As The Voice's Top 12 have now been chosen by America (with some help from the
coaches) all of them will square off again tonight. From this point forward,
only America’s votes count and the coaches save will be eliminated. In another
twist, we will not be eliminating one contestant per team anymore. From now on,
the contestant(s) going home can be from any team, and the final four standing
do not necessarily have to represent all four teams. I LOVE this. A coach who
builds the strongest team shouldn’t have to lose a contestant each week just
because all of the other teams lose one as well. If the final four are from the
same team, then that coach must be doing something right. Let’s see how the Top
12 tonight!
Contestant: Michaela Paige
Team: Blake
Song: “Blow Me (One Last Kiss)” by Pink
Yessssss. The thought of Michaela covering a Pink song makes me so
happy. But wait… where is Michaela’s hair? Why is it flat this evening? WHO
MADE THIS DECISION?!?! Ugh. Luckily, Michaela sounds awesome and she nails the
song. The sudden hair change though makes her much less recognizable though for
the people who have been following her on the show. Hopefully her performance
garners votes on its own.

Contestant: Dez Duron
Team: Xtina
Song: “Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You” by Lauryn Hill
During rehearsals, Xtina encourages Dez to “work the ladies.” I’m sure
he hadn’t thought of that – good strategy session. Dez makes this song a little
more jazzy than I am used to, but I do like the arrangement. He does indeed pay
a great deal of attention to the ladies, and his vocal is much better this week
than last week. I’m sure he will sail right on through to the next round.
Coaches Say: Cee-Lo thinks the performance was impeccable, and Dez has
a natural sexual appeal. Mmmm hmmm. Adam says Dez found an avenue through this
performance and he should settle into this style. Blake loves the song choice
and gives a girls squeal. Xtina might be blushing when she says she has gotten
to know Dez “on a personal level.” She says he has a true star quality about
Team: Xtina
Song: “Good Girl” by Carrie Underwood
I was not a huge fan of Xtina’s choice to save Adriana last week, and
I cringe a little when they say she will take on a Carrie song. However, this
performance is worlds better than the “Firework” mess she performed last week.
A lot of the “look at me, I’m sexy” moves seem very forced, but overall I think
this is a good performance. Still not convinced Xtina made the right “save”
with her though.
Coaches Say: Cee-Lo tells Adriana she looks beautiful and keeps
improving each week. Adam thinks singing a Carrie Underwood song is a tough choice, but
she did a good job. Blake is a big fan of Adriana and is happy she sang a
country song. Xtina notes that the songs Adriana chooses are very difficult to
sing live and hopes America votes for her.
Contestant: Cody Belew
Team: Cee-LoSong: “Simply the Best” by Tina Turner

Coaches Say: Adam says Cody is one of the most natural performers left
in the competition. Blake agrees, saying Cody owns the stage. Xtina would like
to see some more up tempo songs from Cody. Cee-Lo enjoys Cody as a friend and
comrade in the competition, and he appreciates how fabulous and free Cody is
(i.e. sequined suit and no socks).
Contestant: Amanda Brown
Team: AdamSong: “Spectrum” by Florence and the Machine
I’m not sure about these notes. At all. Maybe she should have just
eliminated the words “color” and “illuminates.” Those are the two big problems
here. I think it’s hard to have a week like she did last week where her
performance of “Dream On” was pretty much called flawless by the coaches. There
was really nowhere for her to go but down this week, and boy did she.
Coaches Say: Blake says there are many sounds to Amanda’s voice, and
he liked the performance. Xtina thinks Amanda is a talented singer, but she is
still trying to connect with who Amanda is an artist. Cee-Lo says the performance
was constricted and slightly flawed. Adam tells Amanda the performance wasn’t
perfect but she epitomizes everything the show is about.
Contestant: Bryan Keith
Team: AdamSong: “Back to Black” by Amy Winehouse
I love this song and have my fingers crossed for Bryan. He does have a
very old school Rat Pack feel about him, and I really enjoy this performance.
Judge me if you like…the Glee cover
will always be my favorite (miss you, Santana)… but Bryan should absolutely
stay in this competition.
Coaches Say: Blake thinks Bryan just took the lead for Team Adam.
Xtina agrees, saying Bryan is a “modern-day raspy Sinatra.” Cee-Lo tells Bryan
he did a great job. Adam says Bryan just had a breakout moment.
Contestant: Cassadee Pope
Team: BlakeSong: “Behind These Hazel Eyes” by Kelly Clarkson
First of all, this is my favorite KC music video ever. EVER. Just needed to
get that out there. Second, I want to hate this performance. I do. But I can’t. She plays the guitar, hits about 95% of the
notes, works the crowd, and just delivers. Damn it – she has my vote.
Coaches Say: Xtina says this is her favorite performance of Cassadee’s
so far. Agreed. Cee-Lo likes hot chicks with guitars. Adam loved seeing the
soulfulness of the performance. Blake says the reason this song works is
because Cassadee has no limits and no boundaries.
-------------------------------------------Team: Cee-Lo
Song: “When a Man Loves a Woman” by Percy Sledge
Good Lord, this guy can sing! Best. Song. Of. The. Night. Hands down. Take
that, Joshua Ledet.
Coaches Say: Standing ovation from everyone and rightfully so. Adam
tells Trevin he has a gift from God. Blake says Trevin didn’t leave anything
but blood and guts on the stage. Ha! Xtina thanks him for the performance and
wishes she was his coach. Cee-Lo believes that Trevin is an angel of some sort,
and I get a little teary. Good for Trevin.
Contestant: Melanie Martinez
Team: AdamSong: “Cough Syrup” by Young the Giant
I’m not too familiar with this song, but Melanie says she is inspired
by Cruella De Vil, so I am going to keep an open mind. I definitely prefer this
song to last week’s “Hit the Road, Jack.” I appreciate that she is unique and
all, but I think there are several “different” contestants left in the
competition who are much stronger performers and vocalists.
Coaches Say: Blake says he has never heard her project so much, and he
loves her sound. Xtina thinks this was Melanie’s most emotional performance and
conveyed a message. Adam tells Melanie she is special because she has something
that is all her own.
Contestant: Nicholas David
Team: Cee-LoSong: “The Power of Love” by Huey Lewis
Cee-Lo is looking for more star power from Nicholas, so clearly the
staircase flanked by a horns is the way to go? I’m not sure about his lower
register in this performance, but I thoroughly enjoy the rest of it. Is he a
superstar? Nope, but I really like the suit.
Coaches Say: Adam tells Nicholas he is strange and beautiful. Blake
says that he was trying to catch up with the song, but he can’t wait to see
what Nicholas does next. Cee-Lo calls him courageous and brave, and he is art
imitating life.
Contestant: Sylvia Yacoub
Team: XtinaSong: “My Heart Will Go On” by Celine Dion
Yes, I groaned when I heard the song choice. Couldn’t help it. Watching
Sylvia, who was one of my favorites last week, she does try to make the song
more soulful…or “Beyonce-ish” as Xtina had encouraged. She sounds great, and I’m
good with the performance, but last week was definitely better for Sylvia.
Coaches Say: Cee-Lo thinks it was great, and Adam says she did a good
job even though it was an ambitious choice. Xtina is proud of Sylvia and showed
a beautiful, rich tone to her voice.
Contestant: Terry McDermott
Team: BlakeSong: “More Than a Feeling” by Boston
I love Terry more and more with each performance. There is no reason he
shouldn’t make it all the way to the finals, if not win the wholllllle thing.
Yes, Trevin’s performance is still the best of the night for me, but Terry is a
freaking rock star.
Coaches Say: Cee-Lo says the performance was “damn good.” Adam can’t
even talk because he is so impressed. Blake congratulates Terry because he is
special and stays true to who he is.
So tomorrow we will lose two contestants as the Top 12 becomes the Top
10. We’ll see if the coaches’ saves – Michaela, Adriana, Cody and Melanie find
themselves safe during the results show or if America’s votes eliminate two of
last week’s favorites instead. Til then!
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