Act: Rihanna Paige Thomas
Team: Demi Song: “What is Love?” by Haddaway

Judges Say: Britney tells Paige she is “outrageous.” Heh. Remember
that song? Simon says Paige nailed it. Really? Demi is incredibly proud of Paige.
LA doesn’t love the song choice but says she handled herself with poise, and
she looks like a star. See, I think she looks like some combination of these two:
Act: Arin Ray
Team: BritneySong: “You Keep Me Hanging On” by The Supremes
Arin is all grown up now and he’s got himself some scantily clad
ladies dancing with him. I’m not sure I’m in love with his performance, but I
prefer it to Paige’s because I think Arin has to show some vocal ability. He’s
not a powerhouse, but he definitely has potential.
Judges Say: LA thought it was a creative song choice but didn’t think
the vocal was on par. Demi felt like Arin was a little stiff and wants to see
him dance better. Simon thinks Arin was “off” because he was distracted by all
of those dancers. Could be? Britney calls Arin a little genius. Awww.
Act: David Correy
Team: LASong: “Your Love Is My Love” by Whitney Houston
David is wearing his heart on his sleeve….well, just his outer jacket I
suppose, but see what he did there? Tying in his wardrobe to the song title?
Maybe he’s the real little genius. David does not have any back up dancers or
big production – he’s just wailing on the song, and I really like him.
Judges Say: Britney says she was completely surprised by his
performance (though her facial expression has yet to change this evening). She
says it was “amazing.” Demi wasn’t sure about the song choice, but she liked
the way David got the crowd going. I’m not sure what that means. Simon thought
the performance was manic and desperate. WHOA. And Paige’s extreme
costume/props/dancers/club lighting weren’t manic? LA says David “sounded
really good and look really well,” and now he owes grammar an apology.
Act: Sister C
Team: SimonSong: “Hell on Heels” by Pistol Annies
I Love that Simon is working with a Country girl group. They have a
good energy and their voices blend well together, but I am not "wowed" by them at all.
Judges Say: LA doesn’t say much of anything. Britney thought they were
stunning and gave a great performance. Demi uses the word “stiff” again, and I hope
she expands her vocabulary soon. Simon tells Sister C that they gave a
fantastic performance.
Act: Jennel Garcia
Team: DemiSong: “Home Sweet Home” by Motley Crue
Demi tells Jennel during the rehearsal package that she needs to step
it up to compete with Paige and CeCe. Translation? “I plan to get rid of you
before them.” Luckily for Jennel, she gives a great performance. She doesn’t
have the diva quality that Paige and CeCe do which may hurt her in the long
run, but she’s solid this evening.
Judges Say: LA gives her a 10 and tells her she could win. Let’s not
go crazy, buddy. Britney says Jennel rocked it out. Simon loves her but warns
her not to be a clone of Demi….who has the chills and wants to cry. I hope that means Jennel lives to see another week.
Act: Diamond White
Team: BritneySong: “Hey Soul Sister” by Train
Diamond has been completely Britney-fied. If Demi wanted to use the
word “stiff” though, here’s her chance. The kid looks like she has some nerves and is not very comfortable with the staging and movements.
I liked her during the audition rounds though...maybe she will end up with another chance.

Act: Vino
Team: LA
Song: “Gotta Be Somebody” by Nickelback
Vino already has my attention by the chain microphone stand that accompany
the chains on his pants. Unfortunately, I don’t like this song for him. Maybe I’m
missing something, but I thought Vino was more soulful and less head banger. I
can’t really hear him over the band, but I applaud the use of the pyrotechnics –
if no one can hear you sing anyway, might as well have shiny objects and fire
for the audience to look at.
Judges Say: Britney says she was a little bored. If you ask me, she’s
been a little bored all night. Demi is rooting for Vino, but she has a hard
time seeing him as a pop star. Simon thinks the song and the arrangement of the
song was wrong for him. Couldn’t agree more. Vino at this point looks like he
might punch someone, and as the hosts approach him to say “good job,” Khloe’s
shifts uncomfortably when Vino touches her the way I shift uncomfortably each
time she starts reading the teleprompter.
-----------------------------------------------------Act: Lyric 125
Team: Simon
Song: A mash up of “Boom! Shake the Room” and “Gangnam Style” …Wait, really?
Good God. Simon must just hate them, because this is one amazingly hot
mess. I have nothing more to say.
Judges Say: LA loves them as a group but says there was no soul in
their performance. Britney was genuinely entertained (huh?), and Demi had a lot
of fun watching the performance. WOW. Simon thought Lyric 145 was absolutely
sensational, and I am absolutely baffled.
Act: CeCe Fray
Team: DemiSong: “Because the Night” by 10,000 Maniacs
CeCe has gone platinum blond and has lost the leopard face, only one
of which I appreciate. Did she just sing “the way I feel when I’m with your
hand” instead of “the way I feel under your command?” Paging Natalie Merchant!
She gets it right the second time. Lyric flub and some breathy moments aside, I
really enjoy this. Take that, Paige.
Judges Say: LA thought the performance was really strong. Britney says
the vocals were a little weak at times, but she loves CeCe’s outfit. Simon
thinks CeCe is fearless and that she is someone who is needed in the
competition. Demi says CeCe could have done better, but she is definitely a pop
Act: Tate Stevens
Team: LASong: “Tough” by Craig Morgan
I like this guy. He is on point vocally, and he has a quiet confidence
about him that is just adorable. I’m a sucker for cowboys with dimples and
southern charm. Keep him!
Judges Say: Britney thinks Tate is amazing. Demi was a little bit bored
in the beginning (here come the “boo”s), but then she says he gave her the
chills. Simon says Tate is just a good, honest man, and we know exactly who he
will be as an artist. LA is very proud of Tate, and then he says a few jerkface
things about Simon.
Act: Beatrice Miller
Team: Britney Song: “I Won’t Give Up” by Jason Mraz
Beatrice is slightly eaten up by the dark stage, and the camera rarely
zooms in on her which is strange…I mean, I feel like she is her own car chase
and we are watching via helicopter. It’s a shame too, because someone clearly
worked hard to crimp this kid’s hair. Her vocals are okay – I actually really
like the tone of her voice, but she seems a bit nervous.
Judges Say: LA says he believes Beatrice and he loves her. Demi was
really impressed. Simon says the style of music Britney chose for her was
correct, but there were some tuning issues when she tried to push her voice.
Brit Brit thinks Beatrice is a true star.
Act: Jason Brock
Team: LASong: “Dance Again” by Jennifer Lopez
I just want to hug Jason Brock. One big squeeze. This performance is
over the top for sure (the audience has glow sticks for crying out loud), but I
adore Jason, and he has one hell of a voice. I don't think he is going to get the glowing reviews that he is probably expecting.
Judges Say: Britney wished he had picked a better song but thought it
was overall entertaining. Demi loved it because Jason made it his own. She also
mentions the song choice. Simon thought the performance was utterly horrendous.
But Lyric 145 was awesome, huh? LA tells Jason not to worry about Simon.
Act: 1432 (what’s with all the numbers?)
Team: SimonSong: “We Are Never Getting Back Together” by Taylor Swift
Best of the groups so far, which I know isn’t saying a lot, but I
absolutely HATE this song and yet I liked their performance. So there.
Judges Say: LA is a jerk. Have I mentioned that? Britney was pleasantly
surprised, but Demi says the group didn’t click. Simon says they are fantastic
but there is work to be done.
Act: Willie Jones
Team: DemiSong: “Here for the Party” by Gretchen Wilson
What. The. Hell. I’m clearly missing the appeal of this guy, and I am not a fan of this performance at all. Demi’s team could be the strongest in the competition sans Willie. I hope she makes the right choice this week.
Judges Say: LA congratulates Willie on an entertaining performance. Oh
hell. Britney says Willie is a true star. WHAT?!?! Simon says the performance
was silly. Thannnnnk you. Demi is proud of Willie and pissed at Simon.
Act: Carly Rose Sonenclar
Team: BritneySong: “Something's Got A Hold On Me” by Etta James
I’ve been rooting for this girl since the auditions. Britney sends
Carly back to the 90s in a “Hit Me Baby One More Time” spoof in terms of
staging, and I don’t understand why because Carly has and amaaaaaazing voice,
kills the song, and doesn’t need all of that other stuff. I think she will
stick around regardless.
Judges Say: LA loves Carly’s voice but wishes she had more fun. Demi
says Carly has one of the best voices in the competition and also says she
needs to have fun. Sigh. Simon says Carly looked a little uncomfortable with
the song. Britney is once again very proud.
Act: Emblem3
Team: SimonSong: “One Day” by Matisyahu
Suddenly I forget about 1432…or 1234…or 8675309 or whoever. I did not expect much
from this group, but this is actually a really good rendition of the song.
Nicely done.
Judges Say: LA loved it. Britney says they are adorable, and Demi is
swoooooning. Simon thinks the group works very hard and they are on their way
to stardom.
Annnnd now my Tivo cuts off, but it’s okay because I am going to have
to get into the habit of fast forwarding through the hosts’ comments in order
to continue blogging this show.
Tomorrow we’ll see the Top 16 become the Top 12 as the judges make the
eliminations. Til then!
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