So there are many of you who loyally watch these shows and, like me, make continual comments to the television whether anyone else is in the room or not. Alternately, there are many of you who do not have the time to keep up with reality TV – there are too many shows, your tivos runneth over, you have kids and can’t remember what it’s like to watch anything beyond Dora the Explorer (you know who you are) – but you also want to be “in the know.” That’s fine. Let me help you understand.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Idol Results: An Upset!

On tonight’s results show the Final 2 will be revealed, and it’s a tight race between Phillip, Jessica and Joshua. Adam Lambert and Lisa Marie Presley will both perform, but first we have the privilege(?) of hearing what our Top 3 sound like as a trio. They perform The Beatles’ “Gotta Get You Into My Life,” and it’s pretty good. Apparently the missing link in those awful Joshua/Phillip duets was Jessica.

After a commercial break, the Top 3 sit on the chairs that used to be the Bottom 3 stools of doom. Clearly we just needed Elise and Hollie to be gone in order to put a positive spin on those seats. Joshua is called up first to relive last night, and we go through the gushes of praise again before he is sent back to his seat to await the results.

Lisa Marie Presley takes over the stage now, and I knew that she had an on again (mostly off again) singing career, but I had no idea she was going all mainstream on American Idol. The staging and costumes of this performance remind me of the “I Put A Spell On You” scene from Hocus Pocus. I'm not comparing Lisa Marie Presley's look to Bette Midler's - just the band and stage set up. Great movie though. Anyway, I have no real critique for LMP. Regardless of how talented she is, her father was ELVIS for crying out loud, so she will always experience tremendous amounts of pressure with a music career. My hat’s off to her for having the guts to do what she’s doing.

Jessica pops up from the Top 3 stools to recap all of her performances from last night, because we need more filler. When we come back from commercial, we take a moment to pay tribute to Donna Summer, who passed away this morning. There probably was not enough time to put together anything lengthy, but I’m glad Donna was acknowledged tonight, even if we only got a brief look at her last performance on Idol.

Adam Lambert is up next, and he performs “Never Close Our Eyes” from his new album. If there was any confusion about the title of the song, Adam starts in front of a giant open eyeball on the screen behind him. This is pretty tame for Adam, but the song is catchy, and I find myself dancing a little on the couch as I type. Good for him. We don’t have time to talk to him though apparently, so we’ll just hope people buy the album anyway.

After the break, we go through Phillip’s performances and critiques from last night, and then we promptly take another break. I’m sure Adam Lambert is back stage saying “How did we not have time to really plug the album? I could have performed twice!”

Now the Top 3 stand together awaiting their fates. The first person revealed in the Final 2 is… Jessica! Oh my. So it’s down to Joshua and Phillip, and I’m queasy. Pleeeeease let Phillip make it through. HE DOES!  Really? I sit and listen again... and Joshua, the season long front-runner and judges’ favorite, is eliminated tonight. Wow! He closes the show with “It’s a Man’s, Man’s, Man’s World” and the judges are all very emotional. Joshua ‘s mom joins him on stage, he holds nothing back during this exit, and I wish him well.

Next week we have the Season 11 finale. Will Phillip or Jessica take the title? We’ll find out soon!

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