overall she gives an fun up tempo performance and I really like her.
Critiques: Demi loves how energetic Rachel is but Simon hated it. Kelly says Simon is only speaking out of his competitive nature and basically shuts him up. Heh.
Act: Carlos Guevara
Team: Paulina
Song: “What’s Going On” by Marvin GayeTeam: Paulina
Carlos is so happy to be on The
X Factor stage…so much so that he’s smiling like crazy throughout the
entire performance as if he were singing “I’ve Got a Golden Ticket.” I find
this distracting compared to the peace signs and anti-war pictures floating in
the background. Did anyone give him the context of this song? I'm not a fan.
Critiques: Kelly liked the song
choice but that Carlos could have done better. Simon doesn’t think Carlos has
given us a "moment." Paulina starts talking about projecting talent, then says
believes in Carlos and tells him he did great.
Act: Restless Road
Team: Simon
Song: “Easy” by The
Commodores Team: Simon
This song is typically a snoozer for me...but these guys are just
dreamy. They also sound amazing together. And they are dreamy. I have a feeling
that Restless Road will have my vote for the duration of the show....dreamy.
Critiques: Demi makes some jokes about Simon’s age but then says the boys did a good job. Paulina calls the group special but also says the lead vocalist was “peeeeechy.” Simon thinks Restless Road is a group that could work in the real world.
Act: Ellona Santiago
Team: Demi
Song: “Baby Love” by The Supremes Team: Demi
Ellona was
featured in Season 1 of the show having been lumped into a last minute teenage
group that was eliminated quickly. During the auditions this year she was a
standout for me and I’ve had my fingers crossed for her. I don’t know that I
would have chosen this song for her…or those shoes, but the kid can definitely
sing her face off.
Critiques: Kelly calls Ellona a little powerhouse. Agreed. Simon
thinks Ellona nailed the song and says she has killer eyes. Demi couldn’t be
prouder of Ellona and tells her she’s grown so much in such a short time.
------------------------------------------------------Act: Jeff Gutt
Team: Kelly
Song: “Say You, Say Me” by Lionel Richie
Jeff is a pleasant surprise on this song. I would not have pegged him
as someone who could give a solid performance of a Lionel Richie tune. The guy
mentions rock n’ roll every time the camera is on him, so I had worried he
would just go through the motions on this one. He does just the opposite. Nicely
Critiques: Paulina loves Jeff’s energy on stage. Simon calls the
performance outstanding, saying it was the best vocal of the night. Kelly thinks
Jeff gave the audience another layer of himself and she’s very proud of
Act: Alex and Sierra
Team: Simon
Song: “I Heard It Through The
Grapevine” by Marvin GayeTeam: Simon
I love these two. I’ve loved them since their initial audition. This
isn’t my favorite Alex and Sierra performance, but I think they were a bit
rattled when Simon asked them to stick to the original song melody. Switching
songs up is kind of their thing...and I would have liked to hear what their version
would have sounded like with no restrictions. I do enjoy this rendition though. It's sultry but not a stand out.
Critiques: Paulina says their performances feel natural. She also says the duo makes her sweat and she wants them to kiss at the end of every performance. Ha! If they start doing that I will be less likely to vote for them. Simon, of course, loved the arrangement.
Act: Khaya Cohen
Team: Demi
Song: “My Girl” by The Temptations

Critiques: Kelly wants to throw her pen at Khaya because she "killed
it." Simon compares Khaya to Amy Winehouse (in a good way) and I can totally see
that. He calls her vocals absolutely fantastic and tells her he’s very
impressed. Demi starts to talk and Paulina gives her bunny ears. Why I don’t
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Act: Carlito Olivero
Team: Paulina
Song: “Stop! In the Name of Love” by The Supremes
Oh heyyyyyy Carlito. The ladies in the audience swoon before he even sings
the first word of the song. Carlito turns this sassy Diana Ross song into an
emotional ballad. I think the risk paid off for him, but I’m someone who just
prefers the original version. Carlito is very talented though and he clearly has
an enthusiastic fan base. What do I know?
Critiques: Kelly thinks Carlito pours himself into his songs but that he
sometimes trails off with the notes that he chooses. Simon calls the
performance “girly.” Wow. Paulina does
not like that critique but also says she agrees? Did I hear that right? Where are the subtitles?!?!
Act: Lillie McCloud
Team: KellySong: “All Is Fair in Love” by Stevie Wonder
Dubbed “TV’s hottest grandma,” the very soulful Lillie McCloud is working a very sexy dress tonight. The woman can honestly sing just about anything and she will have my full attention. Lillie has to be Kelly’s ringer in this competition. Get it grandma.

Act: Sweet Suspense
Team: SimonSong: “You Keep Me Hangin’ On” by The Supremes
In case you missed it, Summer is the oldest. Everyone affiliated with the show lets Summer know that she has the most experience and has to help the other two girls in her group. I wonder how those two feel about that? Regardless, this is definitely the right song choice for them. They own it, while also paying homage to the girl group that made the song famous. Well done.
Critiques: Paulina thinks Sweet Suspense has it all. Demi is very impressed and believes the girls are already stars. Kelly says there is a place in the music industry for a girl group like them. Simon thinks there is definitely something special about these three girls.
Act: Rion Page
Team: Demi
Song: “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell
This 8th grader is a country girl at heart and puts a twang
on this song. Physical challenges or no physical challenges, I find this kid
inspiring. She carries herself with such grace and she’s so young. Yes, I think the song could have built a bit
more and she could have unleashed her vocals a bit more. That being said, I
also have my fingers crossed that she gets another chance to sing for America
next week.
Critiques: Kelly loves Rion but isn’t so sure she loved her rendition.
Simon, however, thinks Rion delivered a beautiful version of the song. Demi
thinks Rion’s performances are all very genuine and heartfelt.
Act: Tim Olstad
Team: PaulinaSong: “I’ll Be There” by The Jackson 5

Critiques: Demi compliments Tim’s voice but says the song was very
karaoke. She gets a lot of "boos" from the audience but I totally agree with her. Kelly also believes Tim is an incredible singer but she wants wayyyyyy
more from him. Simon smiles a devilish smile and says he really liked the performance. What?!?! Is he trying to be cute? Did that kiss from Kelly throw him off his game completely? Simon calls Tim a Donny Osmond type and says
there is a market for that. Where? In the 1970s?
Based on tonight’s performances, I wasn’t “wowed” by any particular
contestant. I think this season does boast some talent but it’s really too
early to tell who will blow audiences away. I think the weakest performance of
the evening belonged to Carlos, though Tim and Rion (sniff) might be in danger
as well. Will wild card winner Josh Levi take a Top 12 slot away from one of
the existing acts? We’ll find out soon. Til then!
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