Act: Tate Stevens
Team: LA
Song: “I’m Already There” by Lonestar
Team: LA
Song: “I’m Already There” by Lonestar
Tate is thankful for his father, and as he sings, I think we are all a
little thankful for Tate’s father. I just want to give Tate a big ol hug every time he sings. I wish someone would put a stop to the out
of control swaying arms in the audience (this isn’t “Hip Hop Hooray,” kids)…otherwise,
I greatly enjoy the performance.
Judges Say: Britney says Tate’s
performances are always so special and touching. Demi says this wasn’t Tate’s
best performance, “but it’s still incredible.” How’s that? All of his other
performances were divine and this one is just incredible? Simon loved the song,
loved the story behind it, but he notes that Tate’s voice was shaky. LA says
Tate sings with a lot of confidence and America will keep him at the top.
Act: Diamond White
Team: Britney
Song: “Because You Loved Me” by Celine Dion
Team: Britney
Song: “Because You Loved Me” by Celine Dion

Judges Say: LA says Diamond
has had a lot of moments on the show, but she has never had a moment like that. Demi cries because she is thinking about her
own family. She tells Diamond she is blown away. Simon says Diamond is both
fearless and incredible, and he believed every word of her performance. Britney
tells her the whole thing was beautiful.
Act: Emblem3
Team: Simon
Song: “Secrets” by OneRepublic
Team: Simon
Song: “Secrets” by OneRepublic
The boys are dedicating their song to their youth leaders, who helped
them become the talented young men they are today. I cringe when the song
starts only because I can’t stand Ryan Tedder and obviously all OneRepublic
covers make me think of him. This is an okay rendition, but having a boy band
follow Diamond was going to be tough. Let’s hope all those shrieking teenage
girls pick up their phones tonight.
Judges Say: LA hates Simon,
so he didn’t like their performance. Britney thinks this was a nice change of
pace from all of their other performances. Demi agrees with Britney, and Simon
calls LA a Grinch. Ha!
Act: Arin Ray
Team: Britney
Song: “Hero” by Enrique Iglesias
Team: Britney
Song: “Hero” by Enrique Iglesias
Arin’s older brother is his hero, and I’m sure he greatly appreciates
this dedication. That being said, Arin looks like a deer caught in the
headlights through most of the performance. This is definitely better than his version
of “Crazy for You,” but I’m not sure that he’s an artist who will ever be known
for power ballads.
Judges Say: LA liked the
song choice but says it was too big for Arin. Demi doesn’t think Arin brought his "A"
game. Simon asks Arin (who is starting to give some attitude) what isn’t working
for him. Arin responds “I gotta be me. I wanna be me onstage.” Britney thought
the performance was really good. Khloe decides to destroy all of my remaining
brain cells and asks Arin “What is you?” Arin apparently wants to dance. He's at the bottom of my list now.
Act: CeCe Frey
Team: Demi
Song: “Wind Beneath My Wings” by Bette Midler
Team: Demi
Song: “Wind Beneath My Wings” by Bette Midler

Judges Say: LA praises CeCe’s
emotion, saying the performance was real. Britney says it’s hard to critique
someone when they are pouring their heart out like that, but she thought it was
amazing. Simon tells CeCe she is a tryer and he admires her for that. Demi
is crying and tells her she is awesome.
Act: Fifth Harmony
Team: Simon
Song: “I’ll Stand by You” by The Pretenders
Team: Simon
Song: “I’ll Stand by You” by The Pretenders
Fifth Harmony is giving it up to God this evening as all of them are
very strong in their faith and believe He has put them all together. As always,
their voices sound beautiful together (except for when the choir kicks in, and
then I can’t hear them at all). It’s a pleasant performance, but the theme of
the night is gut-wrenching sorrow, right?
Judges Say: LA says the
performance was great. Britney thinks it was a beautiful rendition of the song.
Demi loves watching the girls together but wasn’t crazy about the song choice.
Simon, on the other hand, was crazy about the song choice and says they have
clicked as a voice.
Act: Beatrice Miller
Team: Britney
Song: “Chasing Cars” by Snow Patrol
Team: Britney
Song: “Chasing Cars” by Snow Patrol
little sisters are Vietnamese twins who were adopted when they were premature
and fighting for life. She gives thanks for them and their strength, and man I
am just so impressed by the kids on this show. Honestly, this might be the best
performance Beatrice has had since the live shows started. Her emotions start
to get her at the end of the performance, but it’s lovely. Nicely done.
Judges Say: LA says
Beatrice is an inspiration to all of the other little girls like her in the
country. Demi thinks Beatrice is adorable but wonders if she is progressing
each week. Booooooooo. Demi, Jennel called - she was wondering when you were
going to let her do something different? Simon disagrees, saying the song
really meant something to Beatrice. Brit Brit says this was her best vocal
performance so far. Agreed.
Act: Vino Alan
Team: LA
Song: “God Bless the USA” by Lee Greenwood (should I just cry now?)
Team: LA
Song: “God Bless the USA” by Lee Greenwood (should I just cry now?)
Vino is thankful for the entire U.S. Military tonight, noting that he’s
had family members that have served and he himself performs shows for the
troops whenever he can. I greatly appreciate what Vino is doing here – it’s really
very touching. I initially worried that this song choice could prove to be cheesy,
but he actually delivers a pretty subtle performance all things considered. This
is another “moment” Vino can be proud of on this show.
Judges Say: Standing
O! Britney says this is the first
performance for Vino that has been “spot on.” Demi still doesn’t like Vino, but
she acknowledges that there is something special in him Simon loved that he
was sincere and predicts that Vino might be number 1 tomorrow. LA is very proud
of Vino, saying he is “the truth.”
Act: Paige Thomas
Team: Demi
Song: “Everytime” by Britney Spears
Team: Demi
Song: “Everytime” by Britney Spears
Paige is giving thanks for Colleen, who took Paige in after her mother
was killed in a car accident. She has played a maternal role for both Paige and
Paige’s daughter throughout this process. Taking on a Britney song is risky,
and Paige is crying before it even begins. Like CeCe’s performance, there are
some really pretty moments, but once she says “this song is my sorry,” it all
goes downhill after that.
Judges Say: Britney thinks
Paige performed the song beautifully. LA is a jerk. Simon says her emotions got
the best of her. Demi acknowledges the pitch problems but is proud of Paige for
pouring her heart and soul onto the stage.
Act: Carly Rose Sonenclar
Team: Britney
Song: “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” by Judy Garland
Team: Britney
Song: “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” by Judy Garland

Judges Say: LA says she
only needed one big note but she pulled out two. Demi doesn’t believe Carly
Rose is only 13 and says she has a long career ahead of her. Simon tells her he
has heard that song a lot of times….but this was one of the best versions of
it. Britney agrees with everything the
other judges say.
After America’s votes, two more acts will be sent
packing in this week’s results show. Will Brit Brit finally have to say goodbye
to one of her teens? In my mind, Arin showed too much attitude this evening
which could hurt him for sure. I’m also not sure that either of the group
performances were super strong. Will Simon’s acts remain, or will he end up
knocked out of the competition early the way Paula did last year? We’ll find
out during the elimination nail biter. Til then!
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