So there are many of you who loyally watch these shows and, like me, make continual comments to the television whether anyone else is in the room or not. Alternately, there are many of you who do not have the time to keep up with reality TV – there are too many shows, your tivos runneth over, you have kids and can’t remember what it’s like to watch anything beyond Dora the Explorer (you know who you are) – but you also want to be “in the know.” That’s fine. Let me help you understand.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

The X Factor: Two Hours...For What?

Tonight on The X Factor someone (for real this time) will be eliminated and the competition will continue.  It’s 80s night, which has to be better than Motown night, so I already miss Paula Abdul. Can she sub in for Paulina? Their names are close enough…you never know what either of them is saying…it’s a pretty fair trade.
We go to elimination first, meaning the act that is sent home tonight will also not be performing this evening. Depending on who it is...I might not care. The lowest vote getter last week was Carlos Guevara, so I am totally fine not seeing his take on the 1980s. Let’s get the rest of the show on the road!

Act:        Lillie McCloud
Team:    Kelly
Song:     “Ain’t Nobody” by Chaka Khan

Apparantly Lillie released a single in the 80s that never took off. I’m going to have to do some more research on that. Anywho, Lillie is sporting some serious hair tonight. I barely recognize her with this time traveling she’s doing, but she makes it work.  Part of the critiques these past weeks have been about her being too old school...not current enough…too many ballads… but there’s none of that tonight. I can’t wait to see what Simon has to say about her transformation. Well done!

Critiques: Paulina attempts to say the word “versatile” and I’m already having a good time. Demi says that Lillie looked a little uncomfortable at times but she also really stepped it up this week. Simon calls Lillie “a naughty little thing” and says she looked and sounded fantastic. Kelly thinks Lillie lives in her head a little too much and it was great to see her have fun tonight.
Act:        Carlito Olivero
Team:   Paulina
Song:     “Rhythm Is Gonna Get You” by Gloria Estefan

Carlito is going into tonight’s performance feeling a little bummed about last week. He didn’t feel great about his performance but he definitely has a boost of confidence when the music starts. He has quite a production behind him with dancers and singers, and he’s got some moves himself. I see him more as this Usher-esque artist than the vibe he was giving last week.

Critiques: Kelly calls Carlito eye candy and says he should be more suave. Demi found herself paying more attention to the dancers than to him. She did not like the performance. Ouch! Simon says Carlito probably won’t be around another week (double ouch!) and thinks he’s a dancer who was trying to be a singer. Paulina thinks the problem is Carlito’s face. WHAT? She says he is showing too much fear. Clearly that must be it.

Act:        Rion Paige
Team:    Demi
Song:     “We Belong” by Pat Benatar

Rion really likes the Spice Girls…who are definitely not from the 80s. She reminds us she was born in the year 2000 and I immediately go to a mirror and check for gray hairs. I can’t believe how much older I am than Rion. Demi wants her to be a rock star this evening, which is tough for a 13 year old.  She does her best and she’s bit out of her element, but I just heart her so much.

Critiques: Kelly loved the way she sang the song as if she was right in the middle of the 80s. Paulina says Rion is a firecracker and loves the way Rion feels the music. Simon says Rion performs every song 110% and wants her to have more input in the songs she sings. Demi thinks she did great.

Act:        Sweet Suspense
Team:    Simon
Song:     “Mickey” by Toni Basil

Okay, I love this song. It still pops up on my iPod more than it should. The girls have turned it more into a rock song which I really enjoy. I do wish, however, that they moved around a little more. The choreographed walking as a group doesn’t really do it for me. They could have been having so much more fun with the song.

Critiques:  Kelly didn’t think the girls were in sync with one another tonight. Paulina still doesn’t know any of their names. Demi hated this performance too. Simon tells Demi to shut up and calls this Sweet Suspense’s best performance in the competition…as well as the night so far. Whoa, buddy. Simmer down.

Act:        Tim Olstad
Team:    Paulina
Song:     “Against All Odds” by Phil Collins

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. This is one of those songs that should be retired from all singing competitions. Also…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Critiques: Kelly says the performance fell flat. Paulina disagrees. Weird. Demi thinks Tim has a wonderful voice, but there is no X factor. Simon says the female dancer stole the show.

Act:        Khaya Cohen
Team:    Demi
Song:     “Borderline” by Madonna

Woohoo! I love Madonna. I also generally love Madonna covers…maybe because most covers sound exponentially better than the renditions I sing in the shower. Now that Simon has compared Khaya to Amy Winehouse, that’s all I can think about when she starts to sing. There’s nothing wrong with that though – I think Amy could have done some amazing takes on Madonna tunes. Khaya does a great job here. She’s really a breath of fresh air on so many levels.

Critiques:  Kelly thinks Khaya is ready for “this whole music thang.” Paulina feels like Khaya gets better every week. Simon loves that she is showing personality and confidence. Demi says Khaya killed it.

Act:        Restless Road
Team:    Simon
Song:     “Footloose” by Kenny Loggins

This song should be right up their alley and I’m hoping they have fun with it.  Well, I can say they sound great, but there could have been so much more energy from the guys. In particular, the one with the deep voice could totally pass for Willard – the Footloose character who doesn’t know how to dance. Carson Daly shows more excitement with his 3 facial expressions than this dude does. They never actually work the crowd either and I’m bummed.

Critiques:  Kelly loves them, Paulina loves them, and Demi thinks the boys could release the song as their own. Simon thinks their love for being on the show is infections and they did a great job. Okay, so they saw something I did not see…

Act:        Rachel Potter
Team:    Kelly
Song:     “Alone” by Heart

I’m always hesitant on this song.  In terms of singing competitions, I hold Carrie Underwood’s rendition on American Idol on such a high pedestal. Rachel does a neat staging thing with a fence, fog and a wind machine…and she sounds amazing. I’m really happy for her given the negative critiques she received last week.

Critiques: Paulina calls Rachel a great singer and entertainer. Demi says Rachel has the potential to win this whole competition. Simon doesn’t understand what kind of artist Rachel wants to be. Kelly says Rachel has “edge” and hits notes that no one in Simon’s group can. Burn!

Act:        Ellona Santiago
Team:    Demi
Song:     “I Wanna Dance With Somebody” by Whitney Houston

See, I would have picked “How Will I Know?” for Ellona, but that’s okay. Even so…Ellona is such a natural. She is 100% comfortable on stage, her vocals are fantastic, and she looks confident with backup dancers (even if she slips) and extensive staging. She’s someone who has the X factor.

Critiques:  Kelly thinks the beginning was a little rough but she loves watching Ellona. Paulina says Ellona belongs on this show. Simon thinks the first two-thirds of the song were erratic, but the last part of the song was great. Demi thinks Ellona is a diva who picks herself up.

Act:        Josh Levi
Team:    Paulina
Song:     “Straight Up” by Paula Abdul

Josh gives this song an R&B twist and absolutely puts Carlito to shame in the singing and dancing department. I know Josh was worried about doing a more up tempo song since he was eliminated the last time he danced, but I prefer this performance to last week’s ballad. Josh had a shining moment tonight and might be Paulina’s only chance at having a presence for the rest of the season.

Critiques: Kelly says Josh has “just arrived.” Demi doesn’t understand how Josh was ever eliminated and thinks the smartest thing Paulina has done was to bring him back. Simon says we were watching and listening to a star.

Act:        Jeff Gutt
Team:    Kelly
Song:     “(I Just) Died in Your Arms Tonight” by Cutting Crew

The song starts off a little shaking but once Jeff gets rid of the night stand and comes down the stairs, he settles in and the performance takes off. Well…he takes his jacket off…awkwardly. But he still makes this song fun to listen to. I actually never cared for the original.

Critiques: Paulina thinks Jeff gives us a little more rock n roll every week. Demi says Jeff is one of her favorites in the competition. Simon wants Jeff to go out of his comfort zone to be more original. Kelly loves that Jeff is not afraid of work. She’s pissed at Simon.

Act:        Alex & Sierra
Team:    Simon
Song:     “Addicted To Love” by Robert Palmer

Oh my God. I love this. Normally I want Alex and Sierra always next to each other, gazing lovingly into each other’s eyes, but what they’ve done with the wall between them is brilliant. This is my favorite performance of the night.

Critiques: Kelly prefers to see them as a couple and not separated by the wall. Paulina loves that Alex & Sierra are bohemian. Yup.  Demi also didn’t like the wall…wow. Simon thinks they lost the melody and I totally missed that. It's amazing what props can do?

Looking back on the performances tonight as well as the judges’ comments, I don’t think anyone should feel 100% confident going into elimination. I’d still like to see Tim Olstad go home tomorrow. I think he has an amazing voice. I really do…but he’s out of his league on a show like this. Will his new found friendship with Sarah Hyland win him some votes? Will Simon’s prediction of Carlito getting the axe come to fruition? We’ll find out during the results show. Til then!

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