Three contestants remain from Team Xtina and Team Blake. America’s votes will save one from each team, and the coaches each get to save a contestant as well. If my mediocre math skills are on point, this means two people will be leaving us this evening. No one in the audience seems to care too much because tonight is also the premiere of Justin Bieber’s new video. Clearly I am in the minority on this one, because I know I will fast forward completely through the premiere. On to the show!
Nope. Not on to the show. The Wanted performs “Chasing The Sun” now, and Blake looks like he needs a beer or twelve. Watching these guys really makes me miss NSYNC and the days when boy bands also participated in the choreography rather than just doing repetitive fist pumps.
Results! Team Xtina is up first and Carson asks the coaches to weigh in on Xtina’s decision to eliminate Jesse last night. Uh-oh. Someone’s trying to pick a fight. Adam won’t judge Xtina’s but had Jesse been on Adam’s team, he would have kept him around. Cee-Lo does not understand the decision either, but he also won’t judge. Xtina is antsy now and wants to defend herself….I mean, talk about the controversy. She believes she stayed true to herself and went with her heart. Well, that was an extreme waste of time. ANYWAY, Chris is safe, leaving Ashley and Lindsey to sing for their lives.
Team Blake takes center stage, and apparently there was no controversy when Blake sent Jordis home last night, because we glance right over that. Jermaine is safe, and Erin and RaeLynn will sing for their lives. Does it matter? Blake loves RaeLynn because she reminds him of a young Miranda, so I don’t think Erin has a chance here.
Ashley sings first, and she chooses Lady Gaga’s “You and I.” Isn’t she in high school? I guess that doesn’t matter? She’s short of breath a few times, and because she’s 17 I’m not sold on this song at all. Adam does not think this was her best song either, but he hopes she stays around. Blake essentially says Ashley is better than Lindsay without hearing Lindsey’s “save me” song. I agree, but can Lindsey hear all of this back stage? That’s not awkward at all.
Lindsey sings “Please Don’t Go” from the audience. She makes her way to the stage going into the chorus. I’m not sure what it is about her, but I’m just not a fan. She just tries too hard to be different…and then bursts into tears at the end of the song. Xtina cries as well, and those better be “too bad I have to eliminate you” tears. Cee-Lo wishes Lindsey luck, and Blake says Lindsey is mysterious, but he thinks Ashley is better. Lindsey fights hard to hold it together.
Just when I think we are about to go to commercial, Justin Bieber arrives and gives us a world premiere…of a clip…of his new video. A clip? I don’t even need to fast forward – it’s over before I can grab the remote.
Results! Xtina cries again because she has a special connection with both Ashley and Lindsey. She goes with her heart and she inexplicably saves Lindsey. Ridiculous. Lindsey will not win this competition.
Erin takes the stage now to sing “Proud Mary.” She has sass and confidence tonight, belting the hell out of this song, and I just adore her. Xtina loves her spirit and energy. And that’s it for Erin.
RaeLynn sing’s The Band Perry’s “If I Die Young,” and she does a pretty decent job, though I think her twang is sometimes forced. Maybe she should sing more ballads if she makes it through. Adam wishes she had picked a different song because she has so much personality.
Results! Maybe since Xtina did the exact opposite of what I thought she would do, Blake will do the same and save Erin. OH MY GOD! HE DOES! Fantastic. Okay, Blake – I won’t fight you anymore.
Next week Team Adam and Team Cee-Lo will go through this process to get us to the semifinals. Until then!
So there are many of you who loyally watch these shows and, like me, make continual comments to the television whether anyone else is in the room or not. Alternately, there are many of you who do not have the time to keep up with reality TV – there are too many shows, your tivos runneth over, you have kids and can’t remember what it’s like to watch anything beyond Dora the Explorer (you know who you are) – but you also want to be “in the know.” That’s fine. Let me help you understand.
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